» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review:, Hope4Heroes Inc, Victor Luebker, Vic Luebker, Hope4Heroes -, Hope4Heroes Inc, Victor Luebker, Vic Luebker, Hope4Heroes, Vic Luebker DEFRAUD American Indian Mann Howell from Gila River Tribe in Arizona for $3500. #447140

Complaint / Review, Hope4Heroes Inc, Victor Luebker, Vic Luebker, Hope4Heroes, Hope4Heroes Inc, Victor Luebker, Vic Luebker, Hope4Heroes, Vic Luebker "DEFRAUD" American Indian Mann Howell from Gila River Tribe in Arizona for $3500

Victor Luebker / defrauded me, Mann *, into spending my money on setting up an office in Arizona just to help his Hope4Heroes corporation. NOT filed 501 (c) 3 Non-profit organziation which he mislead me about.

I, Mann *, am not with, part of or have I ever claimed to be Hope4heroes.

Due to Vic Luebker's signing a contract and swearing Hope4Heroes was "Valid, Current and Viable 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization legally able in providing Tax-Deductible Donations / Contributions"
I was taken by his story of how other people promised to help him and never came through. SO, I spend over $3,500 to help this guy out.

And when it came time to pay JUST $70 which would have paid payroll to TWO Veterans, he "STIFFS" these guys here in Arizona.

RIPOFF amounts:
- $3,500 out of my pockets
- and $70 that would have paid 2 vets who just started working on raising Funds for Hope4Heroes

I later find out that he was NOT a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization on Feb 27 when he swore before a Notary he was. And NOT registered and Bonded in the State of Texas.

For more in depth details, how on this whole situation happened (or really how I fell victim to Victor Luebker's Fraud) read on.

Detailed Explaination of how Victor Luebker got over on me:

It will serve you best if you read Report Report # 439101 from Mr. Willis in Florida and the response Victor Luebker gave on April 3.

My name is Mann Howell, I am a singular entity that was born in Arizona, a tribal member of the Gila River Indian Tribe located in Arizona. I am an Artist, an American Indian 2 dimensional Artist.

I am not made of money, like many artist out there.

Though, after several events in my life in 2008 I wanted to do something in 2009 to make a difference and help. Which hopefully, life and events will show me that this experience that took place concerning / Hope4heroes, Inc. / VictorLuebker is just an isolated event.

HOW VICTOR LUEBKER sought me out as a Victim:
In the beginning of January I placed an AD on-line to seek out specifically a 501[c]3 Non-Profit Organization that I could help Raise Money for.

I understood and knew that I would incur much cost in setting up and starting such a venture. Though, with the economy being slow and help needed with many organizations [that are actual 501c3] I WANTED TO HELP.

From the 4 ads I placed, I received over a 100 responses for the much needed and prematurely expressed appreciation for help / effort I could give.

I received responses from all types of 501c3 Non-profit Organizations from animals to children to organ donors to cancer Organization needing the assistance.

Heart wrenching there is ONLY one of me and from here I had to choose one.

The One Organization I would select, as I stated in my ads, I would select to team up with to generate funds for in 2009 if not longer.

Out of all the responses, Hope4Heroes stuck out to me just because I believe, as most of you do, our Country is truly the country of Freedom, Hope and Strength. Nowhere else can one achieve in what one believes and beyond.

And it just made sense, I felt strongly, for those who serve and have served our country protecting, serving and above else sacrificing, are owed everything we can give back.

This is why I without a doubt selected this organization after reading over the website for And after reading over Victor Luebker's Bio he placed online I would not ever think I would have to ever doubt an individual as NOW have due to good reason. Nor did I ever think I would be in the position right now having to write this letter and explaining to everyone I know, what happened to me.

Victor Luebker contacted me via email twice before I ever responded back. I had so many responses it took me days to keep up.

I talked to him on the phone several times he was giving me a sob story one after another about how he had ripoff by other people who promise to help.
SO, I feel for it.

Victor Luebker PURSUED ME for Fund-Raising %

So I am unclear what Victor Luebker is trying to say, Now he lying trying to make up stories and slander me:

' Mann * [I am] is a so called firm that contracted with Hope4heroesit's our opinion they are a Craigslist hit crew'

Someone please explain to me what is a Hit Crew on Craigslist?
Victor Luebker Spoke to me on the phone well over a month before swearing before a Notary and HE signed the contract we BOTH agreed on. Keep in Mind, HE Pursued me to do "Fund-Raising for his Organization".

I am NOT a crew. I am a singular woman [actually single] and INDIAN and an Artist in Arizona. Victor Luebker clearly knew this. SO, I beleive this is why he thought he could get over on me and take advantage of my time and money.

I find out later Victor Luebker is NOT a:
501 [c] [3] Non-Profit Organization that held its status as Valid, Current and Viable for providing Tax-Deductible Donations / Contributions

I find this out ONLY AFTER I started the application process for my surety bond in Arizona that I would need to conduct business here:

WHAT ELSE DID I FIND / Hope4Heroes, Inc. / Victor Luebker was NOT compliant with the law regarding Veterans Organization in Texas

The laws can be found at:

I WAS SHOCKED AT FIRST. Okay, fine Victor Luebker is getting started. I was really trying to rationalize why someone would mislead LIE to me about their being a "Valid, legitimate and compliant 501 (c) 3 Non-profit Organization"

Victor Luebker knew I was going to spend money and time on his organization just because he said he was totally legitimate.

I was EVEN willing to give Vitor Luebker the benefit of the doubt.

I just figured Victor Luebker was really unorganized. So after NOT receiving the initially funding due of ONLY $70 which he knew was going to help PAY the hourly rate of TWO Vets hired here in Arizona just to Raise Money for Hope4Heroes. I finally figured out after 2 weeks of all these excuses of why he didn't send the money, he just STIFFED these guys.
I then PAID the money out of my own pocket to these guys and told them there is no job anymore and what had happened.

STILL, I was even willing to compromise
I sent Victor Luebker an e-mail stating Did not receive wire Let's hold off on Fund-Raising until you get organized.

I then reiterated, in this same email:
I had people here in Tucson I have literally made commitments to either jobs [2 vets which I just started for a total 8 hours], other jobs, spoke with the transitional housing here in Tucson and there were people here in Tucson who wanted to donate clothes, time & just help in general and people who wanted to donate money directly.

Since they Hope4Heroes did not have a Brick and Mortar location.%

From the beginning, back in January I expressed to Victor Luebker I was willing to take money out of my own pocket to lease double the amount of commercial / retail space to provide a Chapter of Hope4Heroes a brick and mortar location for assisting Vets and the families anyway I can.

I even spoke of the layout, how I would provide a business center with free telephone use, internet, mail and message taking. A meeting center for vets and family members to meet connect. And was willing to set-up two private offices in side to fill with services from qualified individuals to occupy to accommodate any services we see that is called for.

Here in Tucson, we already had been speaking to one of the psychologist from the VA here in Tucson we were finding that transportation was a big issue. Of course, JOBS is number one. So we were already figuring ways to generate local monies to help with this local need.

Victor Luebker shocking response
On March 20 I summed up the above put it in an e-mail.
Just as reminder, remember I tolsd Victor Luebker (NOT paying attention to me) I JUST HIRED 2 VETS, he landblast me in this same e-mail:

The portions below in quotes are from Victor Luebker which when I read this I figured he must be drunk or on medication?

[Besides, he admits below he owes the first amount of $70 to pay Vets though never sent it. AND LITERALLY NEVER SENT IT.]

VICTOR Luebker says:
My time is money also with a very large organization and meetings with Congess for example I do daily. I'll send it by mule if it stops the bitching over $70 and little to no results from your guy.

VICTOR Luebker says:
I have to ask given the lack of results for a week of work why you would also? Fire them and get a better person

VICTOR Luebker says:
See above, get people to get results. $70 from the little effort they gave you won't help if they do $100 a week.

VICTOR Luebker says:
Think I've made my point on this topic. People get results, get a $5000 a week producer on board. Further, keep 100% of the funds on your end... You read that right. You just send us 35% and if your late a week I'm fine with that. Pissing and moaning... Pisses me off.

I am more than happy to provide the full email content

Later this evening about 30 minutes later he sends an email saying I SHOULD be Thanking him.

What exactly am I supposed to thank him about or for?

What that he allowed me to waste my time and spend MY hard-earned money on this scam he pulled on me and a couple of Vets in Tucson?

I do not collect any type of benefits, I am not a student NOR am I receiving government checks or welfare for kids that are disabled. The money I have I WORK FOR. This money is now gone.

I sent him contributors information along with ALL the money
He did not mind taking the money of the contributors. And we actually have been speaking with them since. No one has received a Tax-deductible Receipt or even a Thanks for Giving Victor Luebker their money.

Like I said this is not about MY money. THESE contributors WERE told Hope4Heroes was a 501 [c]3 Non-Profit Organization and we find Victor Luebker was LYING to me, this is totally untrue.

How the investigation Started %

I HAD ALL MY PAPER WORK sitting here and the local agent I was going through to set-up my surety bond in Arizona made me aware the real issue of my liability dealing with Hope4Heroes.

My Bond is my word? Literally, if I decide to do business with Victor Luebker and he does not help Vets. MY BOND, MY MONEY would take the hit. Next, the investigation

Victor Luebker / Hope4Heroes, Inc is NOT:

1.) RECOGNIZED as a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization / Tax-Exempt organization

(Victor Luebker swore to before a Notary when he signed the contract on February 27)

CALL The IRS Tax-Exempt Hotline:

2.) is not Tax-exempt in Texas

CALL The Secretary of the State of Texas:

3.) NOT in possession / named on / holder of a Surety Bond as required by the secretary of state in order to accept CONTRIBUTIONS by solicitation.
CALL The Secretary of the State of Texas:

(No Bond - Call this number they are not even registered)

4.) Contact with the VA in here in Tucson???

Who is Victor Luebker talking to at the VA here in Tucson?

On April 3 who was Victor Luebker dealing with at the VA in Tucson that said NO RECORD OF THEM Who???

I am sorry. Victor Luebker needs to STOP LYING and making up stories. We have contacts at the VA here in Tucson. I am NOT a veterans organization. I am an Indian Artist.

Steve Fikes said Hope4Heroes doesn't deal with VA in San Antonio. So I am confused, Hope4Heroes deals with the VA or does not, what is it?

Or at least get your story straight with your board members. Steve Fikes did not even know Victor Luebker signed a contract to Fund-Raise paying out 65% of the gross donation amount.

ONE can only assume, IF Victor Luebker cannot be honest / forthright with his own board members and those who would financially back a Fund-Raising Operations and Helping" his organization

WHY, would anyone believe he is honest with the Vets he supposedly helps now.

If Victor Luebker filed and was approved and recognized for his 501[c]3 status with the IRS, he legally would be obligated to share with the public what he does with ALL the money he receives through Hope4Heroes. SO, we can only guess this is the reason WHY he will NOT publicly open his books to all of us to see.

I wasted my time and money which could have been spent on a legitimate 501[c]3 Non-Profit Organization that actually was concerned with helping people.

The last contact I had with Hope4Heroes, Victor Luebker was emailing me so much so I HAD TO send a CEASE and DESIST letter to leave me alone stop contacting me.

Victor Luebker did NOT fire me what a joke
Even after I sent Victor Luebker a CEASE and DESIST he continued to email.

One of the last emails he was trying to OFFER me more money / higher percentage to do Fund-Raising for Hope4Heroes

This guy is crazy

Then last resort, he wanted me to launder the whole gross amount of contributions coming in and have them go directly into my bank account and then just send him over a small portion.

This guy is crazyyeah, I am sure the IRS advises this. Like how stupid does this guy think I am? Money Laundering.

What ever happened to helping the veterans???

The last email stating he would back me on any volunteer work I do.

Oh, Thanks Victor Luebker for giving me permission to do volunteer work'

I am just glad I put a STOP to this immediately once I was notified AFTER INVESTIGATING that Victor Luebker was getting over on me.

And I know because Victor Luebker probably seen me as an easy mark:

- a woman

- an Indian from Arizona

- an Artist

I am assuming this is why he thought it would be easy to get over on me. Or maybe which is most likely he does this with everyone he deals with at some point.

Though, this is NOT about money!!!

By the way, I have family members and friends who are active and retired military. Plus, those that served and have served as police and fire
We are all wondering what Branch of the military Victor Luebker served in along with all the board members of Hope4Heores?

Oh, yeah i almost forgot,

You can't make someone a Chapter of your 501[c]3 Non-profit Organization UNLESS YOU HAVE a 501 [c]3 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION to make them a Chapter of.

Victor Luebker is now telling people I was trying to "Steal Documents"
UMMMMMM... Sounds like "slander" to me.

What possible reason would I be doing anything with this organization other than to TO HELP PEOPLE???

Victor Luebker has NOT been in business of helping people or in business in general half as long as I HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS AS AN ARTIST.

Please, name what part of Victor Luebker's scam would help legitimize my ART???

Hopefully, others will beware before spending time or money with this guy.

I have people that know me through my art that have been asking how they could contribute. This is WHY, I had to post, I am NO LONGER affiliated with, on my Website

I had people calling me and even my mother wanted to donate.

Thank God, my Mother did not give money to this foolish scammer.

And it really seems kind of stupid on Victor Luebkers part to tell the public they refused to let me become a Chapter.

He knows I was the one that paid out money out of my pocket to HELP get this going to HELP PEOPLE.

ONE QUESTION people can ask themselves:

If you have an Artist, not a telemarketing firm [Victor Luebker is delusional] and American Indian Artist from Arizona that is taking money out of her own pocket to help vets WHY would you fire them?

This is more of Victor Luebker's scamHe cannot name
He is "Slandering me more by" telling people I am going to hit on the next unsuspecting charity.

Hey victor luebker, you burnt meit will be a long time before i do anything with charities / non-profits again.

THANKS FOR RUINING ITthis is exactly WHY people are skeptical about Charities. Thanks to Scams like this.

I will be looking for when Victor Luebker will be in Tucson soon.

Where??? Where will this guy be speaking to Vets here in Tucson??? Please, tell us. Lots of people here would like to know.

For my personal interest, I can have a process server Serve him...
What "Slander" and "defrauding" mean? UMMMMMMMMMMM

I look forward to that day.

Mann *
TUCSON, Arizona


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