» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Great Expectations Dating Service - Palm Harbor Dating nothing more than organized criminals, preying on the gullable trusting souls to rip off. #182541

Complaint / Review
Great Expectations Dating Service
Palm Harbor Dating nothing more than organized criminals, preying on the gullable trusting souls to rip off

My complaints: Re: Great Expectations

1. Devious, untruthful tactics used to obtain members.

2. Did not offer me the choice of 1yr membership as stated in the contract.

3. Sales person told me that activities were included in the price and I found out later that they are not. Company is blatantly dishonest!

4. Would not allow me to view web site after I paid for it, I now suspect it was because my 72 hours after signing the contract was not up. I know that if I had seen my choices of available men from their data base I would have most certainly canceled the contract within the 72 hours.

5. Employees knew how furious I was when I found out how much I was lied to... And told me that they would have Dan call me, to the day he has not!

6. Company misleads people with disguising their actual name with Palm Harbor Dating probably because they have a bad reputation and would not get the responses like mine under their real name.

7. Suspect they do not do background investigations on members as their literature is contradictory to the fact.

8. I will most likely be banned from the company now since I have spoken up in their office about how misleading and devious they were. Even if I was able to continue as a member why would I want to? This was supposed to be a fun and enjoyable adventure for me, but how can it be now that I know I was lied to and completely taken advantage of.

All I feel is embarrassment, regret, anger and totally snowed! Plus I refuse to pay for the activities that I was told would not cost additional moneys.

9. Their data base is small in comparison to other dating services and very limited and did not offer what would interest me. Also not much in latin men in my area to speak of. Was able to view the entire data base for my choices in a matter of a few hours. With other dating sites it would take days.

10. I have not received the CD of pictures that I purchased, nor will anyone return my call. Date purchased 8-5-06

Detailed Story:

A company by the name of Palm Harbor placed a sign in my yard. My mom suggested I take a look at them so I did. I filled out the questionnaire and they contacted me several weeks later. They stated that they were not actually Palm Harbor dating, but instead called Great Expectations. They asked if I had ever heard of them and I replied yes that I had received mail from them in the past. Then they asked if I knew any thing about them and I replied no not really. They asked me to come in for a personal interview and I agreed.

I went in on July 29th for my interview and was met by a very attractive man named Dan, I think. He had explained to me that he met his wife there, and after that he bought that location and other franchises. He was the owner of this company. I thought to myself well if this is a sample of their data base, then I had better listen up. He seemed easy to talk to, charming and he won my gullible trust. He told me that he only does a couple of interviews per month just to keep a good feel of what's going on in the office and meeting some of the members.

He went on to tell me that they are an upscale dating service and that they screen all potential members by doing background checks on both financial and criminal aspects. He also said they do a professional video, and photo shoot and also test for HIV etc. Dan then explained about the activities. He pulled out several past calendars of the activities that were used in previous months. The calendars were laminated for presentation purposes obviously.

The activities sounded like great fun and included horse back riding, hot air balloon rides, bowling, dances, sporting events and many other exciting functions that I probably would not be exposed to ordinarily. Dan explained that the activities were the perfect way to meet other single members. Much of it did sound exciting to me especially the balloon rides. He also said, that he had an abundance of men and not enough women in his data base. He also stated with all his charm, that he needed more women like me in the above average category.

He then asked me what type of men I liked. I stated I am particularly attracted to latino men and asked if he had many in this category. He said he had very many. He asked why and I explained that I like their culture and warm and passionate view of life. Though I did not relise and could not tell to look at him he told me that he to was Latin. He told me he had plenty latino men might interest me. So now he really has me curious... The fact that they did background checks and posted only recent pics on everyone also sounded like a safer way to date.

Dan waited to the end of the meeting to hit me with the price. When he showed me the price my mouth dropped in shock. He then stated that he does not negotiate price with anyone. I said there was no way that I would pay that price for a dating service. He was asking $5700 for a 36 month term, but if I joined today he would take and additional $1000, dropping the price to $4700.

At that price I assumed all the activities were included in the price as they should be, but to make sure I asked him. I said so how much extra would I have to pay for the activities like the balloon ride? He said, Nothing! All you have to do is show up! I thought about it and felt that at that price it was still way out of my reach and I was not really interested in a 36 month term. It was then that I told him that I was sorry but would not be interested in the service.

That is when he exclaimed that he really needed someone like me in his data base. Then he offered the same elite program to me at half the time and less then half the price at 1995.00 for 18 months. He explained that I would spend that kind of money anyway or more paying for all of my own activities over the next 18 months so I might as well join and meet other singles looking for someone like me. He finally convinced me that it would be a great opportunity for me, so in trust I joined and paid for a membership that day.

I signed a contract and was very excited about what was to come to enhance my social life. He scheduled me for a photo shoot for the following the mean time come Tuesday I had called to ask for access to the web site. They refused to give me access, though at the time I did not realize the real reason. He told me it was because they had not completed the background check on me yet, and it would not be fair to allow me access until it had been completed. It was then that I asked him why he told me that they do a background check on everyone yet the paper work he gave me states the opposite and that they do not do background checks. He said yes we do that was just an old booklet that I gave you and it has not been up dated.

Being as trusting as I am I actually believed him, but as an after thought and being very computer literate I know that they could give me access to view the site without access to contact other members until the so called back ground check went through. Now I don't believe any of it as you will find out as you read. I really think they were just trying to hold me at bay till the 72 contract hours had passed and I was gullible enough at the time to fall for it. Still somewhat clueless I arrived for my professional video and photo shoot.

As I waited I observed what was going on and chatted with the other people who worked there. I had asked if the owner was in that day because I could not remember his name at the time. I said the one who interviewed me... They said oh that was Dan. I asked well he is the owner right? They all looked at each other with a funny look on their faces... And stated that he does not own the company and he is just a sales person like the rest... I was feeling a bit confused as to why he would lie to me about such a thing... Then I went in for my photo's, though when I looked at the so called photographer I certainly questioned in my mind if she was and actual pro.

Just not what I would have expected I guess and wondered if they simply bought her all the toys and gave her the title. She did seem like a pleasant person and we giggled throughout the shoot. When she was done we sat to view the pictures there were just a few that I liked and we decided on them for the web site. She then sat me down to propose some picture purchase options. I knew you could buy some extras but I did not realize that they were going to attempt another hard sell with devious tactics. She was asking $300 on top of the membership price that I just paid.

At first I thought it meant that if I did not purchase a package that I would not be able to get my photo on the site. So I asked her and she said I would still get the photos on the site I just would not be able to have any extras for myself.

So when I said I would not be interested she too started to barter with me. I told her that I recently got photos taken with another company and I know how much it should cost and their price was outrageous! I did like a couple of the pictures though so I asked her if I could just buy the CD? She said yes as she realized that I was getting an idea about what this company was doing to people when she also revealed that she is the activities director and that Dan lied when he told me the activities were included in the price... She offered the CD with all rights waived for $100 so I agreed. I did feel it was not her fault and she should get paid at least for her work. She also showed me the calendar of events that had all the activities and prices... By the time I left her room I was livid with anger! Realizing I had been totally lied to and scammed!

I walked out to the lobby and was greeted by the person who would give me a tour of the web site... I sat down with her, she obviously knew how angry I was and I was very vocal about it! She tried to explain the web site and when she asked if I understood every thing I angrily said I am too upset with your company to pay attention or even want anything to do with you. She said she had not worked their long but she understood how I feel. I let the people at the front desk know as well how angry I was with their company and that they were nothing but a scam... Steeling peoples money!

I said this in front of at least two other costumers that I am sure got scammed just like me. I told them I wanted to talk to the real owner... Who was of course, conveniently out of town... They said they would have him and Dan (the one telling most of the lies) call me the following week! No one has called. I also have not received my photos that I paid EXTRA for and no one has called me back since I left the message.

When I got home from the photo shoot, I decided (a little too late) to look them up on the internet to see if they had any other complaints about them... They had masses of complaints of people they screwed over... It made me cry that I was so trusting and I felt for all the other people they had taken advantage of. The stories were so similar to mine. They have had soooo many lawsuits against them is seemed unreal that they were still in business. They are nothing but criminals and it shocks and saddens me that they are able to be in business taking and stealing and lying to trusting people every day they are allowed to open.

As I read the complaints against them and the lawsuits, some won some lost, I decided to read the contract I signed... Not only was I scammed completely, but they will probably revoke my membership because I have unfavorable but truthful comments about them.
Accepting their membership was supposed to be a fun adventure for me to enjoy and hopefully meet a nice guy for me. Now I am embarrassed that I fell for the scam of this evil company and I do not want to be any part of their affiliation! Unfortunately it does not comfort me to know that I am not the only ignorant trusting soul on this planet, because they have done this to so many people. As of now I am writing you for help not only for me but for every one... This company should not be allowed to operate. What I would like is a complete refund and to be removed from all affiliations of this company! At the very very very least I would like a partial refund, because I was never offered a one year program, which would have cost much less.

I also called the Better Business Bureau to see what their standing was... They currently maintain an unfavorable record with the BBB with several complaints against them.
Unfortunately I checked with the BBB a little too late. I too will be filing a complaint against the said company with the BBB.

Please find a way to do something about this crooked company... Before they hurt someone you know.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my written words

Palm Harbor, Florida


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