» 5032130469 » 5032130469 | Page 43

Phone: 5032130469
Found 452 reviews / complaints
Page 43
Consumer Report

I answered my phone and an automated voice came on telling me it was my captian speaking and he wanted me to answer a few questions and that i would get two free all inclusive cruise tickets. So I answered the questions and then talked to a women who verified my phone number and got my postal code. ...
Consumer Report

Offered free cruise and got caught in the loop of their scam. When I went online on their site, I never got to any point to get the offer (had to scroll through tons and tons of "free offers") and then no sales rep ever called me (as I was told they would). Someone owes me a cruise! ...
Consumer Report

Called up... Offered free cruise with survey... After answering 10 questions, operator answered and verified phone number, asked name, and instructed to go to to complete. Imediately googled and VOILA!!! Scam!!! But what will happen next? ...
Consumer Report

I just got the call from and answered the 10 questions. I went to the website and when i clicked no to all the promotional item they offer the paige doesnt change. I almost just said yes to an offer but decided its against my better judgement is a complete scam ...