» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: Smith Station High School - Lied during court defamation & slander judge ruled unfairly allowed me to be harassed & bullied for 3 years commited perjury. #185289

Complaint / Review
Smith Station High School
Lied during court defamation & slander judge ruled unfairly allowed me to be harassed & bullied for 3 years commited perjury

Highschools, do not care if they ruin our futures teachers should be held responsible for school bullies, & schools should report school bullies besides letting it go!

I, will make my own report about my experince 8 years ago I told part of it on this report! I was harassed by the the teachers during the lawsuit & the bullying continued & the judge ruled agaisnt us! Their was a conflict of interest between the schools lawyer & our lawyer & the judge should not have had let this lawyer come on the case. Everybody, deserves a free apporiate education & my highschool was not going to give me one to due my disibilty! The judge ruled unfairly he is for the schools & do not care about the students interest!

Schools should ne held reliable for ruining kids futures like how my school ruined my future! This, judge runied my future @ the end it was a waste of time! This was 8 years ago! Their is no justice! The, judge lied in his decision he insulted my mother & me everyone on our side! I was harassed for 3 years! By the same bullies & nothing was being done about it!

Instead the bullies lied about me, the judge said I had no evidence but the teachers always believed the bullies & the judge accused me of harassing & bullying the kids & they never had no evidence! Bullies, always get away with harassing & bullying all high schools are like this the lawsuit went on for 2 years! But it was a waste of time sense the judge was not going to rule in favor of me cause I had a learning disabilty & the school was not going to give me a free, & apporiate education & they allowed me to be harassed & bullied for 3 years only to end up losing the lawsuit!

This, school will pay for what they put me threw & my mother & my mother & I need to bring a defamation suit agaisnt this school & their two lawyers for ruining my education! & allowing the bullies to continue to pick on me reason why I was not believed cause they where no teachers present when I was being harassed, but when
the bullies got me introuble they was no teachers present! Will probally never get over the abuse I suffered while I was in school & the school authorities never took any action & not intervene in the complaints I was making.

It has been 8 years sense the abuse took place I think I should sue the state like those two step kids got $12,000 each for their abuse they suffered for their step parants.

I have records to prove the abuse I suffered the school think they have got away with what they did to me but in the long run like that step-mother who got 7 years in prison for abuse & neglet they could get away with it for 10 years, & at the end you can sue them for.

I think i will have the nerve to post every name & post all the documents about their lies & everything that has happend to me during my last 3 years of high school, of course everybody denies the abuse they are accusing you of but I have documentation & I will be a wistleblower to the corruption this school tried to cover-up.

I don't care how many people reply back to insult me or how much criticism I get I am a fighter, this school ruined my childhood which I could probally never get back & part of my adulthood & ruined my chances to get a college education, but schools do not care how many kids lives they screw over has long has they can continue to steal federal funds from the government to give to lawyers to help them win cases agaisnt lawsuits they parents bring agaisnt them & parents always lose because schools get hotshot lawyers & pay them $1,000 of dollars to keep from getting sued for how wrong they treat kids in school.

I was harassed & bullied threw my last threw years of school the bullies always covered their tracks & i always ended up getting introuble for things I have not done no teachers have even withnessed any of the things the bullies accused me of & the teachers always believed the bullies more then me this happend all threw my highschool. I could not even graudate due to the abuse I suffered. I always reported the harassment but the teachers & school princapal never took any action to stop it I always got sent to the office their was alot of things that went on in that school that the teachers were unaware of.

I left the highschool because I was tired of being ignored by the school staff about the harassment I have suffered & I always got accused of harassing & bullieing all the other kids who were the ones bullying me they always covered their tracks & I always got introuble.

I have the nerve to post my former high schools information for how they have ruined my life & the dirty lies they said about me & my mother it is all on documentation my mom has kepted tons of papers of their lies.

My mom has kepted these papers for 8 long years to prove later the wrong they done to me looks like my former high school has ruined another kids life from having a future & to get all the federal funds that they get to give to their cronie, crook, lawyers, schools are stealing governments money. I was harassed & abused for 3 years from 8th to 11th by black kids & white kids, I always was the one who got introuble everytime I reported the harassment to the teachers of my principal but none of them anything to stop the abuse the bullies always accused me of picking on them & the teachers beleive them more then they did me. I was suppose to graudate in 2001 but due to all the emotional abuse I suffered my grades suffered as well,

I never once made a passing grade I was always out of school due to the bulling & angry that I was not believed by the teachers. The teachers were always in support of the bullies & did nothing to stop the abuse & violence this highschool ruined my years that were supposed to be fun but this is not how it is in your final years of school, It took me till 2003 to finally graudate from highschool.

If my highschool did the right thing during my highschool years I could have graudated in 2001 but they did not do right by me They ruined my highschool years. All though it has been 7 years I am still affected by it.

Their is more to this story then what I am telling I do not want anybody on this website to know everything what I been threw. Those were suppose to be my best years but that is not how they work these days, I am still angry but have been able to move on from the abuse but it is still in my mind as it happend ysterday.

This highschool ruined all chances to get a college education schools should be held accountable for the lives they ruined like they have ruined my life this highschool made my life a living hell,

In 1999 I went back to homeschool because my mother was tired of fighing with the school system I have become another victim of this school system I do not know how
many other victims are out their from this school system but if we all speak out we can get some justice & file legal action agaisnt this school system & hold them accountable for their actions.

The school teachers are always in support of the bullies my local school system should be held accountable for the lives that they ruined every kid deserves a free apporiate education & deserve a changce at life.

Offender: Smith Station High School

Country: USA   State: Alabama   City: Smiths Station
Address: 1100 Lee Road 298

Category: Education & Science


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