» Sallie Mae » Sallie Mae | Page 16

Sallie Mae
Found 224 reviews / complaints
Page 16

Sallie Mae
Fraud Sallie Mae Finance

Sallie Mae is handling funds like the mortgage companies did. Sallie Mae has interest bearing accounts with their "private loans" sections. Payments go towards interest which keeps adding up, so the payments are never-ending. Sallie Mae does NOT provide accurate percent rates on their ...

Sallie Mae
Scam, deceitful

My story starts with another ripoff ITT Tech... This school tricked me into signing up for private loans with interest rates of 11-16%. If they would have explained what they were doing or how much my payments would be, I would have never went to the school. I went for Multi Media which was the ...

Sallie Mae
Website trouble

Sallie Mae has got the toughest fun site I've ever seen. Each time I log in I've to reset my code. No, not because of early-onset alzheimers, but because of the code not working. (A tactic to stand up late charges? Possibly.) The newest instance: I improved my password recently, published along ...

Sallie Mae
Suspicious Activity

I was under the impression while in Graduate School that my loans were associated with Chemical Bank. I signed all of the documents, and when I graduated, the loan amounts greatly exceeded the amounts I agreed to and I never saw these amounts added after my signature. When I graduated, I was told I ...