» 8664966638 » 8664966638 | Page 23

Phone: 8664966638
Found 290 reviews / complaints
Page 23

Consumer Report

Young mens claiming to be school students and tryingto raise money for a trip. I orders books for my classroom. Now this seemes to be a scram i have not received any books. This is and should be illegal and they should be sought out and arrested. Names thay gave were ben/gary??? ...

MTS Circulation LLS
Consumer Report

Had a sales agent Jesse P. Come to my door selling books, wasn't inertested at first but i some some nice books for Xmas for my sons, so I purchased a few, seemed legit, have the receipt and everything, to this date 4,3/12 have not recied the books yet. Looked at the check receipt that i have and ...

MTS Circulation LLC
Consumer Report

The solisiter that came to the apartment complex that i live in, which also states no solicitating, was supposed to send this prescription to the veterenians of foreign wars. I hope that you fix this problem and if in the future i will report any of the people that are comming into this area ...