» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: - stay away! An awful company no service did not deliver goods and services as promised and paid for ripoff. #178063

Complaint / Review stay away! An awful company no service did not deliver goods and services as promised and paid for ripoff

I placed my order online 6 July. 20 days later I am still waiting for a reply from the company in reguards to what they will do to correct their error. I am not an unreasonable person, I only want to have what I paid for, by the time I paid to have it. The company did not provide this. I paid over $200 to this company for things for my sister's wedding. I paid extra to have it done as a rush order, and was promised my purchases by the 14th of July. As of the 15th I had nothing. I called the company and was told my order would not ship until the following Monday, the 17th.

I was livid, as I would not be in town by then, as I was taking the things I'd ordered to the wedding which was in California. I'd explained this to the representitive when first placing my order, hence the expidited shipping costs. The person on the phone on the 15th told me I could change the address so my order could still arrive in time for the wedding. I gave an address in California and though I was annoyed, I assumed all would work out. Wrong! Monday morning I received an email that I had filed a damaged package claim with UPS - I called to say I had no packages whatsoever, damaged or otherwise. They said whoops you received that by mistake, no worries, we will ship your order to Texas. I exclaimed my order was not to be shipped to Texas, but to the corrected address in California.

They asked for the address again, I gave it. I was assured my packages would ship out no more problems. Moments after ending this call I was called back by ForeverWedStore, because they had not saved the address! I gave the corrected address for the 3rd time!!! Tuesday I received an email my packages had shipped out, to Austin TX!!! I called again, this time to speak to a manager or supervisor. I was told no one was available. I offered to hold, and was disconnected. I called again, and this time was informed all supervisors were in a meeting.

I very calmly explained the situation, and had a very snippy woman tell me the company would at their cost redo, and reship my order, to California. I told her this was not good enough, I still desired to speak to a supervisor, and she asked me in a very icy tone why this was not good enough! I explained to her, my order was to have been shipped already, I had paid extra, and I needed to know for a fact from someone of authority, that it was indeed tended to, and I would receive what I had paid for. I also wanted to voice my displeasure with the company for charging me for a service that was not being provided (rush order). I was told I would be called back. I was never called back.

My next call to the company came when I received yet another email notification, that my packages had shipped to California and would arrive Thursday. I had been promised on the phone during my conversation with a very rude woman that because of the "mixup" my order would arrive by 10am Wednesday. I was irrated, aggravated, and displeased, but I would be content just to get my order before my sister's wedding. Thursday arrived, and I was enroute to California when my sister called. The order had infact arrived, and it was short 7 items!!! I called the company and was told no one was around to help. I said I would continue to call until someone helped me. I called at least 5 times that night, no one ever called me back.

I called an additional 2 times the next morning before I spoke to someone on my third call of the day, and was again told I would have to wait for a call back. I said I would continue to call until someone returned my call. I called back, a fourth time that morning, and this time was informed no one could help me until customer service came in (9am PST) and that call back time was 3 to 4 hours. I said I'd been dealing with this for a week already, no one had called me back yet, and I should not be made to wait 3 to 4 more hours, I should be at the top of the list! I waited the entire day to be called back. At 10'til 5 (closing time for these prompt people) I called and spoke to Jackie. At first she was unhelpful. I did not let her off the hook. Then I was placed on hold. Then she came back and said my packages must have been tampered with. I said no, they had not given me my complete order.

I told her I wanted to be refunded the cost of the items not sent to me, and refunded the cost of shipping those items since they obviously had not been shipped. She said that was impossible. She said there was no way they could have not shipped my complete order and said "we have no way to know who you are or trust you. You could be pulling a scam"!! I could not believe she went so far as to suggest I had somehow come up with this dishonest plot to get away with some sceme just for these particular items! Why not the whole order!!!? She then tells me that a package was actually delivered to Austin.

Great, fine, whatever, no package should have been sent there. I gave an address correction 3 times!!! Well a package was sent there, so they have to file a claim with UPS. Why should UPS be responsible for this I ask, it is not their fault they delivered a package to the address the company gave them. It is the fault of forverwed I explain. She does not follow this line of thinking. I explain I wanted nothing more than to simply get my money back for the things I didnt have for my sister's wedding, which was at this point the next day! I was told I would have to wait for a call back Monday. I told her I had yet to be called back by anyone ever. Sure enough Monday came and went. No call.

I call Tuesday, to speak to a supervisor, and again am told they are all in a meeting. I will have to wait to be called back the next day (Wednesday) Well today is Wednesday, it is almost 5 pm, so I am posting this as a warning to anyone and everyone out there who is planning a wedding or knows of someone planning a wedding - DO NOT USE, same as!!! They are dispicable, irresponsible people who care nothing about customer service. It was as simple as filling the correct order within the time frame paid for, and shipping it where it was intended to go. Had anyone, at any point bothered to call me back, it could have been resolved without me having to go through all this, and put up this posting— Why should I have to pay for something they did not provide?! It does not seem fair. Worst of all, they bill themselves as the "Christian Bridal store" yet they have the most un-Christian attitude!

I am sorely dissapointed, as they had a nice selection of stuff, for very reasonable prices. I can only hope my trouble saves someone else the time and money I wasted going through this hassle. Best of luck to anyone trying to get a response out of these people!


Country: USA
Phone: 3606584992

Category: Internet & Web


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