» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Vector Marketing - Taking advantage of students since 1949. #264973

Complaint / Review
Vector Marketing
Taking advantage of students since 1949

Ok so a few weeks ago I was looking for a secondary part time job for the summer until I would be starting university in the fall. I found an advertisment in the paper that advertised a job of 14.95 per hour. It sounded too good to be true but regardless I figured that I may as well try and find out more information.

So I phoned the number and was given an office and time for an interview. I asked for more information but I was told that she was unaware of the responsibilites of the posistion and felt the manager at the interview would better be able to explain the job.

So I was suspicious from the start after this call and the interview I realized upon arrival was to be a mass interview judging by how 12 others had showed up at the same time for an "interview" looking around I realized that there was not one perminant fixture in the entire office area. A Manager whose name escapes me at the moment came out and shook my hand and introduced himself before taking my resume. He asked me to take a seat and that the interview would start soon.

A few other people followed suit and the manager soon came out with a box of knives. He began giving a presenation of how we would have the privledge of selling these "high quality" cutco knives to people by making appointments where we would be paid a minimum of $14.95 an appointment. We could make more if we sold enough knives with the amount of commision increasing over time.

The problem however came up when he started talking about how widely regarded the company was and brought forward a few university textbooks on business to show that they were highly trusted enough to be published in such texts. He then proceeded to interview everyone one by one in his office and we were told only a few of us would get the job.

Problem is every single last person that went in came out with the same forms and no one looked like they did not get the job. I was interviewed last and almost immediatly offered the job and told to report for training next week. I was told bring a check or visa to the training if I was interested in purchasing a starting set of sales knives and getting started selling them while I was still in training.

I thanked the manager and left the building. The problem however was that outside I spoke with the other people interviewed waiting for their rides and we surmised that not one of us was not hired in their interview. Which was really odd considering how only a few of us were supposed to get the job.

Once I arrived back home I was extremely suspicous of course and remembered a few of the traits of the knives mentioned in the presentation. Some quick research into knife steel showed that most of what was presented had been false information. At this point I typed up Vector marketing in google and very quickly realized that a large number of people had been taken advantage of after shelling out the money for their "starting set" of knives during the training process.

I phoned the manager immediatly and left a message on his machine about what I had uncovered with a little research and asked if he could call me back and clarify if possible. I never recieved any response and since then I've noticed a growing number of ads in both high schools and the local university where I attend advertising the exact ad I applied for in the paper that day.

Every ad advertises that only a few posistions are availible but they are always up year round and always hiring. There have been a few conversations I've had of people in the city being duped by this scheme. Basically put the company has set up here in Saskatoon and the city council and the Police seem either powerless or unwilling to stop this company from preying on the people on this city.

They are taking advantage of the youth here by trying to have them sell a product that they advertise as cutco knives with all the profits going to the Vector Marketing group.

I am more then willing at this point to take legal action to get these people out of our city and away from the students they are trying to take advantage of. I am fully open to contact by any legal office looking to take on the case. I just want these people out of our city. I can't stand to see people being taken advantage of as I nearly was.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Offender: Vector Marketing

Country: USA   State: California   City: Danvile
Phone: 9253629535

Category: Miscellaneous


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