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Homecomings Financial
Found 419 reviews / complaints
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Homecomings Financial

My husband and I are also victims of Homecomings Financial, they caused us to go into a chapter 13, and that was discharged January, but Homecomings is still showing us in bankruptcy, plus they are stating that we still owe them $5,000.00. Our monthly escrow is over 150.00 more than it should be, ...

Homecomings Financial
Ripoff dihonest cheating and raising mortgage payments with little or no notice Federal intervention is needed with this corportation

I am another homeowner scammed by Homecomings Financial. My story is very similar to the thousands of complaints filed already against this financial corporation. My original loan through our builer was with Pinnacle Direct... After a few months was sold to Homecomings. We love our dream home... We ...

Homecomings Financial

I agree with you Brenda. We have had our mortgage with them and no problems. Until I was laid off last year and I just got a full time long term temporary assignment a year later. About 4 months after I got laid off my husband lost his job. Talk about stress. Well Homecomings has not been the most ...

Homecomings Financial

We have had the nightmare of this mortgage company for 5 yars. We have tried in vain to get rid of them and their ridiculous interest rates. We never borrowed anything from them, they purchased our mortgage. They rep people off, drag you to court, get you for attorneys fees, lie, cheat, steal, and ...