» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: TaxMasters - PATRICK COX - We paid for his bently and did so because we watched his ad on cnn! What a crook!. #385003

Complaint / Review
TaxMasters - PATRICK COX
We paid for his bently and did so because we watched his ad on cnn! What a crook!

The below is a portion of a letter we submitted to american express after they repeatedly released funds to taxmasters even after we alerted them. Each claim dispute we open with american express, they resolve in favor of taxmasters!!! We have to wonder how many credit card companies are working for crooks like taxmasters!!! They claim to have attorneys and amex backs down and gives them our money!!!

In January we contacted TaxMasters and inquired about assistance with outstanding IRS tax payments. After a lengthy conversation we were advised that TaxMasters would be able to significantly lower IRS payments in a timely manner. The amount would be between. 12 to. 18 on each dollar owed to the IRS.initially, TaxMasters called frequently to set up a financial agreement that would allow payments to be charged on our American Express card.

After TaxMasters secured payments they simply fell off the face of the earth. Never returning calls or responding to numerous faxes and emails. They claim they had been in contact with the IRS and that was an outright lie. We continued to get late payment notices and interest accruing notices sent by the IRS on the back taxes they had assured us they were handling. Documentation had been signed in January and here it is May and the IRS has no knowledge TaxMasters has anything to do with our back taxes.

TaxMasters advertisements on CNN and Fox News left us with a feeling of comfort simply because of the seriousness of both looking back now and doing some investigation it appears that TaxMasters has stolen thousands from other unsuspecting individuals just as us. TaxMasters has left deeper in financial debt without even caring. They only respond when they think they are dealing with a new customer. We have told our story to so many TaxMasters representatives it is disturbing. Each requesting faxes, emails or mailing of information they already possess. TaxMasters is made up with an office of thieves and liars and for American Express to make a determination because they are being fed with lies is very unfair. We are your customers that utilize your services because we have faith in American Express. We were under the impression Amex stands behind its promise for the consumer to receive the services or goods they had paid for. We have received nothing from TaxMasters except a new debt.

We do not feel they should be paid any monies at all and are requesting Amex fight for a full refund. Many people have much to say about TaxMasters and a full investigation is being conducted by Harris County District Attorney, Elizabeth Whittington, (713) 755-5836 and Texas Attorney Generals office (512) 463-2100. The Better Business Bureau has hundreds of complaints and people are being stolen from every day by this fraudulent company.

The information we are enclosing are letters we have sent to TaxMasters with no responses. The only time they have been in contact with us since our initial agreement, is after Amex got involved. At this point we want nothing to do with thieves and want a full refund. We are also including blogs that are on the internet regarding the hundreds of people that have been stolen from by TaxMasters. The website these are located on is
This is just a glimpse into what TaxMasters is not doing for the consumers that hire them. Please don't let them hurt us more than they already have.
Please contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss this situation. We look forward to a positive outcome because we have faith and trust in American Express which is the reason we used that card for this transaction.
We remain,
Sincerely yours,
P & F

1. Terry Buzzard Jr on 9 May at 7:55 pm #
We need someone to create a direct website people can go to to complain that can be high enough on the list for others to see before they sign. I myself signed on with them before any of this came out. I have contacted the BBB to file a complaint, this is one of the only way to get this company to act right or get out. I SUGGEST YOU ALL DO THE SAME!!! When i looked them up at the BBB when i signed on them, they had like 40 complaints in the last 3 years, not bad really but you could not read the complaints, and most of them had been solved. Now not 6 months later it has more then doubled, they are now up to 113 and none have been solved. I am also going to file a complaint with the attorney generals office for texas. We need a web site for everyone on here to complain to prevent them from getting any more clients. It needs to get to the top of the list somehow.

2. Dave Wills on 12 May at 4:09 pm #
I am in the middle of a TaxMasters inquiry at the top level after dealing with a myriad of in betweener's. Before telling the entire tale I believe it only prudent that I allow the VP to return a response in a timely fashion, credibly, and with an action plan to recovery.
I never saw the advertisement on FOX - that is interesting and makes me feel alot better. One thing I wonder. What phone number do they call? What if any number did they give to the public? I always have to wait an average of 15 to 20 minutes to talk to one person and then another 10 to talk to someone that hasn't a clue.
Does the BBB use herculean search engine optimization techniques to educate the masses? I they don't someone should. If the owner of this thread would like to talk please email me..

3. Brad on 13 May at 10:11 pm #
I would like to wish Dave Willis good luck. I gave up after some top official called me and explained different phone conversations with me that never occurred. If they had I might have listened to them more. They left me hanging until I went into Levy. Try and do everything with them in writing via email, fax or certified mail and save copies. If you talk over the phone they will type up whatever dialogue works in their best interest. They claim to have told me one thing by phone, yet I have letters from them saying the opposite. If they only spent as much time helping their clients as they do covering their ass, we would all be better off. One more bit of advice. No one answers the phones for current clients, you need to call the new client line and have them transfer you. That is the only way I could ever talk to anyone.

4. Brad on 2 May at 7:43 pm #
Don't forget the IRS Office of Professional Responsibility, 1111 Constitution Ave, NW Washington DC 20224. They got back to me and don't investigate each case but the company as a whole. Let them explain to the government what they are doing. They took my money and didn't want to deal with the IRS in the way they promised so let them work their ass off explaining themselves.
They had the nerve to call me the other day and kept trying to tell me things they said on the phone. They logged all these magical conversations that I don't ever remember having. If we had them I may have been happy with their service. These guys are snakes and good at it.

5. Tim on 30 Apr at 4:28 pm #
REMINDER: You can also file a complaint with the FTC at www.ftc. Gov They do not investigate individual issues, but they do investigate fraud.
If taxmasters is not fraud, I don't know what is.
If you've been ripped off (like me) by these parasites, please file a complaint and get them on record.
I'm filing complaints with the BBB, the Harris County District Attourney, the Texas Attorney General, and the Federal Trade Commission for starters. If you're thinking about hiring taxmasters, DON'T!

6. Jim on 25 Apr at 3:07 pm #
I felt desperate, I suffered for months paying for what I thought was a solution. They did nothing, they do nothing. Today I found out they lost a fax with crucial information needed to handle my case resulting in missing a IRS deadline. I'm so screwed! I have no more money. From what I read and have heard - the IRS has no sympathy. The person from the Attorney Generals office (Elizabeth Whittington) is out until May 20th. Kinda feels like I'm dealing with Tax Masters again

7. Brad Weaver on 29 Apr at 11:16 am #
I just had a very long and painful conversation with Teresa Pitre from Taxmasters who called to tell me why they did not help me any. I found out it was my fault for setting up a payment program that took too long. I agreed to the one offered me and apparently should have rejected it because it would screw up their timing in helping me. I was told not to submit a 433a form until April 15th. Then they told the BBB that they could not help me in March because it wasn't done. Contact the Harris County Attorney General and the IRS about these people if you have been robbed by them. The addresses are above.
If you are looking for a tax mitigation service, I found out too late that you need to find a local tax attorney. JK Harris was sued and hopefully all the others will be soon. Sit down with someone face to face who is licensed and held accountable. You will get an honest fee upfront and if you don't stand a chance they should tell you. If you just need to set up payments go to the IRS. Hey man, the truth is there are tens of thousands of us out there falling behind and they know it. Give em a chance, I wish I did.

8. Douglas weaver on 18 Apr at 9:43 pm #
Update: On January 18, the BBB report on Taxmasters of Houston, TX stated: The BBB processed a total of 76 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period.
As of April 18: The BBB processed a total of 104 complaints about this business in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Apparently, more and more 'satisfied' customers used TaxMasters!

9. Brad on 14 Apr at 5:08 pm #
JK Harris was sued big time. It would seem that this type of thing should be shut down, but these guys studied the law and found loopholes everywhere and exploit them. I heard back from the BBB today. Apparently there is a hefty charge for them to look at my tax returns, then send me a letter stating how much I owe. I already knew that, I sent them to you. Also they are claiming that it just so happens that the day I went to the IRS to set up payments and remove my liens, is the same day the filed for collections due process hearing. If I would have only allowed my home, car and paychecks to be levied they would have helped. Since I had to take matters into my own hands to keep food on my table, it's all my fault. The IRS won't release your account information without a subpoena so you can't even try to disprove what they say. These guys are some of the best con-men out there.
Brad on 11 Apr at 1:04 pm #
Oddly enough Alex never responded. Doesn't matter. My story is that I hired them in November, by March I was going into levy and no one from Taxmasters could tell me what they were doing to stop it. No one answered the phones and no one resonded to email so I went to the IRS office and set up payments to get my paychecks back. The IRS said Taxmasters never filed a power of attorney, or set up a hearing. The response I got to my request for a refund was basically that I was dumb enough to sign the contract, I get no refund. They honestly feel once they dupe you enough to get you to agree to pay them their obligation to you is over. I have filed complaints with the BBB, Attorneys General of SC, TX, and Harris County. Here are new folks to complain to. The IRS wants us to report companies that abuse the OIC or offer in compromise program. Address is IRS Office of Professional Resposibility, 1111 Constitution Ave, Washington DC 20224
Also thanks to Debra informing me of JK Harris' lawsuit I did some research and found the suing attorneys for that case are in my area. I am contacting them to see if they are interested in another.

Offender: TaxMasters - PATRICK COX

Country: USA   State: Texas   City: Houston
Address: 900 Town & Country Lane Suite 400
Phone: 2812050654

Category: Business & Finance


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