» Cars & Transport » Complaint / Review: Matt Willouby At Corvettes Of Houston - Matt willouby the manager as well as the other staff there when this incident occurred. corvettes of houston, guns drawn... this is how we do business in texas. #589896

Complaint / Review
Matt Willouby At Corvettes Of Houston
Matt willouby the manager as well as the other staff there when this incident occurred. "corvettes of houston", "guns drawn"..."this is how we do business in texas"

Guns Drawn, Texas Style... (Corvettes of Houston), by (Matt Willouby). My Name is Christopher Fountain, What you are about to Hear is "No Fabricated Story", I Promise.

I Brought my Purple C-4 1992 Corvette to the "Hillbillies", listed above. I assure you, the Treatment I received was from No Technician, like they called themselves, But of what was equivalent to a Barbaric, Chicken Wrangler, and the prime; example, of what the outcome of one of these Texans would be like if they were to Marry and Impregnate their own "Kin Folk". (Alien Mutant Behavior)

So, Lets get to the point here, "Imagine, for one minute of a Mechanic Shop, keeping your Car outside while it was supposed to be fixed for 8 months, A Corvette, being subject to the weather"?

It gets Worse, Their excuse is, General Motors going (Bankrupt), Right? The Company that used to rebuild parts for GM, No longer does, because GM, never paid them. Believe that, Read No More...

I paid over 1500.00 dollars, to have my car fixed from a Alarm System problem, I already waited 8 months, then when I go to pick the Car up, Same Problem, but It Broke down on me down the Street on I-45 in Houston. (It gets much Worse), These bunch of Hillbillies, already had my car so long, that they broke my door panel, Stole my book, on the Corvette for my model, The so-called, "Technician", asked me for the book, before I dropped it off to them,

These bunch of Idiots, picked up my car, the had the car back in the outdoors of "Corvettes of Houston", meanwhile, other Brand New Corvettes, were treated with Respect, while they treated mine like complete "Garbage", like these Hillbillies, themselves are to me, especially after what I tell you next.

Matt Willouby, in the 15350 I-45 north Houston store, after having my Corvette for over 8 months, Charging me more, which I kindly paid, felt ripped off, but I paid it, After all of that, I picked the car up from them once again, only for them to Tow it Back with their TowTruck provider,

Can you believe that this "Redneck", "Son of a B*ch", Pulled a Gun, loaded it behind my back, and then pointed it to my face in his office, because I asked him, About my car still not being fixed, so why should I pick it up until it was?

Only for Chris that is the Service Manager, to say that the Electronic Computer Module, was built wrong.

Fine; But, Why did this parasite (Matt Willouby), "Draw Weopons", in a Business enviroment? Where are these Idiots "Code of Ethics"? Then finally, Is Mr. Matt Willouby, the perfect example of Crossed, (D.N. A), or the subject of marrying his own, "Kin Folk"?

Then, I would like to conclude this True Life, experience with this; "Corvettes of Houston", It is my High, I mean High, Reccomendation, That you get rid of this piece of White trash, quickly, before the next time, your CEO's, have to visit one of us in the Hospital, "Pulling Guns Is Not Allowed, you BackWards, Farmers. But, I promise to God, Or what Mr Matt Willouby might believe in, The "Devil", That the person they will be visiting will not be me, This is not by all means Not a Threat, but only the start to a War, that "Corvettes of Houston", is not willing to be prepared for, to help some "Parasite", from within your establishment.

This Story is "True" and "accurate"."What happened to the customer is right"?
"Why did you replace my Money, for the damage your Company did to me"?
If anyone from Corvettes of Houston would like to address this Problem, please feel free?

This incident will be posted all over the Internet, I have nothing to hide, If anyone doesn't like this, then Reply, Arrest me, or Sue me, It is my pleasure to anniolate your reputation some more, for what this Scumbag, did to me.

I have no reason to lie, I have all records which will be published on my own personal website, for other people so that they do not get killed by this piece of Slime, The only reason why I am probally still alive, is because of a very Trustworthy person that was on the Phone while this happened, that was one of the witness's I had that had to explain to this Loser, Matt Willouby, that "Guns kill people, and Rednecks Contribute to that factor, Unfortunately for (Corvettes of Houston), it was already posted on the faithful Internet, and Matt Willouby, was already "Exposed", for the Rum, Drum, Hillbilly Trash that he is.

But, He was never arrested yet, but I am working on that around the clock to see to it that it happens, if not, Matt Willouby, has the "Right to Bear Arms", I have the right to expose him like equivalent to a 'Child Pervert", because I do not like Guns, But also, Mr Willouby, has Free Corporate Benefits within the Chicken Farm of a company he represents, of Free, 401k, maybe, Dental, maybe, and last but not least, (Medical) Which, He better have a Real, Good One, if he ever in the rest of his Natural, Kin Folk, Crossed, Borned Life. Better think Real, "Hard", about "Ever Pulling a Gun on Me Again".

I would love to address this in Court, Newspaper, Wherever, If no one is not Interested, Look it up on the Internet, BBB, I will soon have it on T-shirts, as well, as due to my last name, I will soon be publishing this in a Book available to the Public to read, Not to be famous, but to make sure everyone is aware of this Hillbilly Rancher "Out of Control".

The amount of Money I would ever Settle for on this one, is "BANKRUPT"?
Corvettes of Houston, Let Him Go, I think If he keeps on pulling Guns on People, He is really going to end up hurt, or even worse, "Is that really worth keeping him around"?

Talk to me, I have all of the proof, I was unarmed and helpless, with no Vehicle, Really, Lets get Real here?


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