» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Jason Elliott Clark, Jason E. Clark, Jason Clark, Graham Newmarch, Terry McClosky - Convicted felon, sociopath, con man, thief, swindler, liar, cheat, child support evader, abuser, identity theft, St. Paul, Minneapolis. #420342

Complaint / Review
Jason Elliott Clark, Jason E. Clark, Jason Clark, Graham Newmarch, Terry McClosky
Convicted felon, sociopath, con man, thief, swindler, liar, cheat, child support evader, abuser, identity theft, St. Paul, Minneapolis

Jason Elliott Clark, aka Jason E Clark, Jason Clark, Graham Newmarch, Terry McClosky
is a sociopath who has swindled dozens of women out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in Minnesota and Virginia. He was in jail for felony identity theft in Virginia and again in Minnesota, but incarceration has not stopped him from preying upon innocent, trusting women in the Twin Cities and elsewhere. He has fathered 5 children with 5 different women, lying to each of them that he had cancer and cannot father a child. Once pregnant and vulnerable, he builds a woman's trust in him by promising support, love, and even marriage. This posting is a warning to all who encounter him.

If you question what is written here and elsewhere on the internet about Jason Elliott Clark, background check him at the Minnesota Judicial Branch website for free. You will find that he owes multiple women child support, has numerous civil judgments against him for opening credit card accounts in women's names, theft by swindle, etc. And that he was convicted of felony identity theft and continues to commit these crimes. He is a very convincing liar, and as a sociopath, it is highly unlikely that he can ever be rehabilitated even if he wanted cease his criminal and immoral behavior. Do not believe anything he says, no matter how sympathetic or remorseful he appears to be. He has not changed, despite recent exposure of his crimes on the internet and in the Twin Cities area. He is currently keeping a low profile, but all evidence suggests that it is simply a matter of time before there is a another victim. Don't let it be you. Keep reading if you're not convinced.

According to his sister, Jason Clark has been speaking with a fake British accent since high school, because "it made getting a woman easier for him." This technique eventually transformed into an elaborate lie that he was born in Wales, and his parents are well-off business people, particularly his mother, who lives in Germany. He creates a complex web of stories that are difficult to penetrate or disprove because he is such a skilled liar, and because he claims that his whole family lives in Europe.

He claims to be well-educated with a Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences, but this is a lie, as is virtually everything he will tell you. He claims to be a consultant, and that's why his employment history can't be tracked. He garners sympathy from women in telling them about his sad upbringing, the child of a single mom, his father abandoned him at age four and all but disappeared. He claims to have had melanoma and moved to Minnesota for treatment at the Mayo Clinic. This is all a lie. He was never a cancer patient anywhere, he was born in Minnesota, and there is no evidence that he has traveled outside the U.S.

Jason Elliott Clark is a vicious misogynist. He finds pleasure in causing women pain, humiliation, and has physically abused at least one woman, according to Ramsey County records. He only preys on women, and uses his male friends as proxies for his cruel deeds. Some of them know he is lying to infiltrate a woman's life, get access to her credit, get her pregnant and dependent on him, and game her for as long as it is profitable for him. He gets off on the idea that he has impregnated a woman, as it makes him feel powerful and important, and the woman vulnerable and distracted from what he is truly doing to her. He wins money from sports gambling or steals it from other women, and buys the expectant mother maternity clothes, cooks her nice dinners, and offers to marry her. He seems generous with gifts to her friends and family, but he is simply laying the foundation for his scheme.

The women he deceives are usually educated with professional careers, and these are chosen as the mothers. Other women: restaurant servers, massage therapists, hair stylists and other service professions are used for sex and potentially for their good credit scores as a way to finance his more "paternal" and choice scams.

Jason Clark is the classic sociopath: glib and cunning, a brilliant liar, charming and funny, he becomes furious over insignificant issues, and seems unaffected by what would upset a genuine person. Jason is a narcissist who lives only to fulfill his own selfish needs for money, attention, and admiration. He is a good actor, and because he lacks the discipline and focus required to actually make a profession of it, he has turned his life into a series of false roles that make him the center of attention. If you google his name in quotes, he comes up on a playlist for the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis as does his father, Preston Crews. It has been reported that his father also speaks with an affected accent, as does his sister, Sabrina Crews, who apparently is an actual aspiring actress.

When a woman discovers his duplicity, particularly if she is the mother of one of his children, she has no choice but to rid her life of this amoral criminal. Jason Elliott Clark owes a woman in Virginia, W.C., the mother of his first child, over $60,000 in child support. He punishes women for simply protecting themselves from him by not providing financial support. He has fathered four other children and Minnesota, shunning all of them because the woman has called his bluff and refuses him access to the child.

Not one woman has allowed him visitation due to his criminal behavior and lies. K.P., the mother of one of his sons, is owed over $10,000 in child support. Another son has severe disabilities, and Jason not given him any financial support. His youngest son is two, and the mother lost her home, savings, and owes more than $100,000 because Jason Clark forged cash advance checks on her credit card accounts. He has not provided support for this youngest child, even though he participated in raising him for 18 months before the mother discovered his lies and deceit.

Jason Clark swindled a woman, Rebecca K. Of Arden Hills, MN who was unfortunate enough to enter into a "business partnership" with him, of over $300,000 in a restaurant venture.instead of opening the business in good faith, he stole money from her and funneled it into buying expensive cars, jewelry, and a condo for himself and the mother of his youngest child. When Rebecca discovered his deceit, she demanded repayment, and Jason then turned to stealing from the mother of his child instead to maintain his lavish lifestyle and finance his affairs with other women: expensive hotel rooms, sporting events, dinners, expensive clothes and gifts, and so forth. Rebecca was forced to sell her $700,000 home for $580,000, and for reasons unknown, she refuses to press charges against him.

If you encounter Jason Elliott Clark, do not get believe any explanation he offers for his criminal record, this Rip Off report, the post of him on Don't Date Him, the forum that appeared as a result of a newspaper article about him opening a restaurant. He has lie after lie prepared to fool you into trusting him. Do your own background check, and walk away from him. I am a reporter who is interested in doing a story on Jason, and I have verified all of what is written here.


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