» Health & Medicine » Complaint / Review: Walgreens Pharmacy - Ko-Ko Rude, untrained, uninformed, careless, thieves, uncaring, understaffed, unproffesional. #586271

Complaint / Review
Walgreens Pharmacy
Ko-Ko Rude, untrained, uninformed, careless, thieves, uncaring, understaffed, unproffesional

Walgreens pharmacist's and pharmacies suck. I will be changing pharmacies, due to not one but several unpleasant encounters I have experienced with Walgreens pharmacies.

I fill several medications at Walgreens pharmacies on the same day every month, due to fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses I have. Every time I go to fill my scripts, whether I drop the RX off the same day, or drop them for pick up on another day, I end up waiting an unacceptable amount of time for any kind of service. When I finally do receive service, its unprofessional, rude and uneducated. 100% of the time, the other customers also waiting for their meds. Or consultation look frustrated and unsatisfied ie: shaking their heads, sighing and even walking out. Cant blame them.

Today, I figured I would go fill my Rx near closing time, thinking there would be less unsatisfied customers waiting for help, or that perhaps time constraints may light a fire under the pharmacists ass. When dealing with any business, if a customer arrives before closing time, that customer will be assisted, period. I arrived apx. 10 min. Before the pharm. Closed. The pharmacist named Josh refused to fill my script. And made all kind of rude remarks towards me.

I complained about the service and told josh my strategy of coming in closer to closing time. He told me to go to the 24 hr. Walgreens pharm. Which was quite far from where
I was. He then had enough time to show me a Progress form created by them displaying their wait time had dropped and the recent waiting time has gone down from 1 hour to 9 minutes, yet he didnt have enough time to fill my RX because it was for a narcotic! There were no other customers waiting in the store, nor at the drive thru. I was so pissed off. I have been in the medical field for over 15 yrs. And if I had to stay and draw labs or if a patient checked in last minute, I had to stay and take care of that patient, as long as they checked in before closing time. I was there early enough for him to count out 60 pills. Big whoop. Do your f 'n job. He could have at least called the 24 hour sister store to see if they even had the med. I needed, anything. He was just being lazy and unconcerned.

He would rather stand there to argue with me and show me stupid stats. Than fill my damn RX. And if their waiting time was reduced to 9 minutes, he had plenty of time to fill my prescription.

I was experiencing much pain on that day, so I did drive all the way to the 24 hr. Walgreens pharmacy. OK, so when I get there that pharmacist tech. Told me that they did not have the generic version of the med. I needed so I would need to purchase the name brand. I told him ok and to enter it so I could see what the price was, which is usually $39.00. He entered everything and in about 15 minutes came back and told me that the price would indeed be $39.00. I asked him to continue to fill it. Thirty minutes later, he calls me to the desk and tells me he made a mistake and in fact my RX would be $113.00. WOW!!! I didnt have that much money, so again, I leave empty handed, in pain and pretty much pissed off. I wasted two hours and a lot of patience dealing with two ignorant walgreens pharmacy staff all in one day. I am going to complain to no end on this matter. I am so sick of the ignorance and lack of empathy from Walgreens pharmacy, that its no where near funny. Something needs to be done to correct this hot mess. Now I have to go right back to the original Walgreens pharmacy tomorrow, which is Mothers day, and I am a mother. I need to fill my RX to function. If this is what it takes to be a pharmacist, hell I can start tomorrow.

I will have to miss out on my mothers day family brunch to get my stupid meds. Because the brunch is at 10:00 AM and thats what time the stupid pharm. Opens.

Walgreens is not a pharmacy, its a cosmetic store. They are not trained nor staffed properly to mess around with drugs that people need for their health and I wonder whats REALLY going on with them and the people that are actually doing the hiring!
The only reason I go to Walgreens, is because they have a drive thru and sometimes its hard for me to walk. This particular Walgreens actually put a sign on their drive thru, stating they were closed plain and simple. When I called to ask why, because I didnt know if they were talking about the drive thru or the actual pharmacy, their reply was "Oh, were understaffed." Sick people shouldnt have to put up with this BS, were not dealing with bread and milk, were talking about people who have health issues, were talking about quality of life. Come on get your sh*t together. I ask myself is it really worth it? I think NOT. Walgreens sucks. Im mad about it.

Offender: Walgreens Pharmacy

Country: USA   State: Colorado   City: Denver

Category: Health & Medicine


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