» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: DirectBuy - Of Maple Shade No longer a robot for this company. #361001

Complaint / Review
Of Maple Shade No longer a robot for this company

Because my husband is very ethical and was doing what he was instructed to do by a complete maniacal manipulating b*tch, he was in a position to either put up with the bullcrap at the job or leave. He chose the latter due to the hostile work environment. I mean, really, come on - It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that the scumbag, pig, greedy, raunchy employer at the maple shade location who took him from earning 104K gross income down to about $7.28 an hour wouldnt be the number one motivating factor. All this occurred with increased hours and days at the job..

But when it came down to it, this pig made it so that his family was barely able to put food on the table, let alone pay their mortgage while she simultaneously dumped $60K into her back yard for a pool with a waterfall and vinyl fencing, another $20K for a custom built bar to support her and her husband's alcoholism, a brand new mercedes benz, a $570K home and bidding 1.7 million on a new location. Yes, we ALL know the details... But did you know that she also had her accountant zero out the books to show as though there were no profits? This was done for a reason. So that the 'partner of record' would think there was no money made. This snake has also (I have written proof from an x-employee on a little green sticky note because the pig bugged the entire showroom with microphones and cameras so she could sit on her pig *ss at home and watch everyone) pass a little note disclosing her sneaky tactics. Over 200 counts of this jack off selling furniture off the floor, pocketing the money and turning around and telling the manufacturer that she donated it to Good Will. Dont worry, I scanned the note and forwarded it on to the IRS!!!

One person we know purchased a $4K bedroom suit and was refused a receipt. I know that the IRS will be having a field day with this scum bag and maybe one day soon, she will find out that everything has been taken away just as fast as she swooped in and manipulated her way through the back door of the business to ownership to get it.

Imagine your employer, sending your spouse off to a 5-star hotel resort in mexico, and pairing him up with an unmarried female 20 years younger than himself for 5 days in the SAME hotel room! Telling him that if he backed out of the trip she'd yank $2K from his salary... What kind of scumbag employer sends a married man on a company trip with arrangements like this? Her own husband wasnt allowed 2 feet away from her to visit with their children over to her supposed friends home... She wears the pants in the family. What a guy!

Yes, it would be worth going to the slammer for strangling the b*tch with my bare hands. Oh, that must be why she put a restraining order on me. Well no worries there, I dont plan on killing anyone anytime soon. I know a few people who have entertained the thought, though! But really, it looks as though she's pretty much killing herself with he greedy selfish pig ways. It's called Karma. And she's about to get a big dose of it.

Opps did I say something wrong? Hmm, well, maybe 25 sales the month of September (needing 50 to break even) is just the start of things. I hear my husband is severely missed... Go figure. Oh and imagine having to open your own franchise up in the mornings. And close it at night? Oh God forbid. That you'd have to go in to your own place and actually do some work. She fired the next moron because he wanted his position 'lowered' so as not to have that responsibility. Boy did it piss her off that she actually had to go in on a Sunday. It's ok for everybody else to work on sundays - but not her! Hey, she doesnt even want the members shopping in the place to know that she's the owner. Doesnt want to have to deal with all the complaints. She plays the ostritch who sticks her head in the sand.

Yes, we all know who you are - and you are about to be slammed but hard. You have 5 lawsuits pending. Possibly 6.

They tell me that I have to forgive my enemies. Because when I do is exactly when God gives them their just punishments. So, if that be the case, then I forgive you - it moves me out of the way, so that He can step in and put you in your place. You are not out of the woods by any means.

You have trampled on too many toes and did wrong to people including my family. You have no friends and those you had, you screwed over. I am glad Kevin is out of there. I prayed for it and now it's here! Woo Hoo. Good riddens directbuy and the maple shade pig!

I am now working and making more money in one week than he made in a month. Hows that grab ya? No, he's never coming back. And one day soon, you will find yourself looking in the local paper for work. Everyone is out to see to it.including me. I am extreeeeemly happy that he is no longer a slave for you and that your control freakiness is over with respect to my family! It's actually true! You have NO control and I love it! Ha ha ha ha! You should hear what everyone is saying about you. I hear you dont even speak to your parents now because you think they are beneath you. You have been referred to as a demon. Well, if the shoe fits. And it does! I'm also real glad that you LOST on the unemployment thing. You deserve to be ruined... Because that's what you set out to do to everyone else and that is what you did. Or at least attempt to do. May you get what you deserve! Even your own husband hates you. Ever look at his sad face? You suck as a person... You think of nobody but yourself. I am grateful that my husband is no longer a part of your life. Your 'club' (I know you prefer to call it the center) but it's a CLUB so get over it. You snot, has the WORST membership sales in the country. I hope you are happy. You cannot expect it to run itself. You will actually have to do the work to make it happen and you are not capable. You have not done one single tour since putting your greedy foot in the door. It would kill you to do one. Cause you cant handle it. Miss I've done hundreds of tours. You are so full of shit your eyes are turning brown! You lie, cheat and you steal. So yes, I agree - nobody needs the likes of you, not the employees and not the potential members. You charge $5,595 to join? You are nothing but greed. My husband did 31 members the month of March bringing in 185K to your CLUB. And you couldnt see fit to pay him enough to pay our mortgage. You breached your verbal contract to never touch his salary. You yanked it 3 times, once just 6 days before Christmas. Our small children also thank you for that. I have taught them to know that you are complete poision. Yep, to much for youngsters to hear but the reality of which is that they need to be taught that there are evil persons in this world. You are one of them. You are a waste! NOBODY needs you. Everything you touch turns to poison. I have never hated anybody in my life. Then I met you!

I am glad that I have this opportunity to tell you about yourself. I am just sitting by as a spectator. I am safely going to speculate that you have dug yourself a hole and you will bury yourself. It will be that day, that I throw a party. How does it feel to know that people totally hate you? Get used to it because they absolutely do. I know someone who wants to picket in front of your office space telling everyone the dues before they walk in the door. Oh and so the readers know. When you join and shop, there's an extra 8% that gets charged (they call it a handling fee), that goes into the pockets of the franchise owner.

Oh and thank you so much for that one day when you disclosed to me that the home office knew I wasnt lying and making up a story. I was fired when I became pregnant and you admitted that they know this is the truth. The entire company is deceitful in more ways than one!

Lastly? Oh, nothing major... Just, GOOD RIDDENS!!! Life is so much sweeter without you!

LEEVoorhees, New Jersey

Offender: DirectBuy

Country: USA   State: New Jersey   City: Maple Shade
Address: Rt 73 South

Category: Miscellaneous


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