» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Quicken Loans - Abbey Wrysch QUICKEN LOANS... Logical response, yet less than half the truth. #596587

Complaint / Review
Quicken Loans
Abbey Wrysch QUICKEN LOANS... Logical response, yet less than half the truth

From: [email protected][[email protected]] Sent: Thu 30-Apr-09 5:32 PM
My name is Andrew Lang and I am a Director of MortgageBanking here at Quicken Loans. I want to thank you for giving us theopportunity to assist you with your home financing. Your Mortgage Expert, Abby Wrysch and I are ready to putyour mortgage in motion! As a nextstep, please sign your application and provide the supporting items from the"things we need from you" page in the timeframe Abby discussed withyou. We'vereceived your commitment of $0.00 and will continue processing your loan uponreceipt of your documents. Please note that the commitment fee was at first $0.00 whenI mistakenly signed the papers! Then it was changed to $500 and I was charged adeposit. Luckily my house and property kept their value since itsworth has doubled since I tried to get a loan to pay off predatory creditcards, and to continue work on my house. The responses I received aftercontacting business organizations about Quicken Loan, by Quicken Loans withpeople paid a salary to contradict people like me, let me know that they had noconcern for customers, only businesses. And Quicken Loans sound so logical whenthey are just a ship of struggling rats trying to take their customers for asmuch money as they can, otherwise why keep the $500 (and other amount) depositswhen they have done nothing to earn it? They will explain this away logically, only 50% correct, since they state everything that is for their benefit and nottheir customers. Just read the complaints that proliferate. I was told that theprocess was started when the fact is I had to run around and do all the work.
Here is my story:
Back in May I watched the advertising about a new planthat President Obama was supporting, or so I thought, and I contacted a BBB Arated company named Quicken Loans. This site advertises: Obama Urges Refinance Now, $180,000Refinance under $999/mo. See Rates No Credit Check Required, onwww. CalculateNew One enters the site and am confronted with theheadline US Treasury Bailout of Fannie and Freddy, Refinance with MoreConfidence, and there is a calculate new payment requirement The person entering the site then fills out a seriesof forms that contain personal information including our social securitynumbers. I was then contacted by the representative Abbey Wrysch, whose title is Executive Mortgage Banker-President's Club, for Quicken Loans. She was my first contact. After quite a few discussions online and on the telephoneAbbey Wrysch hurriedly pushed for me to go online and electronically Abbey Wryschs own words: I can't provide a good faith estimateuntil I accept your application. Once I receive your application I will have anapproval including a full set of loan documents within an hour. Let me know whenyou are ready... in this way she stated that if I do not do this she couldnot lock in the lowest interest on record. She led me to the page and guidedme to the place where to click to electronically sign the forms. I was toldthat there would be no more than about $3500 for ALL fees (in her words: Theclosing costs based off of county specifics are $3429.00. This is a high sideestimate.). She promised that I would be able to pay off all my credit carddebt (one of the reason for applying), and that I would be given a cash outamount of $25,000. The credit card debt was NOT to be a part of the cash outbut in addition to this amount. I should have known that signing papers beforea good faith estimate is a red light! Only this is new to me and I was, and am, desperate to resolve my credit card problems. After I rushed to sign the paperwork and gave Abbey mycredit card information, I mentioned I have no idea if the CITIBANK would honorthe card since (like with all my cards) I am maxed out. On the Good FaithEstimate that I signed, which was not the estimate returned to me, it wasmarked that there was ZERO amount required for the deposit. See Quicken Loan #1to see this in writing. On the document I signed the deposit of $0 and this waschanged to $500 after signing and returned to me. So what I signed and what Ireceived were different. I even remarked about how kind I thought they were notcharging me the deposit, thinking they would somehow roll this into the actualloan? Here are the words I used in my correspondence to Abbey Wrysch sent: SatMay 02 01:03: 35 2009: Thank you for waving the deposit. I do not have a copyof the original set of documents I signed, instead I have a set that has beenaltered, and without this evidence what I must do is eat the truth. Thismessage was the one when I set out the discrepancies. Then a real estate friend of mine looked at the papers hesaid what she promised is not in the Good Faith Agreement that I signed. AbbeyWrysch kept pointing out that I would put in my pocket about $900 a month. Myfriend said her words and the figures do not add up. He said I wish I had cometo help you before now. This is outrageous since it is $7500 more expensive andthere is NO cash out. The fact of the matter is I was scammed out of $500 that Icould ill afford to pay, and even though they agreed to close the loan andoffered no service, they ran a $500 deposit through my credit card and tookpayment. These are the documents I now have in my file that they sent me. I have tried various avenues to address this problem andhave been left in greater need than before I started this process. From a former employee: In the section: Allow me to give you a little peak behindthe curtain of what I was witness to during my time at Quicken Loans: The last item is:-requirement of $500 deposit taken by credit/debit card onlyin order to even start the loan application process. Huge revenue generator forQuicken Loans. Positioned as a "Good Faith Deposit" but try gettingthis refunded in "good faith" if you decide to change your mind.

Citibank honored the $500 deposit for Quicken Loans, made noattempt to contact me, and when I contacted them they chose to place me into avicious financial cycle that I struggling with daily since May. The trapis formidable since I live paycheck to pay check like with most Americans in atough economy. The way the customer is handled is more like a slave than acustomer, since when in trouble every company uses the same lame excuses, andheaps fees upon fees as if being poor is the worst crime one can commit inAmerica! They knock us down andeffectively kick us in the face.

Offender: Quicken Loans

Country: USA
Address: 20555 Victor Parkway

Category: Miscellaneous


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