» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: - VERA Spell Crafting - Have seen anyone who will act as your confidant and then merilessly rip you off emotionally. That s Vera Internet. #549339

Complaint / Review - VERA Spell Crafting
Have seen anyone who will act as your confidant and then merilessly rip you off emotionally. That's Vera Internet

Ok, I was and am still desperate about this one thing in my life that even though i am a highly educated person, I was even willing to contact a spellcrafter.
I am a real customer and this is my real experience with Vera, the fake spellcrafter
Imagine there is an opening for a position you desperately want and you did everything you could and still no luck that you decided to take the help of a witch because its something that's extremely important to you
I did the same
she charged me about $400. I paid it without asking a single question though i am not in the position
She is very good at replying to emails, because that's the only thing she does, nothing else.
She is online all the time
When does she cast spells, no one knows!
If you ask her the same question, she says she sleeps only 2hrs a day
Every time you email her she will get back to you in less than 30 min, which shows how poor her concentration is if at all she casts any spells or shows that that is all she does. Replying to people's emails
now i would not mind how she deals with her emails or work, if she got me the desired results!
She could not do anything and the moment passed.

She has an amazing strategy. She says that she does not do times, meaning she will not tell you or even give you an approximate estimate of when the spell will take a shape. She says that the other spell casters fail because they give times and if you say even successful spellcasters give times, then changes track and says, "yes, it's something that only i do"
She says her magick is powerful and intricate and still it does not work
When her spell did not work and i aksed if she can do anything else or try any other strategy, she said she can do it for an extra charge
I told her that i will give money for that service but i need to see some results before i can give her more money.
She said if you are looking for results then probably they all will come at the same time!!!
What kind of logic is this??!
After some days she tried to sell me a psychic reading saying she will be able to undersand the situation exactly if she does the reading
i refused to pay any more money

She says she is working 18hrs a day for me. Imagine someone working 18hrs a day on just one case and still not able to get any results, what kind of a spellcaster is she? The fake kind ofcourse!
18hrs a day is so awefully unbelievabe anyways, considering teh fact that she herself said that she helps dozens of clients every week

She makes you believe that she cares for you
I begged her a zillion times to tell me teh truth if can can really not cast spells so i can look for some other means to solve my problem. I poured my heart out about hiw important this is for me
Still she never admitted that she cannot do it and always gave me false hopes.

Not only this she can convince you and make you believe what she wants you to believe.
According to her everybody who writes a report against her either dint pay or is just lying. She said Lady of light jsut screwed her and Karen's case was not believable (why did she accept it if teh case is not true?), and that the guy who worte a report about him not winning lottery paid her and then immediately wrote a report and that he might be already a millionaire by now. What hopeless lies!!!

I paid her in full without asking her a single question, about anything except one single condition that i want to see results
Whatever she promised she can make happen dint not happen. Both the things she promised, the exact opposite of them happened.

Ask her for a timeframe, she will not give one, because if she gives a time, she knows people will ask for their money back if it does not ahppen by then
Initially it was just the time. She used to say if you think of times, 1 month, 1 yr, 10yrs we will fail all those times, now she says you should not even focus on events
So if i go to her with something in mind and since that is of interest to me and i focus on that event i will fail that event too??!
What hopeless devious character
She says she is doing a lot of things for me for free
What good are those for me if all that work hasnt helped me move my case even by an inch?
Imagine i went to her with interest in a position and when it wasnt working and i started asking er questions, she even had the guts to ask me not to apply for the position that i am interested in and to totally stay away from it, not to even contact the office
All she does is:
1) Reply to people's emails very promptly (so she can say if i was not real or if i was screwing you i would have stopped emailing you and would not have been in touch with you)
2) Keep saying she is slogging for you
3) Keeps denying peoples' rip off reports

I doubt her family history too which she says goes back hundreds of years. With my personal experience I can say she is just a scam artist
I have nothing against her or her business, if only she told me the truth that her work will not do any good to me in time for me to look for other means
I literally cried to her and begged her to tell me the truth so I can move on, but she would never admit, nor let go. Ofcourse i was foolish. Why will she admit in writing that her work is no good??!!

She failed me, she failed me terribly. She dint ask me for more money after i denied twice, and she still says she is doing lot of work for free, but i doubt it.
And when i purcahsed the spell, she promised me that she would keep working till i am happy, so if she is doing extra work or working on the same spell to make it happen is up to her. But whatever it is it did not work for me and its a shame that even teh extra work is not doing anything
She asks you to report your dreams to her, but when you explain your dreams to her in detail she will just say the dreams are because of anxiety

Oh by the way, a month back or so i asked her if she will give me my money back since it is not working
She said that its a service so its non-refundable!!!
Whats with all the money back guarantee then?

In any case, she is no good
If you are looking for a counselor, with whom you want to share your problems, she will be there. But why not go to a psychiatrist instead of a spellcrafter if all you want is someone who listens to your problems?
As a spellcrafter she is no good
I am saying this after having been terribly heart broken with my dreams shattered


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