» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: Alabama Pinnacle Homes, The Appraisal Group, Retired Military Financial Services, (Structured Invest - Alabama Pinnacle Homes And Retired Military Financial Services Scams, Deceptive, coverups, Deceptive advertisements, crimes, ethics Huntsville And Huntington Beach Alabama and. #153176

Complaint / Review
Alabama Pinnacle Homes, The Appraisal Group, Retired Military Financial Services, (Structured Invest
Alabama Pinnacle Homes And Retired Military Financial Services Scams, Deceptive, coverups, Deceptive advertisements, crimes, ethics Huntsville And Huntington Beach Alabama and

To whom it may concern:

It is just beyond me that no one will shed any light on the individuals by the millions that are getting scammed by Mortgage company's, builders, sellers and appraisers.

It is very obvious that it exist daily, but to get anyone to do anything about it is a waste of time. The only thing anyone is interested in is the poor lenders that lose millions of dollars.

Due to a mortgage scam/fraud or whatever you want to call it, I lost $50-60,000. I lost my house. I lost my vehicles. I lost my marriage of 29 years and I lost my health.

I have written senators, congressmen, state legislators, Board of Realtors, Board of Appraisers, BBB, Attorney General, Real Estate Commission and on and on. All anyone wants to do is pass the buck.

The BBB says they can't do anything, even though their Mission is promoting Ethical Business Standards, the Attorney General says, and I quote, "Based on the review of this letter, it is apparent that the matter cannot be resolved through our mediation process.

Though the Consumer Affairs Section does provide assistance by attempting to mediate consumer related complaints and can even initiate litigation against unfair or deceptive business practices against the public, the Attorney General cannot act as a private lawyer (Understandable).

Now, let me through this in. When I bought by house and land in April as soon as I put my name on that signature line, I was $50-60,000 in the hole, from the very beginning. I lost my job and was attempting to sell the house, exactly a year later and 3 realtors and 2 auctioneers said it was worth $150-160K max. (This was 2002)

It appraised at $210K when I signed the papers. A year later in May during a re-fi I had to do it appraised at $225K. During this same period these realtors and auctioneers were saying $150-160k max and they told me the things that devalued it.

I might add that these things pre-existed me buying the property, so they were already there. Now I ask you, is this not unfair and deceptive business practice? Is this not fraud and illegal? It was hid in the mortgage and I never would have found out if I hadn't excepted another job out of state and had to sell.

This is also a cover-up. I can add other things as well. They cannot tell me that this is not a crime and they owe me restitution.

The second part of this mess is that when I was in MN and the house didn't sell here in Alabama and I had a house in MN and I got laid off (thanks to our government) I was getting in a real bind. First of all I was having to pay two mortgage payments. I had 2 vehicle payments, 6 dependents and no job. I was in a panic mode.

I was looking through the Army Times paper and I saw an ad and it said it would purchase military retirement pensions for cash. The place was called Retired Military Financial Services (RMFS). (Deceptive in itself)

They drew you in then another part of the company Structured Investments Inc were the ones that handled the paperwork etc. I was given approx $50k in cash upfront and of course it all went for mortgages, car payments and everything else.

Then I was stuck for $1214 per month for 10 years to pay it back. That is approx $150,000 and I have no pension for 10 years. I know I was stupid for doing it, but I was also desperate and they new it. They are taking advantage of our military personnel that put their lives on the line for 22 years for that pension.

Due to all that has happened in our lives since we still have not recovered, were forced to have to rent, lost our vehicles and since I no longer have a house this year I owe over $2500 Federal taxes and I won't be able to pay it. I have had to pay $1000's so far in insufficient funds fees, because we just cannot pay everything.

I have had a heart attack and a stroke since all this happened, I am on dozens of medications to include anti-depressants, have attempted suicide and on and on. All this came about because of a unfair/deceptive/fraudulent business practice by A P H and whomever they use as a appraiser (they got the appraiser).

Also I have written the Attorney General twice and A P H just zeroxed the first reply and sent it again. That was April and January. They slandered my name and reputation, by stating that I strike out at people and then threaten further action down the road if I don't get my way!

First of all that entire statement is a lie and 2nd getting your way and getting what is promised to you are two different things. They just made all that up and I have many witnesses to prove it. They were also trying to say that the land and property were degraded and that is why the value went down; another lie.

I added grass, trees, workshop, kennels and other things in that 1 year. The realtors and auctioneers said what the problems were. They also made up a lie about a carpet in the house, but I can explain that all later, if need be.

Something needs to be done. That money I lost, the house, the vehicles, the marriage and my health was worth just as much as those millions to all the lenders everyone is so worried about. They forget, without individuals, there would be no lenders.

Something needs to be done and restitution is in order. Seems Justice is blind unless it is big business or election time. Money talks and you listen, everyday citizens speak on deaf ears. It is time for changes. Thanks for nothing.



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