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Found 356 reviews / complaints
Page 34

Rebate scam

I have call on november 24 '08,5 times. Any time that I rich the rebate department I have been disconected with no answer. I have lost more than an hour. Its regular proceduresfrom sprint to act in that way. So dont pay what they owe to the costumer. They should be prosecuted, so they start ...

Bad service

The Nextel/Motorola i580 is complete junk. Sprint/Nextel markets this phone as "Rugged Construction / Military 810F Spec" and "Rain-Resistant." Nothing could be further from the truth. I have gone through 5 i580 phones, each replaced with a $50.00 fee, one of them for free. Here ...

Sprint PCS

I find it interesting how you can have one contract with three lines and be charged an early termination fee per line. When normally it is per contract. It is interesting also to know that sprint automatically renews your contract when you call in and make changes to your account. Every month, you ...

Sprint PCS
Terrible experience

I canceled my phone service with Sprint PCS due to poor service in my calling area. The fee for canceling my contract (which had only 3 months left on it) was $150 per phone. We had 2 phones. (I was under the impression it was $150 to cancel.) I got the bill for $300 and paid the fee over a period ...

Unauthorized mobile charges

I have been with Sprint, for many years, how many, well it was called Gencom Corp. Then and they did not even have cell phone. I started in California and then in Washington State and then back to California from from 1984—2008. When I stared with them they were very good at there billing and ...

Rip off

I signed up a simple shared 700-minute family plan at $69 $20 for two extra lines and used only about 200 minutes a the first month, I paid over 500 dollars for the phones, which they said were supposed to be free, and then $210 for the first month's the second month, I received ...