» Politics & Government » Complaint / Review: LaCit - Apartments Montral Apartements LaCit Montreal: Apartments furnished and non..., Appartements LaCit Montral: appartements meubls, appartements... Renters of non-furnished apartments beware of poor property management at la cite. #660331

Complaint / Review
Apartments Montral Apartements LaCit Montreal: Apartments furnished and non..., Appartements LaCit Montral: appartements meubls, appartements... Renters of non-furnished apartments beware of poor property management at la cite

Renters of non furnished apartments beware of poor property management at la cite apartments

La Cite apartments Montreal under the leadership and management of Dominica Rizzi does not always comply with the regulations for housing of its tenants. They/she focus mainly on the new tenants coming in or the tenants who are leasing furnished apartments as naturally these individuals pay a substantial amount more rent that those who have lived in the building for years or those who have non furnished apartments. There are 3 buildings known as La Cite apartments or La Cite apartments Montreal and if you are a long term renter don't expect your apartment to be upgraded though your rent rises continually yearly or bi-yearly. La Cite Apartments Montreal and Dominica Rizzi say they have done repairs to the roof and so that is the reason for the frequent rent increase but this is the only entity that does the roof every year and repairs their elevators every year. While major leaks and repairs go ignored until the last possible moment and when it reaches a near danger point then they come in and fix it but only using a band-aid method for guaranteed a few months later you will be faced with the same situation.By way of example if there is a leak in the floor rather than them fixing it Dominica Rizzi a.K.A. La Cite Apartments will call you (that's the only time she calls) and offer you the option of marble flooring of which you can choose to pay for half the costs, but if you are quick you will realize that though you've paid for half La Cite Apartments new flooring when you leave you can't take your portion with you. With all the rental increase the apartments are cold in the winter because of the air coming in through the windows since the windows have not been changed / repaired in decades. When you call and complain or request any assistance the priority of La Cite is to their furnished apartment tenants so if you are in a non-furnished apartment you wait weeks before your problem is resolved and forced to live with the discomforting situation of your complaint until Mrs. Rizzi takes action.

Listed below are some of the issues of La Cite that have been sent in to Dominica Rizzi for resolving which continues in part 5 years later:

The windows need to be repaired as cold air comes in through them in the winter – no reply 5 years later but the rent has gone up.

The pipes/plumbing howl day and night – no reply 5 years later, but the rent has gone up.

All three elevators don't work properly and especially on weekends when there is more activity at least one breaks down almost every other weekend – no reply 5 years later.

The storage area in the sub-basement where lockers are kept floods and ruins the items yearly – Mrs. Rizzi says it is not la cite fault but the winter weather, or the building across the street, or, or, or, or … her excuses are endless. Logically: why don't they find another place to set up the lockers for tenants? RESULT: no reply 10 years later but the rent is on the rise.

Surely with the increase in rent consistently each year, they can hire more capable staff to address these issues and more...

Mind you the rent continues to rise yearly without fail under the pretence that there have been big renovations, when asked where Mrs. Rizzi's reply is always the roof or the underground parking when the reality is the roof still leaks it's been over 10 years since the leak on the 29th floors and who knows what is the cause of the leaks on the 2nd and 17th floors. As for the parking the cement is still chipped and it too leaks. RESULT: no reply from Mrs. Rizzi 3 years since the original complaint.

Recently there was a fire, many families lives are still upside down, rather than repair the apartments immediately and make it more habitable, La Cite apartments Montreal as per Mrs. Rizzi have the lives of these families on hold, they live elsewhere while La Cite Apartments wait for the insurance issue to be resolved. Logically: What about using their current employees to repair the apartments so these people can move back to their homes, rather that everyone's lives being halted until the insurance pays out before La Cite apartments begins to repair the apartments damaged by the fire; mind you Mrs. Rizzi and the La Cite staff at the end of the day go to their comfortable homes while others live elsewhere waiting for the insurance to be settled. Maybe they could also use some of the rental increase monies collected over the years to at least start some of the repairs on the damaged apartments NOW so families can return to their homes rather than waiting for the money from an external source a.K.A. The insurance, but it is the managment of Dominica Rizzi who decides.

The list is endless but if you have lived in la cite apartments long term that is for over 3 years trying to make the apartment a home for you and your family, and complained to Dominic Rizzi and of course not gotten a return phone call for months (unless she wants something from you $) nor have you had any results or solution to your problem for over 2 weeks that shows there is a problem in the management of these 3 buildings.

La Cite apartments Montreal has a good location to the school and central downtown so logically most families and individuals who work/worked hard for their money would look to this location but the cost of the apartments if you are a new tenant is horrendous when compared to the quality of life that you do NOT and will not receive once you have signed your lease — and sadly the bait and switch is only evident to you if you are not renting a furnished apartment and if you have been living at la cite for over 3 years in a non-furnished apartment. La Cite Apartments pick and choose who gets good or any service in a timely fashion.

Students are ignored and as an elderly individual I am home a lot, have lived at La Cite for many many years and I see daily and suffer from the delay of time to get repairs done in the apartment and from the old windows especially in winter; maybe Mrs. Rizzi thinks we are a bother to call and complain so often but if the repairs are done in a timely fashion the complaints will diminish, but hopefully this complaint will not fall on deaf ears and significant repairs (that are immediately beneficial to the tenants and not the superficial repairing of items for all to see) will begin at la cite apartments Montréal using of course the rental increase monies “already” amassed over the many, many years.

Taken for long ride.

Offender: LaCit

Country: USA   State: Quebec   City: Montreal
Address: Prince Arthur Street, Montreal
Phone: 5148454173

Category: Politics & Government


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