» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review:, -, Intra-Connect allows SPAM vertising for porn sites in chat rooms that allow children as young as 13 lousy ripoff bums damn them. Redondo Beach, California. #32118

Complaint / Review,, Intra-Connect allows SPAM vertising for porn sites in chat rooms that allow children as young as 13 lousy ripoff bums damn them. Redondo Beach, California

On the night of 12/8 SPAMvertisements started appearing in the chat room I frequent. The advertisements looked like a screen name in a chat room "chatting" - then they gave a link to one of three IP addresses (,140.186,123, 196, and These IP addresses all point to a web URL They were coming in the room every three minutes, dumping their trash and leaving. The "bot" apparently has the ability to alter the screen name enough so that you have to place each and every bot on ignore when it comes in or you are deluged with it's schlock. Here's a few examples.

Sxysuziejsf9 has entered the room.
Sxysuziejsf9: Whats up in here?
Sxysuziejsf9: I like the water so I am going to Florida
sxysuziejsf9: Visit HERE for totally free webcams, see my explicit pics there!
Sxysuziejsf9: you going to call him?
Sxysuziejsf9: I love playing on my webcam, see me HERE
sxysuziejsf9: gotta run, be back later
sxysuziejsf9 has left the room.

Lonelykaren1hvs has entered the room.
Lonelykaren1hvs: Whats up in here?
Lonelykaren1hvs: I get tense if I don't get it once a day
lonelykaren1hvs: Cute college coed looking to play on my new webcam, see me here HERE
lonelykaren1hvs: anyone from Boston?
Lonelykaren1hvs: I love meeting new people, come see my webcam details HERE
lonelykaren1hvs has left the room.

Bifemsheilakkjh has entered the room.
Bifemsheilakkjh: Whats up in here?
Bifemsheilakkjh: anyone from Florida?
Bifemsheilakkjh: I love meeting new people, come see my webcam details HERE
bifemsheilakkjh: I just got a new email account there
bifemsheilakkjh: I love playing on my webcam, see me HERE
bifemsheilakkjh: see you soon, gotta run
bifemsheilakkjh has left the room.

The word HERE in each of the examples is a link to the site in the room.

I traced the IP and it came back assigned to I sent this email:

"It has come to my attention that the person or persons who run the site in your domain are using programmed "bots" advertising on the America Online Instant Messenger Chat Room servers. The program probably allows for multiple screen names with infinite variation on the screen names. I have personally seen these "bots" in the chat room in the last 36 hours and have placed on ignore approximately 100 screen names. These advertisements flood the chat room with URL links. These advertisements reference to the IP addresses,, and and when the link is clicked, it takes you to a site for pornography. The chat rooms available from America Online Instant Messenger are available to children 13 years and older. They are advertising porn to minors, which is illegal in all 50 states. Please inform your "tenants" to correct these actions or some form of legal remedy will be sought by the people who frequent these chat rooms. Below you will see a sample of said advertisements that are appearing in chat rooms across the network."

I quickly received an email from Jeffrey at that explained that - although these USED to be their IP addresses, they have since changed providers and the provider neglected to request a change to the whois database to reflect this. Jeffery, who is VERY NICE and was VERY HELPFUL, and when I apologized about threatening legal action (as being heavy handed), he told me:

"Not heavy handed at fact, I was tempted to thank you for being so restrained in the first reply. The first complaint about this I got last night was, "If you don't stop, I'm going to launch a denial of service and SPAM attack on your servers. You've been warned." Now *that* was heavy handed. (shiver)"

I contacted with the exact same letter I sent to Jeffery and a few others. COLIN replied with this -

"How many people do you feel that you need to contact? I already spoke to the tenant. And modified SWIP records are requested. Sending email to everyone you can think of is like spam.
Try asking nicely. It goes futher than forceful language.

Also, I do not generally respond to emails that are from "Hotmail".

Which chat rooms are affected by this?"

To this email I replied "I will send this to as many people as I need to in order to stop it. And considering I'm dealing with spammers, do you think I was my ISP email address handed to them on a plate?" and I included this list of chat rooms that the bots had been infesting as of 12/9

Fifties Love
Forties Love
Thirties Love
Single Again
Christian Singles
Older Women
Britney Spears*
Christina Aguilera*
Top TV
Dark Angel
Computing Chat*
Gaming Chat*
Geneology Chat
Pet Chat
Hobby Chat
International Chat
Washington DC
Jewish Singles
Checkout Lane
Hindu Singles
Romance Connection
Native Singles
Pentagon Chat
Financial Safety Chat
Market Watch
NFL Chat
WWF Chat*
MLB Chat
Travel Chat

* - denotes chat rooms that have a topic that would cause them to be frequented by children under the age of 18
* - denotes chat rooms that I know for a fact is frequented by children under the age of 18

I also told COLIN "if you'd like your teenagers exposed to pornography, that's your business. But I think this spamvertisement in the Britney Spear and WWF Chat rooms is TOO MUCH"

I also included a "chat log" featuring the bots finest work.

Not only is the web site still spamming ALL those chat rooms. I only found three public rooms that the bots were NOT in. Lesbian Chat was one of them... Guess they don't want legal age women looking at their web cams, but teens as young as 13 are ok.

In closing, is responsible for advertising pornography in rooms that are frequented by children, and COLIN (bless his heart) "SPOKE" to the tenant and modified SWIP records LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE OVER SIX MONTHS AGO.

I finally get fed up with the bots enough to do something about it, and COLIN thinks that "asking nicely" gets things done. If asking nicely worked. There would BE no consumer complaints.


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