» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: Virtual Justice - VJ Revenge Company Revenge Services Hired this company to electronically harass and stalk an individual for $575.00! All they did is fly an airplane around his residence and his place of work!. #636895

Complaint / Review
Virtual Justice
VJ Revenge Company Revenge Services Hired this company to electronically harass and stalk an individual for $575.00! All they did is fly an airplane around his residence and his place of work!

I hired this company to electronically harass, stalk, ruin the reputation of and make the person in question get committed for insanity for revenge. They offer revenge services for people who wish to get revenge on others for a price. The only thing Virtual Justice did was fly a couple ofairplanes aorund this guys residence day and night for a year, and spread a few rumors about him. Yeah that's really gonna make someone insane isn't it? They told me to be patient, and that his life was being torn apart as we speak. But I can't see that this guys life has been torn apart at all! In fact they mentioned that he's trying to find a girlfriend! Well he doesn't deserve a girlfriend after embarrasing me in front of several people at the convention. I could have lost my club because of him! This company isn't worth spending $575.00 on! They suck! If you wanna ruin someones reputation and get them committed for insanity it's better to do it yourself! They say they have men and women employed all over the U.S. Who make their living off of ruining peoples lives for revenge. But so far they've only used 10 people to produce results on that s.O.B. For embarrasing me! This is the WORST revenge service I've ever paid for! I don't even know if the electronic harassment has worked on this guy yet! They say it is, and that he hasbeen screaming at night because of the pain! Scam! Liars! Don't waste your time if your trying to get revenge on somebody. Do it yourself!


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