» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Exxon Gas Station - Wanted Boston Terrier — Chinese Pug Terrier MIX. #861919

Complaint / Review
Exxon Gas Station
Wanted Boston Terrier — Chinese Pug Terrier MIX

Wanted Boston Terrier — Chinese Pug Terrier MIX

From non-judgmental rescue with no heart like — austin pug rescue - operation kindness, humane society unless you can prove me wrong and i would be very surprised losers!!! People, please help me flag all ads by these losers as they only care about money and judging others who want to adopt a pet!!! They really suck! Thanks!!!

My Best friend Max past away Feb, 29th while waiting for surgery.

I had him in and out of the local Vet we use trying get him the care he needed ASAP. I ended up losing faith in our VET as the bill was heading up the $1000.00 mark and poor Max was losing more weight. I looked at non-profits on Face Book where I found a very nice lady who referred me Highland Park Vet in Dallas TX but it was just not fast enough, he passed away a day before recommended exploratory surgery could be done. I ask the Highland Park Vet to please check him out anyway and I was told an Acorn was found in his Stomach. The VET HOUSE SCREWED ME OVER AND TOOK THE TIME AWAY FROM POOR MAX GETTING THE HELP HE NEEDED! I HATE THEM FOR IT!

This loss really angers me! I also paid to have a LAB look over part of his tummy and they did not find anything septic enough to kill him so I am guessing the obstruction, lack of food, too much loss of time is probably what caused him to loose his strength in surviving. He was only 5 years old! I feel so much pain and grief over losing him! I thought I would try and find another type like him. I might be open to a Female as well. He was like family to me!

Max came from East TX somewhere and was surrendered to the DFW Pug Rescue. He was a very laid back dog! He loved to Bark at Big trucks like UPS and TRASH trucks. He had a pretty high voice for a male dog. He slept at the foot of my bed with another Fawn Pug I have name Bessy. He replaced another older Black Pug Mix who was wonderful but she was just end of life. Max did love to eat! Who would have thought an Acorn would do him in?

The pets have been the best companions since for me since my wife passed away from Breast Cancer one Horrible Xmas day some time ago. I lost my long term employment working in Technical support and ended up on Disability over her loss with a bad case of C-PTSD. I do better with pets then people right now. I have been looking for another like him with hopes of loving him with a FOREVER HOME with love in memory of sweet little Max. If anyone comes across one I can love and spoil please let me know ok?

BTW, I don't want a puppy ok? I have an older Fawn Pug of about 7 years old. My Mother In Law who stays with me has 2 small Rat Terriers, 1 is 12 and the other 4 years. The one that's 12 belonged to my wife who did not want to spay her although I wish I had now because she has had issues with false pregnancy and I believe she would be happier. Sassy has been with me since she was about 6 mouths old. I have been told that she is too old now.

The other small Rat Terrier may be spayed at my roommates time NOT at a demand of some small minded rescue! I have heard about a new Laser type surgery and a new type of sleeping gas where the pet wakes up as soon as it's removed. I have worried so bad about losing them while doing a surgery like this over anything else. I would prefer a rescue but am open to any ideas ok? I did try the Austin Pug Rescue - who has a dog like Max, they checked my VET and pics of my house, the park next to out house and references and passed me but then rejected me over the small in door un-spayed Rat Terriers. I tried to explain we were never going to have puppies but they were mean to me and would not let me give Lando a Forever home. Lando is over 4 years old and a mixed breed and I was willing to pay their $300.00 fee and Transport cost as well.

I am sorry about that and my reason for not spaying Sassy after the death of my wife does not mean I am not a responsible DOG OWNER as the Austin Pug Rescue would put it. The 2 small, in door Rat Terriers like Sassy do belong to the mother in law who is a cancer survivor and lives with me in the home. The pug types are my babies! All of the pets we have came from a shelter, SPCA and a friend. Rescues like the Austin Pug Rescue, Operation Kindness and local Humane Society always seem to be so hard, so critical and judgmental to work with or I would be adopting from them.

From: Michelle L'EplattenierSent: Friday, March 9 6:54 AMSubject: IMPORTANT info-Pug RescueBefore we can move forward you will need to get your female 4 yr old rat terrier spayed. Please schedule this appointment ASAP. My hand are tied, I cannot approve your application without proof of spay. Also, we will need a doctors note stating the medical problems of your 11 y old female dog, that explains why she hasn't been spayed already. Thanks.

Why??? Why??? She is not my pet and nowhere on the web site does it say roommates or myself need to abide by policy like that!!! I was attacked by several of these people and they angermed to the point where i had a break down from the loss of max. I hate people like them. The one name edye melton - adoption coordinator is a real nut job and thinks she is attacking for the sake of her rescue! She told me i was being mad at lady with cancer and how bad i was for that when i had no knowledge of that and think it's a lie. I mean what joke she is! As mean, i hope if she does have cancer it will teach her how to act towards others who are hurting from a pet loss!!!

I haven't done to well with toxic comfratational nuts since my wife died from cancer some time ago but i do ok with the pets! I love them just like a human and i have opologized for my disability issues that make me manack when i feel attack by nuts like these people. Many who know me know my need and loved for pets is genuine. I don't need the approval of this or any small minded, money hungry rescue like these! I will find another pet it will just take long!

I have been judged and attacked by others like the local human society for not having a fence with an in door pet and the spay issue with the roommate as well and also operation kindness for simulor behavor so don't support these loser people. They can say what they will about me but i'm just angry at them because they run their rescue for money and few pets can ever be adopted because of their nasty disposition! I will post this message all over the internet no mater what these losers say or do!!! I will flagged all of their ads everywhere i see them and add them to my posting for others to flag them as well for what and how they treeated me and all the others who i have come across that have had simular issues with!

I do not support such rescues with behavior like this and I want others to know about my experiences! In my opinion, there are so many pets that need Forever Homes and I will not be attacked over some private sector, non-profit with judgmental abuse because they can't seem to think out side the BOX when I can just go to the local SPCA, SHELTER, Craig's List, or FRIENDS ETC and adopt a pet needing a FOREVER HOME that needs love and care I have to offer! I felt very hurt over losing a pet I have had for which was only 5 years old and then being told I could not adopt from them over a spay issue when I have had pets around me for 12 years and never had one single litter of puppies!??

The Austin Pug Rescue was hateful, spiteful, abusive and judgmental towards me IN MANY WAYS AND HAD ME VERY UPSET TO THE POINT THAT I LOST IT WITH THEM AND THEIR SHALLOW NASTY, JUDGMENTAL, TACTICS and I will never go look at them as an option again! The made my loss of Max even worse to deal with. They first said I qualified by Michelle L'Eplattenier - Rescue Coordinator and then I was told is was a no go by her until I spay the 2 email in door Rat Terriers, one of which is close to 12 years old and both belong to my mother in law not me! I was then told it was a no go by Edye Melton - Adoption Coordinator. She called me a breeder and said it was my own stupid fault for no reading their policy about breeders and having pets fixed as a qualifying factor.

I did read over what was posted on their web site and did not find anything about roommates having in door un-spayed pets! Http:// - Edye Melton also stated she expect to know all details as to why I lost a pet as if I failed the pet or may have had something to do with the poor little guys death. I wrote her and stated, YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE VET YOU NUT CASE! I told you we spent $1000 dollars trying to save him! The vet will send you anything you ask for and they will not lie! I felt like I was being interrogated or blamed or judge or put down like some suspect in a crime! Is it no wonder Breeders and other places like SPCA, friends etc., get more business or attract more people who want to adopt and feel good about adopting a pet then some of there pretentious over judgmental RESCUES?

I felt so attacked by them and after already feeling hurt with grief from losing my little friend Max I got angry and had a moment or melt down with them of which I apologized for it later but they would not let me adopt and give poor little Lando a home no matter what because they had already written me off! Why???!!! Shopper beware of nuts like this!!! THERE ARE WAY TO MANY PETS TO WASTE TIME WITH TRYING TO SUPPORT A RESCUE THAT JUDGES AND ATTACKS OTHERS WHEN YOU CAN JUST GO TO THE SPCA WHO IS MORE THEN FAIR, CRAIG'S LIST, FRIENDS, SHELTERS. I HOPE THESE PEOPLE BURN IN HELL!

Can anyone relate to this???

Thanks for reading with an open mind!

Examples of Max Types I would love to have:

Http:// - I would have loved to have Him if I could?

Http:// Lando again

Http://hssv. Page=NewsArticle&id=10263 — Another Max type

Http://farm3. Static. - Close to Max pic

Http:// — Another pug type and ad about Max

Http://img1. Jpeg - Another Max type pic

Http:// / - Another ad of mine

Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: I wrote all of them once more pleading again to adopt Lando and did their little online application to NO AVAIL:

Friday, March 30

Attn. Austin Pug Rescue,




Please give me a chance to Adopt, the opportunity to give a forever home to Lando a small Boston Terrier Pug Mix you have listed on and other places.

Again, I had a wonderful little dog like him named Max who was 5 years old and recently passed away sick from an Acorn in his stomach. I took him to the Vet several times for help to no avail and then changed Vets with surgery planned but poor little Max passed away a day before surgery. I had him about 3 years. He was a wonderful pet and the Vets will tell you I always tried to make sure he and another dog I have named Bessy were always taken care of.

Max and Bessy another pug both slept with me at night and we're walked in the park next to my house where they had many other furry friends. Max was very spoiled and loved to look out the window at the park and bark at people, he loved to bark at the local UPS, FED-EX and Trash-Men. I would love to adopt Lando and give him a forever home and love and care for him the way I did for Max.

I have been hurting something awful over the loss of Max and I'm not a perfect person either. I have faults such as getting my hopes up over getting a new pet and then being told I am not qualified and reacting to that. I am sorry for that. I am on Disability right now from PTSD issues related from losing my wife to breast cancer. I don't always do well with people who seem un-predictable to me but I do well with the pets and I am with them most of the day, 24x7. I am working on ways to work out of the home and to get off disability but for now it's a stable fixed income that covers the house payment.

The mother in law still lives with me in the house and has 2 small indoor pets. One is named Sassy who is 12 years old and about 14 pounds and Pixie who is almost 4 years old but about 10 pounds. They are her pets and they are not fixed. Sassy belonged to my wife and did not want her altered and after she died her mother decided not to. I have suggested to the mother in law that it might be a good idea to have Sassy fixed but she has made it clear that her little Sassy was a very picky little indoor pet and not going to ever have puppies etc. She feels the same way about Pixie.

The Pugs I have loved have all been fixed. Ebony was a female, little Black Pug mixed, 16 years old and had a stroke, was blind and syringe fed and watered and eventually put down due to end of life. She came from the local Richardson Shelter and was fixed when I got her.

Max was a little Fat Black Boston Pug Mix who loved to eat he was 28 pounds when he passed away! He would eat anything, anytime no matter where. He came from Craig's List — DFW Pug Club Rescue. He too was fixed when I got him. I got him when I realized my time with Ebony was running out. I tried to take him in and do whatever the Vet ask me to do but there came a time when I was afraid they were wrong and sought other help from non-profits including the DFW Pug Rescue but by the time I found other help he just ran out of time because of the local vet visits with him. I even told them to send stuff off to the Lab to try and find out if his stomach was septic and it came back un-inclusive — Unknown.

Bessy is all I have left, she is a Fawn little pug, about 22 pounds. She came from the SPCA, she was fixed after being rescued from a puppy mill. She was in very bad shape when I got her. I was told she had lived her life in an outside cage with other pets stacked on top of her when the puppy mill was broken up and the breeders arrested. I had her in and out of Vets, treating her for parasites, ear issues, and skin problems. She recovered nicely with care and is now a chubby happy little pug.

All my pets are on Heart Guard Plus Preventative and shots etc. Max, Bessy and I spent time daily watching Animal Planet. I did spoil them with treats and a little Turkey links here and there. I was very angry and very upset over losing Max who did not deserve to die like that. I think the Vet could have listened better to me when I kept trying to tell them he was not about to keep food down and was throwing up bile stuff. I feel ripped off over losing him but what can I do now?

Please give me another chance at another pet that seems to be another Max Type of breed. As far as the Mother in law is concerned, who is a breast cancer survivor, having lost the right breast just like her daughter Michelle who passed away from an over dose of Chemo; I have talked with her, I have done research about spaying pets and told Sandy that it's a good thing to spay the pets if we can and that there is a new laser treatment and new gas to knock them out that allows them to recover or awake as soon as it is removed from the pet.

If we can have an EEG and other testing done on Sassy, I want to see if she might be a candidate for spaying due to her age. I have one estimate so far of a little over $420.00 for each pet but they don't use the new gas, they use propranolol and another older type I can't remember. I want the best for these pets so I am looking for both, the new gas option and the new Laser Treatment.

I over reacted when some of your staff called me a breeder because my roommate has 2 small in door pets that are not fixed. Another staff member told me to fix the pet or it's a NO GO~!! It really upset me because the Vet we have been to now for almost 10 years would have told you that's just not true. I felt so attack by some of your staff.

Please give me another chance to pay any fees for adoptions and maybe transporting Lando to a new forever home with me. I think he would be a great fit for me and the house here. Please also except my apology for anything cross or my moodiness. I have felt grief and suppressed emotions over the loss of Max and the people I feel could have done a better job at diagnosing him. I have been such a wreck over losing Max. I have felt so cheated over not having him a lifetime.

I promise you won't regret it!

Thanks for you time.


Pug Rescue of Austin Coordinators

Michelle L'Eplattenier - Rescue Coordinator

Edye Melton - Adoption Coordinator

Angie Stahl - Financial Coordinator

Amy Anderson — Fund Raising/Marketing

Christie Lyle - Volunteer Coordinator& Social Media Coordinator

Signe Corbin - Medical Coordinator

Sonja Smith - Medical Coordinato

Offender: Exxon Gas Station

Country: USA
Address: CA

Category: Miscellaneous


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