» Health & Medicine » Complaint / Review: Dr. Reza Amadinia - Rip off md gave me a hysterectomy then didnt bother to follow up with me, left me in waiting room for 1 hour 5 days after surgery. #167217

Complaint / Review
Dr. Reza Amadinia
Rip off md gave me a hysterectomy then didnt bother to follow up with me, left me in waiting room for 1 hour 5 days after surgery

I had a hyserectomy by this md. And just left to figure out for myself what to do or if the pain i had was normal. I believe this md had good intentions but something is deeply wrong with his staff.

Dr Amadinia lacks awareness of his pts post surgical progress or lack of for that matter. I was told to make an appt in his office for about 5-7 days after surgery, which I did. I hobbled in his office and even showed up 10 minutes early as I always do for all my appts. No one was there except 1 couple and their baby. A half hour went by and people began to fill up the waitng room and even the ones after me went in.

I've just had major surgery mind your and can barely stay in a sitting position for long. An hour went by. People coming and going. Finally I said hey I can't wait any longer I'm in a-lot of pain here. Finally a girl comes out calls me back and says im not taking your vitals since you cant wait. Wow ok, then she wants me to hop up on this table, I told I couldn't do it without help.

She then asks what I'm being seen for and why was I in such bad shape. Oh boy. Then after 10 minutes dr. AHMADINIA strolls in and asks me "so why are you here?"

Well I was so disgusted I just said "you tell me. Why do you think im here?" I had a few issues such as this immense pain I was in and some problems I wasn't sure were normal, he really didnt elaborate.

So I relied on some material I bought for my info, still not exactly the help I needed. I went back to work after 6 weks, but the pain I was in would have me dropping to my knees at the end of the day.

I called the doctor and they never offered to see me, I asked if I could get a refill on some muscle relaxers or pain meds I had once taken for my cramps and pain before surgery. I was told to call my primary md the pain couldnt be related to the surgery. Well guess what? After thinking I was crazy and just trying to deal with the pain, I started bleeding.

I was seen immediately by another md, who saw my falopian tube was hanging down in my vaginal canal and that was my source of pain. I've had that corrected and AHAMDINIAS OFFICE REFUSED TO FAX my records to the new md, I was given them on the sly by a sympathetic girl at AHMADINIAS office. She said she didn't know why they wouldnt comply. She was fired. Also this office faxed a 2 page half truth letter on how I was non-compliant, refused to be seen and wanted drugs.

The real problem is they accidently faxed this to my work place as I'm in medical field. So that was my record? What horrible people. I wish dr. Ahmadina could understand how rudely and inconsequintal I was treated.

I'm not the only victim. There's others that were damaged by his mistakes that I learned of. (by the way I was supposed to just have my cervix and uterous taken out, in the records I got it says he took out my right ovary, well we know the falopian tube was still there, it was the one hanging out of me. But then did he take the ovary? I'll maybe never know)

Offender: Dr. Reza Amadinia

Country: USA   State: California   City: Apple Valley
Address: 15963 Quantico Rd Suite B
Phone: 7609462243

Category: Health & Medicine


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