» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: Barrister Jacobs Clements - Jacobs Clements I was referred by someone on skype called Jerry Wood Internet. #936469

Complaint / Review
Barrister Jacobs Clements
Jacobs Clements I was referred by someone on skype called Jerry Wood Internet

[13/08 11:47: 37 PM] Jerry Wood: lucy money is not the problem now cos i have money in m offshore account i need to activate in italy ok about 34million euro i work hard you know and i have been sving these money when my late dad died cos my late dad is from italt lucy

[13/08 11:48: 26 PM] Jerry Wood: and me and my wife did these agreement before she died and now the banks is asking me to look for someone that would stand for me as my wife and sign some documnets

[13/08 11:49: 41 PM] Lucy *: I dont understand what do you mean

[13/08 11:51: 18 PM] Jerry Wood: i mean i have money in an offshore account i have kept with my late father and wife but the bank was asing me before i get that money ut i need someone that would stand by me cos is the money i wanted to use in your product in the Uk

[13/08 11:53: 23 PM] Lucy *: The produck is not comming to the uk just yet its in America Canada NewZealand Australia and soon to Asia

[13/08 11:54: 25 PM] Jerry Wood: Lucy i want to invest in these

[13/08 11:54: 50 PM] Jerry Wood: cos i have the money 34million eruos and i want to make it big with your product

[13/08 11:58: 47 PM] Lucy *: There might be a way im not sure but you might have to have a us web address. Look I will talk to my sponsor again tommorrow and see what we can do. The only way maybe is that if you have a us web address or know someone there it can be shipped there but i will have to find out about this and make sure so tommorrow when he is online, will you be online tommorrow coz in Adelaide it is Tuesday morning 12.00am

[12:00: 46 AM] Jerry Wood: ok

[12:02: 02 AM] Jerry Wood: i was asking if u can stand by me so i get my money and i invest but i promise to give you 20percent out of it for helping me to stand by me

[12:05: 02 AM] Lucy *: Are you asking me for you to get your money out you have to have a guarantee this seems a bit odd if its your money that has been left to you you dont need me to stand in for you this doesnt sound right to me

[12:06: 09 AM] Jerry Wood: cos my ex wife was involve and she is dead now

[12:14: 16 AM] Lucy *: so if your exwife is dead now then the money should automatically go to you

[12:14: 53 AM] Jerry Wood: i was told i need a woman to stand by it with me so she can sign documents

[12:16: 39 AM] Lucy *: This is illeagall isnt it honestly tell me the truth and i could get into a lot of trouble with this

[12:17: 18 AM] Jerry Wood: lucy u can never get into trouble at all ok i assure you with these

[12:17: 32 AM] Jerry Wood: and i promise out if it would give 20percent ok

[12:19: 13 AM] Lucy *: I mean if your wife has passed away you shouldnt need someone to co - sign as your wife coz they would know she has passed away so they would know im not your wife

[12:19: 46 AM] Jerry Wood: yes they know but they said a woman that would help me out with it!

[12:21: 14 AM] Jerry Wood: that's why telling you know so you can help me with these and stand by me and promise 20 percent and all the money would be activated in your account once some documents is been sign and they we need your accout so they transfer it and then i would come and get the money and i know and how to start the business with the product cos i need to invest with these

[12:21: 19 AM] Jerry Wood: lucy

[12:23: 15 AM] Lucy *: i have to say no sorry i wont give my bank details to no-one i just wont do that this isnt right

[12:23: 37 AM] Jerry Wood: ok then how would the money trasfer

[12:23: 44 AM] Jerry Wood: just the your account number

[12:24: 04 AM] Jerry Wood: that's all but cos once the money is been activated then the money need to be transfer at once lucy

[12:25: 56 AM] Lucy *: i dont know you and you want me to give you my private details i've had this asked to me a few times on skype and i said no because this is illeagal im might be a woman but i know whats right and whats not right and this is not right

[12:26: 48 AM] Jerry Wood: ok well is ok then help me so the account activated and i would use my own account so it can be transfer

[12:27: 17 AM] Jerry Wood: cos i was trying to be honest with you so once the money comes it goes into ur own account so you see it but snice u don't need that way is ok

[12:28: 22 AM] Lucy *: well i just wont give my details of my account to any body its not safe for me

[12:29: 37 AM] Jerry Wood: ok i so ok by me if you say so lucy i do understand you very much

[12:29: 39 AM] Jerry Wood: well

[12:32: 53 AM] Lucy *: reaally honestly tell me this is illeagal money isnt it

[12:33: 32 AM] Jerry Wood: no lucy i swear with God and my blood why illeagal money

[12:33: 38 AM] Jerry Wood: i tell you the truth lucy

[12:35: 22 AM] Lucy *: i just dont understand why you need someone to sign for you to activate your account. Where do you actually live

[12:36: 36 AM] Jerry Wood: i base in the state cos my mother is from the state and dad is from italy

[12:37: 03 AM] Jerry Wood: but i grew mostly in italy before i came to te state and then work little and also here in the Uk

[12:38: 08 AM] Lucy *: so is the us where you live now

[12:38: 14 AM] Jerry Wood: cos right now i have gotten a place and land were i can invest in the product and the land is lot of money for me so i wrote the bank i need my money to be activated and i wanted to set a business up before i got the news i need someone to stand by me

[12:38: 30 AM] Jerry Wood: yes lucy

[12:38: 50 AM] Jerry Wood: all i know with my heart i promise to give you some part of it which is 20 percent

[12:39: 13 AM] Lucy *: so you live in th United States, so why did you say you lived in the UK

[12:40: 36 AM] Jerry Wood: cos Uk is the place i do and want to do business

[12:40: 53 AM] Jerry Wood: i can give you my phone number if you want to call me in the uk lucy

[12:41: 42 AM] Lucy *: So you live in the united states

[12:42: 12 AM] Lucy *: Why not the US to do business

[12:42: 33 AM] Jerry Wood: but you said the business is already in the us

[12:42: 51 AM] Jerry Wood: and i want to make these big myself and of which i would invite you and you would see it your self

[12:44: 46 AM] Lucy *: yes but its not opened up in the uk yet it will eventually but not now its in US, Canada, NewZealand, Australia and soon Asia and Philippines

[12:45: 40 AM] Jerry Wood: yes that why i want to be the first to handle that business in Uk

[12:45: 50 AM] Jerry Wood: i don't think you understand me very well lucy

[12:46: 32 AM] Lucy *: But we don't know when it will open in the UK it will but not just yet

[12:47: 21 AM] Jerry Wood: well that why i want to use my money to invest on it and make it happen at once cos lik the other time we chat i wanted it big

[12:47: 24 AM] Jerry Wood: in the Uk

[12:47: 43 AM] Jerry Wood: so i would be the main person in the business there and people would go through me

[12:47: 51 AM] Jerry Wood: if you understand want i'm saying to you

[12:49: 32 AM] Lucy *: Thats all very well but it takes time for Isagenix to open up in the UK so until that happens we cant do anything about it. Isagenix say and think that Asia is thenext best market place to open up because it will be huge over there

[12:50: 42 AM] Jerry Wood: so what do u think cos i like business can we invest in asia cos i know asia is a big market

[12:52: 57 AM] Lucy Bayly: yes but I have to find out when they will be opening up over there, i dont think it will be long. You look at the poipulation over there its huge it will just go crazy

[12:53: 46 AM] Jerry Wood: yes i agree with u

[12:54: 19 AM] Lucy *: Why not Start in the US where you live as you know people know people and have friends everywhere

[12:54: 48 AM] Jerry Wood: ok think about that

[12:55: 37 AM] Jerry Wood: so i guess the barrister would tell you what to do and he would writ you so once the money is been activate i can start my business and also give u want i promise u

[12:55: 44 AM] Lucy *: Newzealand Australia Canada people have friends ecerywhere you might have friends in one of those countries or someone you know might have a friend over there

[12:57: 14 AM] Lucy *: so what are you asking me to do now i wont give my details of my account

[12:58: 57 AM] Jerry Wood: no is ok all u do is the barrister would write u and tell you want to do and then there would be agreement and also the bank would now later contact you then the money would be activate and i would try and open a new account so it comes in tere first

[12:59: 06 AM] Jerry Wood: all documents would be provide

[1:00: 58 AM] Lucy *: what then i get a check is that what your saying

[1:02: 35 AM] Jerry Wood: yes

[1:03: 05 AM] Jerry Wood: so u have to do what the barrister would tell u and pls i turst u in these plslucy

[1:04: 19 AM] Lucy *: well if you dont mind once i receive these documents i will get them checked by a lawyer to safe guard myself

[1:04: 29 AM] Jerry Wood: the check woud be send to you via DHL and pls lucy i trust you in these

[1:04: 31 AM] Jerry Wood: yes

[1:06: 16 AM] Lucy *: you dont mind if i get the documents checked by a lawyer i know and what is DHL

[1:06: 52 AM] Jerry Wood: you have to write him first and then he tells you want to do

[1:07: 17 AM] Jerry Wood: pls write him and he would tell you want to do lucy

[1:07: 19 AM] Jerry Wood: ok

[1:08: 55 AM] Lucy *: ok but the documents i will have to get checked by my lawyer first before i do anything you must understand where i am comming from

[1:09: 19 AM] Jerry Wood: yes

[1:10: 04 AM] Jerry Wood: i agree with you

[1:10: 22 AM] Lucy *: why did you choose me

[1:10: 42 AM] Lucy *: and what is 20% in that currency

[1:10: 54 AM] Jerry Wood: cos maybe God choose that and te business we going to do together

[1:11: 19 AM] Lucy *: what is 20% in that currency

[1:11: 52 AM] Jerry Wood: euro

[1:12: 19 AM] Lucy *: yes but what is that worth in Australia money

[1:13: 12 AM] Jerry Wood: it 's would be more in australia curreny cos euro is higer than australia money just doing these cos of my heart and you help me and the business

[1:14: 07 AM] Lucy *: ok but i would like to know exactly how much it would be

[1:14: 16 AM] Jerry Wood: your 20 percent is 1.7million euro

[1:15: 01 AM] Lucy Bayly: is that australian money i dont understand currency

[1:15: 25 AM] Jerry Wood: it would ve higer in austrila money

[1:15: 59 AM] Jerry Wood: but your 20 percent is in euro 1.7 million you can covert it to your own currency and check

[1:16: 11 AM] Lucy *: What is DHL

[1:16: 33 AM] Lucy *: I dont know how that converts to my money

[1:17: 06 AM] Jerry Wood: DHL is were the send parcel within 3days

[1:18: 12 AM] Lucy *: so you wont mind if i get these documents checked by my lawyer to see that everything is above board

[1:19: 01 AM] Jerry Wood: of course i will but first you need to write the lawyer before he tells you what to do and how you go about the documents ok

[1:19: 32 AM] Jerry Wood: barrister_jacob. [email protected]

[1:20: 13 AM] Jerry Wood: that is email lucy write him cos he is an international barrister that travels all time and he is well know and he has help lot of people like these

[1:21: 06 AM] Lucy *: so what am i suppose to write in this email, i wont give my bank details you know that

[1:21: 53 AM] Jerry Wood: no don't give him your bank details itwould all come to check through Dhl to you

[1:22: 28 AM] Jerry Wood: write him that you are Lucy standing on the behalf of Jerry Wood account to be activated 34million euros and he would let you know what to do at once

[1:22: 54 AM] Jerry Wood: but pls if you get the Check Lucy let me you trust you in these ok

[1:24: 06 AM] Lucy *: and once i do all this how long does it take for the check because i will be moving to the country soon

[1:24: 37 AM] Jerry Wood: it would take long just 1wee or 2weeks

[1:24: 58 AM] Jerry Wood: just abid and do what the barrister tells you to do pls lucy and i would trust you in the check

[1:26: 25 AM] Lucy *: would he send the documents in the email to me

[1:27: 07 AM] Jerry Wood: yes but write him first so he tells you how to obatin the documents and other things

[1:29: 37 AM] Jerry Wood: how you go about it but pls i would trust you with the check pls lucy

[1:29: 42 AM] Lucy *: so once i write to him and he sends the documents i will be getting these documents checked by my lawyer ok. And what is his full name please

[1:30: 23 AM] Jerry Wood: just write him and he would attend you at once

[1:31: 05 AM] Jerry Wood: Barr: Jacobs Clements is the name of lawyer

[1:31: 38 AM] Jerry Wood: just abide what he tells you and do but pls i have to trust you with the check and ur per cent is not the problem ok

[1:33: 20 AM] Lucy *: ok but i have to trust you and for me to safe guard myself i will do what he saids but i will not sign anything until it is checked by my lawyer i hope you understand that

[1:34: 20 AM] Jerry Wood: yes i agree with you but everything would be ok but just do and how he would tell you to tell you to get the documents and other things

[1:34: 39 AM] Jerry Wood: but i know i would trust you with the money i hope i trust you

[1:35: 46 AM] Lucy *: how would i get the documents is what concerns me

[1:36: 39 AM] Jerry Wood: don't he would tell you what to do cos your name would be on it and saying you do helping me to activate it he would tell you want to do lucy

[1:36: 46 AM] Jerry Wood: you can write him ok

[1:39: 11 AM] Lucy *: well i hope this is above board and not a scam because i will do my homework so i hope you understand thast im very cautious about this im still unsure but i will do my homework ok

[1:40: 12 AM] Jerry Wood: well dear i ahve told you and i swear with my soul and life ok

[1:41: 22 AM] Lucy *: ok im signing off now as its 1.40am tuesday morning so i will do it first thing in the morning

[1:41: 57 AM] Jerry Wood: ok

[1:42: 01 AM] Jerry Wood: thank you lucy

[1:42: 22 AM] Jerry Wood: and hope to hear from you and what he said and then u get ur percent and i start the business at once

[1:42: 39 AM] Jerry Wood: hope to hear from you later on bye lucy

[1:43: 35 AM] Lucy *: You know you cant start it in the uk only US, Canada, Australia, NewZealand and Asia later on
Jerry Wood

Offender: Barrister Jacobs Clements

Country: USA   State: Nationwide

Category: Internet & Web


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