» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Whimsic Alley - Excuses, Excuses, Excuses and still no goods. #286403

Complaint / Review
Whimsic Alley
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses and still no goods

I first found this company when searching for items for a show I am doing for the children's charity I work for in the UK. I actually did manage to purchase 3 small Harry Potter school badges from them, which arrived some three weeks after the money was taken, OK, I thought a little slow but they get there in the end.

I then placed an order for two black adult professors school gowns for my show, the reason I went to Whimsic Alley is because the gowns where of a certain design and although I had purchased many other items and two other designs of gowns from Alivan's The Wand makers, who I might add are absolutley wonderful, extremely helpful and believe nothing is to much for thier customers, I need six professors gowns in all to add that extra special feel to my event. I paid almost $80 for the two, the money was taken the following day.

Then I waited with great expectations, but nothing arrived, then an email came from Gilbert, whoever Gilbert is, telling me that he was sorry but the gowns where all out of stock... Er, hang on a minute..

If the gowns where out of stock why did you let me place the order and then pay for it in the first place, surely your computer system would have stopped me placing the order, let alone paying money for items which where not available, I sent this and other questions to Gilbert, basically I said that if Whimsic alley had no idea of what stock they held and that they should get themselves sorted.

Gilbert replied telling me that he was sorry this had happened and it was not the normal thing, would I like 'Vouchers' for the money, to perhaps choose other goods to the value or possibly a refund.
Well having now read all the posts on this company over the web I'm lucky that I was offered anything I suppose, BUT, as the owner of this site is now aware my name is somewhat different to most peoples and I am not your 'normal ordinary everyday customer ' which is possibly why Whimsic Alley returned my email within 24 hours becuase they do not want to be seen doing the wrong thing by me.

So like a fool I ordered a number of items to use up the $80 that was still happily sitting in Whimsic Alleys bank which where: a brass Victorian inkwell, a Hogworts seal and sealing wax, telling Gilbert in the email that this should be dispatched to me ASAP... Guess what?

Yep, another email came winging its way back to me after two days, Gilbert again telling me 'sorry these items are not in stock'... I sat opened mouthed, words which I will not repeat came from my mouth stopping my husband in mid walk to the kitchen, shocked by the fact I even knew such language!

I am a retired company owner who successful ran a number of companies in the UK but in all my years yet in all this time I can say in all honesty I have never known a company who has behaved in such a manner towards its customers, so I emailed Gilbert with a number of relivent points on this matter which if you think about it makes sense and also asked him to refund the money.


1: It would appear you have no stock control system within your company, you have no knowledge of what items are available to purchase and your computer system is not set up to inform customers of items 'out of stock'.

2: By not informing customers of 'out of stock' items you are taking money under false pretences, money that could be spent with other companies who have this product in stock, this is dishonest.

3: By taking a customers money knowing you cannot complete the order brings a number of points to mind which are:

You have a real cash flow problem, in other words the money that your company is making is not covering the cost of staff wages, payments on utilities, payments of company premise and replacement stock.
Which is why when anyone orders something its always out of stock.

The fact that anyone going into the shop in Santa Monica may think your company is a brilliant store doing well, is just an illusion, I have seen many companies spread stock out in thier stores to give this impression.
By holding on to Internet customers money, not replying to emails and calls made by these customers you can move money that is not legally yours around the companies bank account keeping your head above water.

I see you as a little man in some grubby back bedroom sitting with a lap top computer rubbing his hands as the orders come rolling into your site, hurriedly taking money from poor unsuspecting customers knowing full well that you do not have the stock to send out in return. Gilbert, of course denies all this and made excuses as to why stock wasn't available to cover his back.

I have now sent out my last correspondence to Gilbert telling him unless my money is returned to my bank account by Friday 14th March I would instruct my bank and my legal advisers to take action and recover the $80 held by Whimsic alley, all expenses incurred by my legal advisers would be added to the $80 and also be payable by Whimsic Alley.

Gilbert, sent back an email telling me he had already paid the $80 back to my account, this was two days ago.
I am now watching my account if by Friday 14th March at 9 am in the morning the funds have not been returned in full to me...

Well Gilbert, will feel the full force of his actions and he held accountable for not just my $80, but I will bring to the public's attention just what a low life of a company Whimsic alley is, not only have they taken money from adults and children without a care or concern for thier consequences... But they now pray on the sick and dying... Just how low can you get.

The charity I do volunteer work for is a Hospice, not just any hospice a children's Hospice and the money I used was from sponsors who are funding an event that is to run for many years to come raising cash for a children's hospice in Devon and Cornwall.

Whimsic alley and Gilbert you should be ashamed of your underhanded money snatching behavior, you have acted in a despicable manner not only towards myself but to many others across the UK and USA and we the people you have prayed in are sick to death of people like you who just dont give a dam about who you hurt.

An angry UK resident
United Kingdom

Offender: Whimsic Alley

Country: USA   State: California   City: Santa Monica
Address: 27171/2 Wilshire Blvd
Phone: 31094532370

Category: Miscellaneous


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