» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft license problem. MS changes Windows XP-Pro Genuine to XP-Pro non-genuine AKA Counterfeit. The Windows Genuine Disadvantage. #323648

Complaint / Review
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft license problem. MS changes Windows XP-Pro Genuine to XP-Pro non-genuine AKA Counterfeit. The Windows Genuine Disadvantage

I have a computer that came loaded with Windows XP HOME version. After a few years I replaced the hard drive. I decided to put Windows XP PRO on it, so there would be no limitations that the Windows XP HOME version might have.
I shopped on the Internet via well regarded shopping advise sites. One of the sites was selling the software as a download. It was flying the MICROSOFT CERTIFIED banner as it still does today. I could have purchased the software for less through the mail, but I decided I would try this newer distribution method, as it was clearly the distribution method of the future, and I'd learn something new and get the software NOW!
Well, it wasn't as quick as planned, as they only worked M-F 9-6, and they had to manually set-up the software for download, so if you're buying after hours or on the weekend it's not an instant download, but I did eventually receive the software.
It installed.
This was January I think.
On reloading all my other software I had a problem with older MS software that wouldn't install or upgrade or something, can't quite remember (A ripoff though), and had to call MS for help. They checked my Windows XP and they continued to talk to me about the other software because they had checked the Windows XP Pro to be genuine!
The Win XP Pro ran for years. I accepted their updates. I accepted their Windows Genuine Advantage software update. It ran fine after that too.

Then one day, after around 2 years of use I received a messages on my screen indicating I may be running counterfeit software. It gave me the option to try to resolve it on-line, which I tried as my software was valid, but it failed.
I was really worried. Something we were doing at the time was critical and we couldn't afford to lose the system at that time. It was still running and I was too worried to switch the system off in case it wouldn't re-start.
I called Microsoft the next day regarding it. I don't have the date listed, but it must be around a year or less ago. I spoke to Sharika, Kim, Seigna of the Licencing fulfillment center, then Dan.
All indicated my Win XP pro was valid, but I was still getting horrible, embarrassing and inconveniencing, you may be running counterfeit software, addition to the inconvenience of the messages, Microsoft was wasting my time. They couldn't tell me why I was getting the counterfeit messages!!! They told me the messages DO NOT inconvenience the user at all and I could continue to use the system as normal and it would not stop working and I could power it off and on.

I spoke to Lydia at the Windows Genuine Advantage center. Finally I discovered the problem was to do with the volume licensing key, but I could only work with Microsoft if I had the volume licensing key. This is the key my on-line software download site had, and I had no access to. She said they are the people who support those licenses and they are the only ones that can help me. I'd tried phoning the company but I couldn't get through on the phone, they seemed to be avoiding callers, and I told her this. She said Microsoft couldn't help and I'd have to BUY another copy of Windows XP Pro, mine is in effect counterfeit, although they would not be tracking me down if I kept using my counterfeit labeled mode switching crippled version.

I kept trying the download sites phone number. The site seemed to be being corrupted on its forum with nobody administrating it, but it kept running, proudly showing the MICROSOFT CERTIFIED banner. I know it had been hacked, as I began to receive rapid GOLD WATCHES e-mails from them.
I was able to contact them via e-mail and they apologized, saying someone had stolen their key, and provided a solution to update it, indicating if it didn't work I should re-contact them. I received the e-mail address on an answering system from one phone call out of hundreds of calls that had nothing. This one call listed a g-mail e-mail address, not a company e-mail address. I simply didn't and don't have enough trust in this e-mail address. Who knows, a hacker could have cracked their phone system pin and that's why there was one day of that message with a simple g-mail e-mail address. I held out for phone support. I kept trying, but no answer. I've e-mailed for them to phone me. I've told them I'm not going to try to fix this without reliable phone support. I've had no reply to the e-mails and voice messages. I don't trust the fix. There is no incentive for them to ensure my OS key change works, so I've been stuck with the problem.

I'm now at a point where I want buy other software and hardware. I've been putting it off, as upgrades may be needed so I dare not buy new computing industry products because of the Microsoft problem not allowing upgrades that may be needed for the newer products.

So I get these messages (one has just kindly popped up for me to copy the text of, how nice):

A message that pops up frequently during computer use - Windows Genuine Advantage, Your system may be at risk, this copy of windows did not pass genuine windows validation. Validation is required to receive many of the upgrades available from Microsoft. Click here to get help with this problem. Get Genuine Windows, more details.

I also see a COUNTERFEIT message at power off. Ask for genuine Microsoft software. You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. This copy of windows did not pass genuine windows validation.

There is also one at power on which also inconveniences me with a countdown number of seconds wait, then a decision and button to press. A total inconvenience and waste of our time.

Although Microsoft assured me the messages cause absolutely no user inconvenience, I've found they do cause some major user inconvenience and loss. The message that popped up and popped back off, and frequently does while the computer is on, causes the mode to switch causing great inconvenience. You can be keying away, then the message pops up, the mode changes and your typing is lost and you have to then get back the mode and then to what you were doing, if you can. The power up countdown message and buttons is simply inconvenience. Then you have the loss of all the upgrades/downloads I've paid them to provide me. A big loss of value.

In addition I didn't upgrade my Win XP Home, but instead purchased the full version to avoid any problems of an unclean install and where MS upgrades can't identify their own older software. Basically I additionally feel ripped off that I have to have this thought process and pay extra all because of the MS upgrade policy/system.

So here I am in the USA paying for my Win XP HOME, then paying the big bucks for a full (not upgrade) Win XP PRO and running it Microsoft verified for years. Then Microsoft pulls the plug and tells me I'll have to buy a whole new copy of Win XP PRO if I want it to run properly without inconvenience. All this, while I read that Microsoft was bundling Win XP and Office at $3 per copy to Russian schools, and also making illegal copies legal for $14.

So why do I write a complaint against Microsoft and why haven't I produced one against the company I purchased the product from?

This is how I view the problem:
I purchased Genuine Microsoft Windows XP PRO. I may have purchased it from someone with a volume license, and I understand that they are there to provide support, but I still purchased Genuine Microsoft Windows XP PRO. I didn't go out and purchase ACME Windows XP PRO. I don't mind if my volume license company went totally out of business, because I don't need their support. I have Genuine Microsoft Windows XP PRO. The only problem is that Microsoft said it was not Genuine Microsoft Windows XP PRO, which is untrue because it is (and was Genuine Microsoft Windows XP PRO for several years).

So someone started to illegally make copies from the volume license.

Microsoft knows my license was valid and is part of the volume license and it probably knows there are many others with valid licenses from it, and Microsoft will have records of us from when their servers verified our software. I have the same one license at the same location on the same computer that was verified the same way, daily for several years. It's even the same installation.

Why doesn't Microsoft just find the person that stole the copies?

What Microsoft has done instead is like a farmer at his chicken coop. He/she notices a fox in it. The farmer runs back to the house for a gun. The fox is long gone with a chicken. The farmer runs back to the coop with a shotgun and shoots into the chicken coop, injuring everything in there, but no fox.
Basically, Microsoft is saying that I am responsible for the theft, I am the counterfeiter, I have an illegal copy, and they tell me this every time I've turned the computer on for the last year, every time I turn it off and frequently and very inconveniently during its use over the last year. How do you think I feel seeing my kids using the computer you've labeled as counterfeit. How do you think I feel when a guest is with me at my computer screen and the COUNTERFEIT message pops up? How do you think I feel when I take the computer in for repairs. Yes, you guessed, and I have to do a lot of explaining, wasting more time and effort.

MICROSOFT, this is USA. We go after the criminal. We don't lock up everyone in town. We don't punish people without a fair trial (or we're not supposed to). Actually, isn't it the police who are called to do this, not the company itself?

Why has Microsoft allowed this retail volume licensing distribution method fully knowing the potential problems (while consumers don't know and assume they have Genuine software)? Microsoft has generated newer and better anti piracy techniques over the last 15 years or more, so why does Microsoft open up a piracy hole and treat genuine windows owners as software pirates?

Microsoft has said the counterfeit messages don't cause any inconvenience and Microsoft is not taking any action against us. Why? I think this is because Microsoft knows we don't have counterfeit software. If Microsoft isn't doing anything regarding it, why bother us with any of it? Why does Microsoft tarnish our computer labeling us as counterfeiters?

In my opinion this is what Microsoft is really saying to us: We know your software is valid, but we can make this into an opportunity to gouge you for some money, so that is the route we'll take and we'll try hard to push you towards paying us.

I really don't have the time to produce this complaint, but I've spent the time as I feel it is necessary. I have also been reluctant to produce this complaint, because up until now I've always received good service from Microsoft, but the phone call I made to Lydia at the Windows Genuine Advantage center was completely the opposite of the prior good service I had received from Microsoft, so much different that I have to complain.

I would like Microsoft to have me safely switch my existing installation over to a valid Microsoft volume license key so I will never ever have these messages again. I want free Microsoft support in relation to this license key problem if it is ever needed. I want it setup so the Microsoft key (s) should work if I ever reinstall the operating system from my current Win XP Pro CD (or a new one that you may ship to me).in addition to this I've had worry. Hours wasted communicating with Microsoft regarding the issue. A year of time waste from the messages. A time waste from the countdown timer, 10 seconds thought process or more every day (often much more when you power up, forget about the counterfeit countdown timer question, return to the computer assuming it's loaded and ready to use only to find out it's sitting at the counterfeit question waiting for an answer before loading the system) and sometimes more than once per day. Solid weeks of wasted time trying to communicate with the volume license company, because Microsoft won't solve the problem. A few wasted days creating this complaint (is it a waste Ed? Time will tell), hopefully a loss of time fixing the problem. Then there's the loss of a years worth of upgrades/downloads I've paid Microsoft to provide me, and the time I've spent on projects getting to the point where I find I need an upgrade that I can't have which eliminates the new software or upgrade project. A big loss of value and again time. I'd just remembered the last one, and I'm sure there are more losses I've forgotten about. It's been a big problem.

Squeegee It
Internet, Missouri

Offender: Microsoft Corporation

Country: USA   State: Washington   City: Redmond
Address: One Microsoft Way
Phone: 8006427676

Category: Internet & Web


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