» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., A/k/a Jack Morgan - Oft-Fired, Inept Private School Headmaster /Crook Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., a/k/a Jack Morgan, MA And Sun City Center, FL. #247941

Complaint / Review
Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., A/k/a "Jack Morgan"
Oft-Fired, Inept Private School "Headmaster"/Crook Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., a/k/a Jack Morgan, MA And Sun City Center, FL

I don't even know quite where to begin to recount the situation with Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., also known as "Jack Morgan, " a private school headmaster who was booted out of more school principal jobs as frequently as most people change their socks. But the saga of this man began in, of all places, Dartmouth, where he got accepted as a "legacy" - i.E., Morgan wasn't accepted to the prestigious Ivy League university because he was particularly gifted, but because he had forebears who had attended the school. Morgan would present himself as a gifted Ivy League man to get attention, however. Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., a stuffed shirt WASP with no particular talents, had wanted to be, of all things, a jazz musician. He tried to break into jazz music in Boston, Mass. Not New Orleans, not Chicago, not New York, not LA - BOSTON. That, right there, says volumes with regard to this man's judgement skills, because there IS NO jazz scene in Boston.

Morgan's biggest claim to fame was, and remains, once having blown a trumpet in the Dartmouth band.

Failing at music, in a manner reminiscent of Adolf Hitler failing to pass the entrance exam to art school, and look at the destruction that happened afterwards, Morgan, too immature to even figure out how to pursue a music career properly, tried his hand at teaching history to private high school students, and also proved he wasn't too inept at that. The school where he was employed was not impressed with him and would not allow him to advance internally. So he decided to become a private school principal, probably because he liked the pretentious title of "headmaster, " even though he lacked the talent to be one, the same way he lacked the talent to professionally blow his horn in Boston. The paragon of incompetence then plied his latest new trade as a "headmaster" at the Vail-Deane School in Elizabeth, NJ, running it straight into the ground, and then, after being booted from Vail-Deane, messed around with additional private schools in the West Virginia and Florida areas. And what this man did to hurt the children he encountered could fill ten volumes of books, but I shall try to be brief here and just recap.

First of all, probably owing to his complete failure as a musician, Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., a/k/a Jack Morgan, became a rampaging drunkard who refused to get any sort of treatment. He was beating his own children, Cheryl and Peter, excessively and regularly. They were complaining to their teachers about it. Neighbors on Windsor Way in Hillside, NJ, witnessed incidents. Nobody called the cops, but somebody should have. Little Peter was becoming one very enraged child, as a result, acting out and beating on other children, but nothing was done, since Morgan-as-Headmaster thought himself to be Godlike and above reproach.

It would have been enough had he just limited his viciousness and his drunken rages to his own offspring, but he didn't. Then he started in on the rest of the kids who were unfortunate enough to attend the schools where he had talked his way into being in charge.

Morgan played all kinds of games with the parents. Students had to pass admissions tests in order to enter these schools, so Morgan had fun with the tests, sometimes telling a parent here that their child wasn't smart enough to get in, or there that he would have to make a very big exception in order to allow a child in for whatever reason - always making THE CHILD look somehow "lacking" or "defective." Always, THE CHILD was made to appear to have "a problem." If Morgan could make the parents think the child was lacking, and his school - and therefore, he - was the solution to the woes of the kid, which Morgan had either exaggerated or manufactured, he'd hit on his own private "gold mine." Many parents read between the lines of what Morgan really wanted and promptly gave Morgan donations. One very rich man, told that his three daughters were too dumb to enter the school, offered to buy new playground equipment for the school, and "suddenly" his daughters found themselves enrolled. This was an open secret at the time it happened. The children's surname was Berson.

In the fashion of drunks and addicts everywhere, Morgan also had no clearly defined adult boundaries, and stuck his nose into the personal lives of the students, often with atrocious results. His job was to supervise their education, not to take over their lives, but try and take over he did, as if anyone would have benefitted from the intrusions of such a pathetic, puny-minded "man."

Children at the schools where Jesse J. Morgan, Jr. Reigned supreme were nothing but pawns in Jesse's little money making scheme. IRS, take note!

It's unknown how much money Morgan might have pocketed on the side from these ridiculous ploys used upon the parents, but it would certainly be interesting to have this ridiculous man audited, since he now owns not one, but two, retirement homes, one in Harwich, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod, and the other in Sun City Center, Florida - neither of which are too shabby for a man who lived on a school headmaster's allegedly "non-profit, " but hey, we know better, salary.

Add to that, Vail-Deane School, during the time drunken Morgan was in charge, had more in common with an opium den than an institute of addition to Morgan, there were four known substance abusers among the teaching staff. Morgan hired them. Birds of a feather all flock together, and all that - he picked individuals to work there who were most like himself. One messed up addict was even hired by Morgan to drive a school bus. These "teachers" were unbearably dangerous people and Morgan, of course, did not supervise them. He was too busy drinking his booze, beating his kids, and attempting to shake down parents.

Again, I believe that Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., a/k/a Jack Morgan, and his wife, Doris Morgan, a/k/a Dottie Morgan, should be put under investigation by the Internal Revenue Service, who, if they placed their bank accounts under the intensive scrutiny they deserve, would almost inevitably find something wrong with the finances of these two descpicable people.

Offender: Jesse J. Morgan, Jr., A/k/a "Jack Morgan"

Country: USA   State: Massachusetts   City: Harwich
Address: 10 Argyle, Harwich, MA And Sun City Center, FL

Category: Education & Science


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