» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: Taxmasters - Refuses to refund $5,000.00. #381634

Complaint / Review
Refuses to refund $5,000.00

Below is a letter sent to the President and Vice President of TaxMasters... This has been an ongoing issue since January and we have gotten no assistance from these scam artists. Please be aware that TAXMASTERS is a FRAUD!!!

Dear Mr. Cox & Mr. Clamon,

In April after many attempts to have questions answered by your staff

We terminated TaxMasters services. We could not speak to a representative

Capable of answering our inquiries about the status of our account which

Lead us to be aware that TaxMasters was questionable. We concluded that

The services agreed upon had never been performed by your company and in

Fact never would. We contacted American Express to inform them of your

Termination and to prevent any further charges to be made by TaxMasters on

Our credit card. You claim that the dispute is unjust for information had

Been missing. We provided TaxMasters with ALL DOCUMENTATION REQUESTED and

Did so via fax, email and mail. When the IRS informed us in April that you

Had never initiated any contact on our behalf we realized that TaxMasters

Had no intention of assisting us in our IRS issues. Copies of all tax years

Had been forwarded to your company in February and it is insulting that

TaxMasters has no record of this. You stated that we had not filed for

Certain years and we needed to do show proof of filing. All this

Information was submitted in February to Salena Shaw and in fact it was sent

At least twice done through fax, email and mail. The statement that years

Were missing is very funny since we sent you the balances that were due for

These years. You informed American Express we never requested a refund when

In fact Theresa Pitre responded via Email to our request!!! The documents

You sent to American Express clearly show that no work had been started on

Our account until April. We hired TaxMasters in January and were

Told that the IRS would be contacted immediately. Your employees are filled

With the lies you feed them. If it was not clear WE ARE INSISTING ON A FULL

REFUND IMMEDIATELY!!! It came as no surprise to us that after we

Informed American Express the amount to red flag (912.50 to be exact)

TaxMasters changed the denomination (200 712.50=912.50) on the first month

Then those 2 amounts were red flagged and the denomination was changed again

(700 212.50=912.50) was charged the following month. So it is very clear to

See that you know exactly how to get around disputed claims, red flags and

Are able to continue to steal from consumers. If this is how you are able

To make your money it is very unfortunate. Hundreds of people have been

Swindled by TaxMasters and yet Mr. Cox you allow your staff to practice

These techniques. It is disgusting that we have to send such an email to a

Company that runs an ad on CNN. Well we can assure you that a copy of this

Will be sent to each program you advertise on. Notification to the Better

Business Bureau has been made and please be advised that this will not stop

Until a full refund has been made. Thank you for enlightening 2 more

Unsuspecting consumers perhaps our knowledge will help another. We will stop

At nothing to get our money back!!!

Offender: Taxmasters

Country: USA   State: Texas   City: Houston

Category: Business & Finance


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