» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique/Rev Samantha Kaye/Corfield - / The Voodoo Boutique Rev Samantha Kaye/Corfield RIP-OFF/SCAM/DISHONEST FOLKS. #177478

Complaint / Review Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique/Rev Samantha Kaye/Corfield / The Voodoo Boutique Rev Samantha Kaye/Corfield RIP-OFF/SCAM/DISHONEST FOLKS

I'm filing this BAD Business report on behalf all of you out there who've been scammed by Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique. I have been scammed for so long, and spent so much time, money, effort and tears, with little to no results. I figure that if I can save even just save one person the anguish and financial loss that I suffered, I will be happy.

I'm not some 20-something with only a little education, I am an older professional, but I have done some dumb things, as can happen when you cry every day for weeks/months and people take advantage of my situation, like what Spellmakers did to me.

I have spent close to $3000.00 (that I really didn't have) trying to fix my situation. Reverened Samantha Kaye should have done a divination BEFORE doing any spellwork like all legit Voodoo Practitioners - she should have known better! The only purpose Spellmaker's spell work does is it serves to intensify my desire for my ex husband - it links me to him, but doesn't really do anything to bring a relationship bewtween us. We CAN'T have a successful relationship.

My husband divorced me for younger woman and we still had an affair while she was outta town, I was miserable and searched for and found Spellmaker also known as Everlasting-love. I scheduled dual castings for I think 6 spells, over the next couple of months, and I got reports at the end of the casting. They seemed pretty accurate - or so I thought, (now I know better) but the biggest thing was that she said that he loved me but he was worried about the other woman, etc. All of this is what I wanted to hear, but not the truth as I found another Voodoo Priestess not only told me, but actually proved to me what was WRONG in my relationship with ex-husband & help me move on.

I should have been more suspicious of Mary Lee's reading she told me a bunch of good stuff and then gave me a list of stuff to buy from Spellmakers. And ok fine HDs (Heart Desire's) get married and sometimes don't stay, but why should we as Spellmaker clients be breaking up marriages??? The guys/girls don't need the spells to realise what a jerk they married... Living with him/her is going to do that on its own. THAT'S why he/she realises the wife isn't right for them. Because she/he shows her true colours!

During my time with Spellmakers, my ex-husband still continued to periodically show up and tell me he loved me and then disappear - but this was no different than what was going on before I tried magick, so there was no difference. Needless to say, I was extremely distraught. I bought other candles and voodoo dolls and potions/oils for cleansing my house (removing negativity, bringing good luck, rekindling love with ex-husband, whatever). That was about another $3000 at spellmaker.

My conclusion is they're not that good after all. They DON'T CARE about customers. They are out to SCAM MONEY. Spellmakers is ruthless, evil, unethical business out to make a quick buck here & there... Ripping off the broken hearted/lonely people. I have totally lost all faith in Spellmakers... Whatever little I had left after what happened with me, is just GONE now. Ok so they couldn't tell me that my ex-boyfriend had a fiance, and kids, BUT TWICE IN ONE MONTH!!! They lied to this other woman, The poor thing got her hopes up... And they let her down badly. I'm really disappointed.

How many people in the Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique clients/yahoo groups REALLY have any kind of success... Honestly now if you think about it. A lot of them who say they have had success get other men or women. That's not a success in my book. AND Spellmakers/Reverend Samantha Kaye tell people that there is another reason why they didn't get who they wanted or the Lois had other plans for them. Its a SCAM!!! Then why do I need spellcasters to help me get ANOTHER person. I can do that on my own if I want.

Yahoo group members ask questions And then Mambo Samantha Kaye comes back with this weird long answer about FAITH And blah blah bah... I'm sorry I just don't buy it anymore. Yes, ok Clients is strong and whatever but that doesn't mean NOTHING if they didn't get their woman / man back when Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique said he/she would. Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique, whatever else they call themselves is a SCAM. I'm so mad and fed-up of this nonsense. If I had found ANOTHER HONEST PRACTITIONER before all this mess and time that i wasted, I might have had my man back by now. I probably could have done something earlier. I could have had what I wanted. I'm so MAD that I spent all this money not only on products but shipping and TAXES!

Spell Skeptic (use to be Spell Faithful), NYC, USA


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