» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Capital Credit Alliance CCA - Fraudulent Offer of Credit and Related Charges ripoff. #148271

Complaint / Review
Capital Credit Alliance CCA
Fraudulent Offer of Credit and Related Charges ripoff

My experience is similar to all others appearing on this website.

I realize the "if it seems to good to be true it probably is" axiom is true, and did not agree to the CCA "membership" without considering this fact, but as others have iterated, the "script" used by the telemarketers who make the initial contact, and the customer service people you reach afterwards could confuse many usually logical people. The assurance that there will be a 30 day review period is such a key point in the sales pitch, that I felt I could use the 30 days to determine whether or not this was a scam. I do all my bill paying and banking online, and have shopped online for years, so it didn't bother me to provide the banking information - though in retrospect, it should have been more of a red flag.

I don't recall the exact date of the call, but I do know that the $199 initial fee was debited from my account on 10/28. This was 4 days after the area where I live was hit directly by Hurricane Wilma.ccA says they sent my "Welcome Package" with the catalogs on November 4th. I did receive the bogus credits cards in the mail, but several weeks later had still not received the package. When I contacted customer service, I was bounced around to 2 different departments and run through the identifying script each time.

I finally got the person to stop spewing my information back to me long enough to hear that I was reporting that I had never received ANYTHING from them since the cards - no package, no catalogs, nothing. After roughly 30 minutes on the phone, they agreed to re-send catalogs, and after further insistence from me and request to speak with a supervisor, re-set the expiration date of my trial period, though they set the date to 30 days from the date I requested the package be re-sent. If I'm supposed to have 30 days to review, how can my review period BEGIN on the same day the package supposedly goes in the mail?

After dealing with hurricane damage, being ill & displaced by same, temporarily living in a motel, and moving, I FINALLY received the catalogs on December 15th, and honestly was not able to thoroughly review that day, because that week and the following, I was tied up with a critical project at work and put in 80 hrs each week. I was not overly concerned, because I rationalized that I had 30 days, and could call to confirm this when I knew I had 30 minutes to spare to deal with their customer service nightmare. Then came Christmas, a death in the family and I figured I still had 2 weeks at least.

Today is December 30th. I have had the catalogs for 14 days, and when I called today to let them know I don't want the catalogs, anything in them, or anything further to do with their company, I was told that my trial period expired 3 days ago. I attempted in vain to explain first to the customer service person, then to the "supervisor" that I had only received the catalogs 14 days prior, yet she kept insisting that if I had called them sooner (though not specific as to exactly when), I might have been able to cancel. I suppose no matter what day I had called it would not have been "sooner" enough to justify a refund of my $199 in their opinion.

As further insult, she actually offered me an additional $200 coupon (I already have 2 from the package) to offset the $199 I had been charged! I reminded her that the coupon wasn't worth the paper on which it was printed and that I was insulted by the suggestion. If I'm not satisfied with the company or any of the hidden issues associated with this scam, why in the world would I accept another worthless piece of paper as compensation for being defrauded?

My concern is for the additional charges they now plan to debit from my account literally within the next couple of days. The Supervisor (Elizabeth - Employee ID#2170) stated with complete confidence that the charges had already been processed, yet at the time I write this Report, no pending debit has been received by my bank.

I asked to speak with the Supervisor's Supervisor, but I was told that she doesn't take incoming calls. I did get her name (Vernetta - Employee ID#7299), and assured Elizabeth that I would be following up in writing to the company, the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau, my bank, and any other governing agency which might be able to stop them from stealing more of my hard-earned money or that of anyone else. According to another consumer complaints, I should also contact the FBI here in Florida, as they are already investigating CCA through the FBI in Jacksonville.

While I may seem completely naiive to have fallen for this nonsense, I am normally a fairly intelligent person, and wouldn't just accept a statement at face value without question. I rationalized all of this due to the assurances about the review period, which I was denied thanks to their maneuvering and manipulation of this false promise.

I took steps as soon as I got off the phone to open a new checking account in order to prevent any additional fraudulent debits from my account by these people. Closing my checking account which I've had for the past 5 years, and opening new accounts is an aggravation I did not need right now, and I should not be inconvenienced further and incur additional expenses related to transferring all of my banking to a new account, because these people are liars and thieves.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Offender: Capital Credit Alliance CCA

Country: USA   State: Nevada   City: Las Vegas
Address: PO Box 46101
Phone: 8007604045

Category: Miscellaneous


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