» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Kim E Inman, Dba YMMSS & STA - Ponzi, click fraud, bait and switch, nepotism, spamming, money-laundering, broken promises, missed deadlines and now, a mysterious murder. Belize City. #158656

Complaint / Review
Kim E Inman, Dba YMMSS & STA
Ponzi, click fraud, bait and switch, nepotism, spamming, money-laundering, broken promises, missed deadlines and now, a mysterious murder. Belize City

In Kim Inman, DBA "Your Money Machine Success System" (YMMSS) claimed to have been 'inspired by God' to create the perfect system, one which would guarantee success for thousands who had never succeeded in online business. He'd been successful in MLM, but it troubled him greatly that many others had not experienced the same level of success. So YMMSS was born. The "product" would be "advertising" in the form of Electronic Posting Credits (EPC's), which would be made available in varying denominations so that it would be affordable to all to join with as little as $22.included was the promise that members would be paid double ther amount of their purchases every 60-90 days, always being very careful to avoid the "investment" label.

The tagline was, "no losers, only winners, guaranteed." And since these EPC's were a "infallible product, " there would be no refunds issued, but potential members were reassuringly reminded of the option to withdraw all funds at the end of his/her 60-90 days - but that if he/she wanted to retire anytime soon, the best plan would be to leave their money in and allow it to keep doubling. They were told that 'this is your business, build it by buying as many EPC's as you can afford, and bring all your friends in, too!'

At the time, there was a 3% referral commission available. The early Sponsors earned considerable sums just via this referral route alone, but later found that there was a price to pay - their referrals would later flock to them for answers which weren't / aren't available from YMMSS (and even less so from the remodeled version: STA). And, whatever answers were available were deeply dissatisfying. Sponsors had personal choices to make: some felt so bad about bringing their friends and family into this unfortunate situation that they quit answering their phones out of guilt and frustration. However, it seems that most Sponsors continued to claim that "all would be OK, just give it some time, you just don't have all the facts (ya think??? That's what they were seeking: FACTS).

The main source of income would still be increasing purchases of EPC's from ever-growing numbers of affiliates, but still with help from other 'proprietary' investments and income from Mr.inman's diving resort in Belize. To increase his victims' trust in YMMSS, it was stated repeatedly that Mr.inman had a special fund set aside to make sure the cycle times didn't rise out of control. The word "guarantee" was tossed around freely (but later would be denied) The goal was to have 100,000 members each earning $100,000 annually. There were many glowing, and accurate in a ponzi sense, testimonials included on each conference call about the huge paydays and the wonderful, godly nature of their fearless leader. Members (as they were called in those days) came in droves and did, indeed, make very good money - at first.

However, late in the heavily represented 60-90 day cycle times began climing, eventually to a staggering 457 days. Programming delays were constantly blamed, in tandem with decreased member purchases of EPC's. Naturally, members expressed their frustration that their magical paydays had dried up. Where was the money from 'outside sources?' The resort in Belize needed renovations, so as with any remodeling project, it would be of no assistance with affiliate income. That each venture should have been self-supporting seemed to have escaped notice - after all, this program was marketed to those who had poor business skills - anyone could do it and have the income of their dreams.

Kim's answer? Plan B: Success Through Advertising, or STA. This time, affiliates would be paid on a weekly basis instead of waiting almost 300 days (the then-current cycle time), and in amounts equal to those initially promised on specially approved websites such as and emoneynews. This time, it would be 'a real business, ' with 'real advertising' income, but the affiliate purchases would still heavily relied upon, so "don't stop buying EPC's"

Toward this goal of achieving a 'real' source of income, a Mr. Michael Hamilton was reportedly hired away from a 6-figure income working for a Fortune 20 company - the name of which was never disclosed by STA (refering in any way to the old YMMSS was discouraged). Mr. Hamilton was promoted as a real asset, a saviour of sorts, due to his plethora of contacts and his vast experience in the professional advertising world. However, a basic amount of due diligence reveals that Mr. Hamilton was the originator of dollarfarm, another scam website, now apparently abandoned and full of dead links. Additionally, Mr. Hamilton is the author of a book on how to play golf. Somewhere along the line, a 'financial expert' named Mike Boike was added to the staff to go find more money to feed the payout fund. At about that time, to satisfy the mysterious legal department, members would no longer be called 'members, ' but 'affiliates.' The affiliates didn't care what they were called, they just wanted to be paid as they had been promised.

With the advent of the new system, the option for affiliates to withdraw their money disappeared, despite protests from affiliates. This measure effectively traps the affiliates: either they must click ads for 30 minutes every week for mere pennies, or walk away leaving, in some cases, many thousands of dollars in desperation, affiliates complied, but to provide encouragement, it was assured that October 05 would be a 'banner month' for STA. However, October brought no measurable progress. Affiliates were then advised to relax, to trust Kim, that 2006 would be the year of STA, but if they wanted to help themselves and STA, they could sign up as an Retail Sales Associate (RSA), and encouraged to go find the big bucks advertisers - previously Mr. Hamilton's job. Forum Moderators were instructed to let affiliates down easy by warning them that some of the promised 'outside sources of income' would not be materializing, but that no more promises would be given - if and when Kim had the funds in hand, they would be told.

Meanwhile, in the STA discussion forum, those who took the prudent attitude of 'wait and see' were labeled 'negatives' and even 'malcontents.' They were blamed and shamed for the ever-decreasing payouts, which tended to make them feel even worse about what was happening within STA. The forum was then placed under heavy censorship so as to protect the image of STA, and affiliates were warned to "be very careful about the appearance of their posts." By all appearances, this cheerleader-type attitude is the only prerequisite to being considered as a Forum Moderator.

Many Moderators are the worst TOU violators, and it has been determined that one apparently suffers from a serious mental illness in the form of DID - as s/he posts, in his/her undeniably colorful style, under multiple usernames. Those who dared to offer their heart-breaking stories of all that they'd lost (including mortgages, credit ratings, and marriages, all due to getting caught up in the excitement and promises) were told that they shouldn't have invested more than they could afford to lose - the previous promises apparently forgotten (and actively denied) by Admin and Moderators. Those who continued to offer constructive criticism, even in the most civil language, either had their topics rushed to the archives or deleted, or worse, they were banned - often without explanation. Yet it is still represented by those who believe that Kim listens and responds to all input, whether or not it is implemented.

To add insult to injury, when affiliates received their 2006 1099 tax statements, they were surprised to learn that they owed taxes - in REAL WORLD DOLLARS - on the virtual growth of their virtual product, the EPC - which currently have an approximate fair market value of . 01c on the dollar. So now, not only are most affiliates not being paid more than mere pennies per week, they're finding themselves in a great amount of unexpected debt to the taxman!

Mr.inman's answers to legitimate questions become increasing terse and dismissive, claiming he is too busy fixing the problems to answer any questions. The more discerning affiliates became increasingly suspicious and many of them turned to a site whose sole purpose it is to expose scams and seek justice. This site had a whole thread dedicated to YMMSS/STA. Though affiliates eyes were opened by what they read more and more on this 'justice-seeking' site, they were refreshed to be able to discuss the truth somewhat openly (many posted anonymously in fear of retribution from STA). They see that the predictions made from the beginning by the 'justice-seeking' website routinely came true. It is through this site that it became known that Mr.inman had purchased a golf course. When and where has not yet been determined.

Recently, Alexei Goloubev, the YMMSS/STA site administrator listed in whois and employee of Mr.inman's attorney (whose name is also deemed 'proprietary'), was found murdered in Belize. When one affiliate inquired as to his connection to STA, his post was answered in an abrupt fashion then quickly deleted, leading many affilates to wonder 'where is the sadness at the passing of a close associate?' And worse, 'is it because Mr. Golobev knew too much and was no longer considered an ally?' By the way, dear reader, if you are wondering about the pen names used on these reviews, in light of Mr. Golobev's untimely demise, we feel 'better safe than sorry.' We post these reviews in hopes of saving others being parted from their own money.

Even Stormpay, in an effort to clean up it's own image, abandoned STA because of the unsavoury business model - continuing purchases by affiliates (which, by then - for the most part, wasn't continuing very well at all - people were wising up). Yet, those who got in early and made the big bucks continue to insist that YMMSS/STA will get back on it's feet eventually. The remaining affiliates cling desperately to the hope that their ship will finally right itself and make it to shore, finally bringing their imagined fortunes. To further complicate matters, STA is offering one way to get paid - a debit card that costs far more than many affiliates current earnings, effectively tightening the trap on affiliates.

Regarding the big advertisers being sought, it has always been difficult to get a straight answer to exactly how many active affiliates there are, and it's well known that Alexa stats can be skewed - as advocated widely on the STA forum by the "Affiliate of the Week, " Cashmound. Also, the RSA staff is advocating helping
payouts immediately 'without spending a nickle, ' by simply finding FREE STUFF on our site that is of interest to you. It is stated that this could bring in additional weekly income of $219,867. This is, of course, because the offers aren't really free, they're just samples provided as incentive to sign up for whatever offers are listed, usually an autoship agreement or otherwise binding contract.

Sadly, issues with the ponzi-type business model (and the inherently unrealisitc expectations), click fraud, bait and switch, nepotism, spamming (which was previous forbidden, but now encouraged in the form of a contest - the Grand Prize, a stay at Kim's Belize Resort), money-laundering, a long string of broken promises and missed deadlines and now, a mysterious murder within their ranks will continue to haunt YMMSS / STA.

Complaints are quietly being filed with the SEC, the FBI, and other relevent authorities. Class-action litigation is reportedly in the works, and time is of the essense because it is suspected that by all indications, this thing is about to fold and Kim Inman will soon use his ill-gotten gains to hire lifetime bodyguards to surround his Belize compound. News reports confirm that Belize authorities are very cooperative, so it's really no place to hide after all. Like Charles Ponzi himself, the principle players in this game face the prospect of serious charges and perhaps terms of incarceration, and their desperation shows.

If you want the real facts concerning YMMSS/STA, don't bother asking Kim Inman or his associates.

Truth Revealer, Justice Seeker

Offender: Kim E Inman, Dba YMMSS & STA

Country: Belize   State: Nationwide
Address: 8 Marine Parade
Phone: 5012236566

Category: Miscellaneous


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