» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review:, Top Savings, The Processing Center, Top Marketing Co., Top Marketing Company - Low interest credit card scam, employee ripoff too, misinformation to end-user mesa, arizona. #282296

Complaint / Review, Top Savings, The Processing Center, Top Marketing Co., Top Marketing Company
Low interest credit card scam, employee ripoff too, misinformation to end-user mesa, arizona

Well, I worked there and got ripped off for fifty dollars on my one and only pay-check. The owner decided he was going to charge anyone who needed questions answered by a supervisor $25.00 per assistance. Yes, you read that right. And I tape recorded that meeting for training and memorandum for record purposes (legal in Arizona, a "one party to the action" state). You'll love it. Write rip-off for a copy of that one. Whew. Each worker pays this guy $499.00 per order that we place for him to provide his service. Now we got that money from our hard-working client and we pay the owner their money to: provide us with seats, desks, bathrooms, and to do some basic work for our clients, namely: fax their info to the verifying company, and later, send our new client a paper packet for them to complete. That's about, I'd say, Honestly, 20 minutes of processing. That was too much for this guy. Now he wants us to pay him $25.00 more if he has to actually do anything. I quit him immediately after his demand. I mean within 3 minutes. I flat out fired the boy. I tried to contact the clients to whom I'd provided our services to, to explain they might not get anything approaching their expectations (once I had begun to put all the pieces together of what was going on here). All my sales data had been removed from the system. All sales records gone.

This scam is to shock you into believing that you are being contacted by someone of legitimacy regarding your credit status. You are then disarmed with reassurances that he/she didn't mean to sound that way, there really is nothing wrong with your credit at all, in fact you are such a good risk, they have already approved you for 7.9%. It is only in the verification process, where you are called back at your home by a separate company, that it is mentioned that their guarantee is that you will be accepted by 3 banks. Where is your 7.9 percent gaurantee on THAT TAPE? If I screamed at you "GAURANTEED" then whispered so fast you couldn't even distinguish it "as low as", you would call that dishonest, but a lawyer doesn't. The "as low as" 7.9 is a legal smoke screen. Somewhere, in the past, someone, somewhere. Received some card. For some thing. For 7.9%. The owner makes a show of saying now and then that is "as low as", but he listens to people make their sales all day long, and they don't say "as low as", else they wouldn't make sales. Then those sales persons who insist on saying "this is not a gaurantee of 7.9%" trade their pay-check for a clear conscience, the consumer doesn't want to throw money away, which is what this scam really is - a total waste of consumer's money, and it's dishonest. If the top savings called you and said "we offer you a credit card application for 500 dollars and guarantee someone will accept you or we will give you back your 500 dollars", you'd say, "what's the point"?"I can do that myself just fine and it won't cost a penny, and I won't tie up tie up and/or probably lose 500.00 for nothing". That's what this is folks. A flat out straight up scam and what one of you need to do is sue this sheister owner. LLC should not absolve from mal intent.

Topsavings - they outright tell you that they are going to save you five hundred dollars for every thousand that you owe. That is impossible, even by their own interest calculator at their site. They can't keep employees. They can't grow. They obviously can't figure out why. This company used to be part of Premier Nationwide, another credit card scamster, then joined up with. Folks, you are being told you will get a card, that you've been approved. You are not getting a card, and you have not been approved. You are paying five hundred dollars for one dollar worth of papers to fill out and mail in. You can do that on the internet for free. Just try any search engine and punch in low interest credit card consolidation, and you'll have companies competing for YOUR business, and at NO CHARGE! is a credit card merchant who really should have their own merchant account taken away by the Visa Corporation. This is a Big rip-off here. They call into your home reading a script that says Hello, this is "NAME, from the processing center calling about your credit card accounts". They only record the verification part of the sale, the call back you get from the verifying company, which is verified by a third party who has no idea of the false promises you've been made by sales staff, and Visa knows that's happening but closes their eyes to these types of companies because Visa makes money on every dollar these companies transact; so don't put all that much "guarantee" into Visa's "guarantee". How could Visa not know when all they ever review is the only recorded portion of the process, the CHARGES TO YOUR CARD Portion of the Process? THAT'S all they record. Visa doesn't protect you from rip-off unless someone stole your card, THEN ONLY IF YOU KNEW IT WAS STOLEN AND REPORTED IT IMMEDIATELY, in which case, the card would be immediately inactivated anyway so Visa's out Zero. That's about all they do. "Fraud Protection" is for a thief who frauds you by stealing your card or data. If Visa's got you on tape giving your numbers out voluntarily, then, simply put, that's tough crap for you, you're not getting a refund for your purchase as long as it can be shown that it was delivered. Especially when the verifier reads you an attorney approved script designed to eliminate charge-backs. The seller is going to GET THEIRS, and Visa's gonna GET THEIRS, and your family can just LUMP IT. Remember, these are Banks. Companies that print money from trees, make ten dollars more available to the public in digital loans for every dollar you deposit (make money up out of thin air) then enslave you to them through law they lobbied into existence. Don't expect you're "money" back. That is a marketing tool, to help Visa, not to help YOU. It's marketing, so how can you blame them? Sorry to be the one to break it to you. Business is a selfish endeavor and Visa will act on its own behalf.

I'll tell you this in a nutshell: A company dumb enough to rip the public for 500 dollars at a crack, it's employees for piddly 50.00 bills, in the face of losing even ONE 500.00 nearly pure profit sale, is an idiot company. Until one of you sues this company, this is just going to continue. Not one sales call we made while I was there was within Arizona. If you can't sell to your neighbor, it's because you don't want him knockin' on your door. A company that makes the claims this company makes, is an idiot owned company, and a company owner that calls his window washers dumbasses to their faces should know he could well be making them into window-breakers some day, for example. The whole company presentation and mindset is just waiting for trouble and so as a consumer your chances of a refund are just about nill in the future, so don't start something where no one is going to be around to finish it.


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