» Philadelphia » Philadelphia | Page 315

City: Philadelphia
Found 2220 reviews / complaints
Page 315

FBCS Collection Agency

My Account was referred to FBCS from Cross County Bank in attempt to collect / settle a debt. I was told by FBCS that if i settled my account with them my account with Cross Country Bank would be settled/closed. I never received a settlement letter from FBCS after paying the agreed upon amount in ...

City Of Philadelphia DHS / Phila Police Dept
City Of Philadelphia DHS, lies Phila Police Dept RAILROADED AGAIN as in 1997 when I filed CAP IAD #96-420 #97-2029 Philadelphia is more like Iraq then a city in the U.S. A!

We're being RAILROADED again! The lies from PPD, and DHS stay in court papers submitted against us! The stark reality is not being noticed from the judge and never adressed by authority. The liar that cranked telephone called 911 and DHS is guarded for a lifetime all of this after I ...