» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: Regent Financial Group - this is a scam, FRAUD! Orland. #540047

Complaint / Review
Regent Financial Group this is a scam, FRAUD! Orland

Little did I know that two weeks ago was the beginning of the end of my world! It was soon to come crashing down on me... It's Christmas time and I needed a personal loan for this time of the year and catch up on my finances. PLus about 5 months ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and being the "dependent child" I truly wanted to help her out with her costly procedure. I search online for a secured personal loan for people with ok credit. And popped up. I went and filled out their online application where it stated only a minimum of 5,000.00 could be given... So I applied for the 5000.00... But i noticed on the website there were no contact numbers or names??? BUT i still applied. Two weeks later I get a call from a Diane Cutler with Regent Financial group stating i was approved for a secured loan but collateral was needed. I don't own anything, so she advised me I could put 6months down, which would be 910.00, my interest would be 6% and roughly 150.00 a month AND i would have to start paying until july! Of course I immediately started asking my mom and friends to please help me so i can get this loan. I came up with the money, called Diane back, and she faxed me over a contract... I read it over (it looked ligit with a nice, fancy letter head), i signed and faxed it back... Later that evening I called her back and she told me where to wire (western union) the money: JAMIE WALTER< TORONTO, ONTARIO CANADA... Called her back with the MCTN and she congratulated me on my 5000.00 loan! SHe asked for my banking information and told me a would be receiving my welcoming package in the mail and went on to say how my payments could be made!!! I was told by Diane that my money would be in my account no later than 5pm the following day

Two days later I receive a call from "the bringer of bad news", ANDREW DAVIS himself..."manager"... He stated my account went before accounting and my loan was being reassessed and an additional 6months was needed! I panic and told him that they defaulted their contract and how I already paid all my bills... He told me that it wasn't his fault (with attitude) and became very rude! He IS a smooth talker, but a very arrogant MOFO. He went on to tell me he could credit me 300.00 dollars plus wiring fees I had paid for previos wire so I only would need to wire 610.00 Tuesday December the 15th i wired the money to the same place... Andrew promised this would never happen again, and assured me i would have the money! NOPE!!!

He called me the following day and said the lender backed out and that the "CEO and their LAWYERS" were getting involved, and how this rarely happens... He also stated how awful he felt because he gave his word! And that was crap! Andrew went on to say how there was another lender out of Jaimaca who was willing to lend 10,000.00 but an additional year payments would be needed, so another 1000.00. I was desperate by now because Christmas was just around the corner and I had used all I had!

Friday December 15th I called him and said I had the money (thanks to one of my BFF's) but I was waiting on the 'letter of gaurantee" he said he would fax that previous night... He said he came in and noticed an error so he would ask his assistant to refax... I NEVER GOT IT! I then google their name and low and behold RIP OFF REPORT to the rescue! I was about to wire additional monies to these scam artist, and here was all the evidence i needed!!! I called to confront him to tell him the company was a scam and what i read, and he denied the whole thing... Went on to tell me how they have been in business for 14years and if so why were they still up and running! Then he grew some and told me just for me accusing him a ripping people off he was denying my loan, cancelling my app. And refunding my money... YES he did tell me everytime that I could back out and my money could be refunded BUT, and I said BUT after the fact I had wired them 910.00!!! Plus my refund would be refunded unitl January 11!!! They got my money in minutes, and I expect it back in minutes!!! He is very smart and knows exactly what to say, BUT how could he do this to me especially after I told him this was to help my mom with her surgery in January! These people have no hearts, feel no pain and are just out right scam artists! They feed and prey off of working class people and WE need to get our justice! I told myself that I would never give up on bringing these people down...

I have spent days, work hours, everything I got, my sweat, tears and numerous anxiety attacks to get my justice... Please do the same AND DO NOT APPLY FOR A LOAN WITH THESE VULTURES!

I've never felt like such a fool... I have let my kids down days before christmas and worst of all my mother! I have literally had a breakdown and i still hurt! When I told him how everyone online stated that they told the FBI and other agencies he just laughed and said that these people who wrote on here were his current clients!

But i am here to let you know i have filed with:

The canadian police, rcmp public affairs, attorney general, better business bureau here florida and canada, federal trade commission, put a fraud alert on my credit report, had to close my checking account, file with my police department here,, internet crime complaint center, and i'm not stopping!!!

Although the Florida BBB stated that the address provided was a phony! There is no such place!!! They are located out of canada!!! No wonder when you call you have to state your name because they need to know who's calling! And the web address' if you google it, it changes it's domain often! SO their website is fake as well...

Please becareful and if there is one thing i learned... You should never have to front, wire, whatever, any money to anyone for a loan, unless you have to pay a fee to have them pull your credit!

Offender: Regent Financial Group

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Orlando
Address: 9102 southpark center loop
Phone: 8772470624

Category: Business & Finance


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