» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Legal Departments of Florida and of Jax., Fl - Police department Crooked Florida and Jacksonville, Fl Legal system. #665541

Complaint / Review
Legal Departments of Florida and of Jax., Fl
Police department Crooked Florida and Jacksonville, Fl Legal system

Please pass to everyone that can assist me immediately. Thank you Andrew Boger. This has been going on since 5/7 due to my being fully disabled and I can not afford an attorney with their high prices. I have just received from Lambda where to call or write and gain help.

The police came up saying oh good a a gay couple, lets get them. My ex partner stood up for me and informed them that I had not drank anything but coke and lime all night. The police then turned and arressted him, Charlie/Reyn Kirkland for impeding an investigation and due to my inherited health situations I was not able to speak nor walk and psss their sobriety test. We know that the Brethalizer test can be tampered with and I fully belive that is what they did.

Next case, Mr. Reyn W C Kirkland aka Charlie lied about me and called the police and inform thm them theat he was assulted by me. He did this when I was sick and bed ridden. Mr. Reyn Kirkland shows signs of be a Socialpath, a Pathalogical lier and he informed me that he suffers from panic attack with hulenations of someone trying to hurt him. I have mutipule health problems including a growing patrooding hiatel hernia.

There is no way I could nor would I ever want to harm anyone. I have always, over 37 years helped all animals and people enrich their lives and kept them from harm.

Now this is what I get after all these years of never getting in to trouble not, even as a child and always preforming Animals and People rescue. Please assist me in all the ways you and others can.

Please pass this information along to everyone that can assist me immediately, please. Thank you. Rey Kirkland and Andrew Boger were together for 8 years so I am aware of his history of having people trying to actualy hurt him in one form or another and for various reasons. I removed them from his life by my being highly educated with 6 master degrees, 1 bachelor degree and 9 certifications including the haveing legal knowledge and using it.

When I ws much healthier, I built this man up and corrected hi finances including saving his two houses for it all to turn out like this. My Publioc Defenderr said all it amounts to is Reyn's word verses my, Andrew's word. I have even had to call the Adult abuse hotline on him for his mentaly abuing me and not treatig the animals corrctly. I pled No contest to the charges and they took both cases and turned them into Guilty pleas.

I rent from Reyn Kirkland and I have no where to go. I have called all of the agentcies in Jacksonvillle, Fl and there is no place for me and my animlas to go and live and Reyn Kirkland kows this. I do know that he does love me as I do him and now we are jst being friends. I have forgiven him because I know of his menth health conditions and physical conditions even though he is healthy enugh to do to me what he has preformed on me and he can run circles around me. I am still mostly bed ridden and I have to use a cruch, walker and a power chair to move around.

It just depends on how my knees are acting. I fall down a great deal and I am on many Pain pillls from my doctorFermo in Argyle of Orange Park, addition to this, the court has no proof that I did anything to Reyn Kirkland. They chared me Guilty and placed me in jail for 22 days and this is where I developed Dry-eye. Now the rest...

City; County and State issues... Andrew Boger typed this up on 4/1/'11-Friday at 6:39 P.M.E.S.T. City, County and State issueby Andrew Boger on Monday, March 21 at 9:27pmRegardless of what you say you do not cover and most likely should. Here is what has happened to me. I am a victim of Illegal actiovities that have happned to me, First, the police came up and said good a Gay couple. Then they made me take the standard test to see if and how much person is under the influance of something. I can not pass them due the fact that my health will not allow me to pass the test.

Inaddition, I informed them of the fact that I have Fibermialgia, Nuropathy and the onset of Parkinsons desieses. My health affects my walking and my speack. The police would not even allow me to use my Cane to assist me in my walking and balance. My voice was slered due to the desies that I have. I am on Full Disability.

A friend was with me and when he sept up and informed them that had only been drinking Coke with lime. They arrested him for just informing them of the events of the evening including my not drinking. Second, my ex-partner has mentel issues. My ex-partner may be a socialpath and a pathalogical-lier, according to the way he acts and other symtoms.

My ex-partner said that he suffeers from Panic attacs and Hulinations of being harmed. Do to my health he invited me over to stay in bed at his place so he can keep a watch on me. I was extremly ill at this time and was a sleep in bed when he made this false report against me. The next thing I was tryin to do was get my medicaine and take it.

I learned that he had lied to the police stating he was in fear for his life. Upon being placed in the Quilt room where you wear you wear nothing ecept the Quilt I was using a walker to walk and my sholders were sore from using it. The police officer and a man that appeared as a trusty, not wearing a police uniform both beat me into the floor untill I deficated. Then they chained and schakeled me to a very cold stainless table, in a very cold room.

I was naked. The man that was not wearing a police uniform informed me that it can be worse. He said that after I beged him to allow me to take a shower and for a quilt. I was not released untill the following shift and a nice police officer came in an attended to me and made sure that I was as good as I could be due to my being sick and what happened to me.

Then I found out about the protection room for gay people and asked if I could be placed in there and I was positioned into the room and shown where my cell was. This is not very safe room due to the type of people they place in there weather you are gay or straight. Then they feed you subfood that you, in your correct mind would not even slop your pigs with. They did not give me my medications that I need nor place me on the diatary regulated food and beverage that I am suppose to be on.

The inmates informed me that they will not adminster my health needs and they never addition, their beds are like sleeping on the actualy meatal they have the very thin matts laid on. If all this is not enough, they had absolutly no proof that I had preformed the charge acused of. I spent 22 days in the Prision of Jacksonville, Fl with out any proof that I had done anything to Mr. Reyn C W Kirkland, my ex-partner.

They say that I pled No contest and they even turned this into a guilty plea with out any proof that wrongly accused me of. I have no help from anyone due to no money to pay the high amount they demand to be given before they even start the case. The Jacksonville, Fl Police are wrongfully aresting and charging the people just so they can make around $300-$400 per day. People that are on Disability and the miniority groups are being targeted in Jacksonville, Fl. And Orange Park, Fl.

Now, I have done all that I can in the time Judge Cofer has given me. I ended up with a violation of Parole just because I had very little money and I pay rent and growceryies along with personal need iteams. Judge Cofere extended more time and he must know that that would still not be enough time to stay in complience and complete all that they are demending me to do. Now I am in violation of Parole once again just because I do not have the money to stay in compliance for crimes that I am not guilty for.

I did plea no contest to the D.U.I. I know that many people are against the Brethilizer test due to it not being tamper proof and not always giving a correct reading. Jacksonville, Fl is suppose to get rid of this machine and have a professional admninister a blood test to see if a person is not capable of driving. I need immediate assistance now. Thank you in advanced assistance in these matters. Please fill free to pass this writtten staatement along to other organiations that will Save People from any incorrect charges that many of the employees of the Florida, Jacksonville, Fl and Orange Park, Fl are preforming against people.

I was lied to again by Judge Cofer and my Parole officer. They informed me all I have to do is go take a urine test at River Region and I did went to the location at Timaquna Rd close to 103 rd. And they informed me that I will have to go to Alchol and Drug classes when their was absollutly no proof that I need and of these classes. I was informed that all I have been illlegaly placed through is so Jacksonville, Fl and the Florida Bar association gets money from what they have me go through. May the Heavens and Heavenly people help us all to permnatly remove the crooks from any form of Law enforcement.

Andrew Boger


904-327-4403Jacksonville, Fl. #. (The best time to reach me is from 2-9P.M.E.S.T..

[email protected]

274 Maple Av.

Jacksonville, Fl 32220

Offender: Legal Departments of Florida and of Jax., Fl

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Jacksonville
Address: East Bay Street

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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