» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: CORA works LLC - COra llc cora c. Or. A untruth, lies. Stealing and hurtful treatment internet. #510738

Complaint / Review
CORA works LLC
COra llc cora c. Or. A untruth, lies. Stealing and hurtful treatment internet

Dear Ms. Morris-Sambur, I am writing this with a heavy heart. I came to work for CORA in August. I was extremely excited about my job. I was told that after I proved myself that I would be making $9.00 $13.00 an hour and up to 40 hours per week. I was to be working making cold calls, to the Chamber of Commerce in whichever state I was given. After making calls for two days, I was given the position of RA. Within one week I was made Team Leader. After one week of being a Team Leader I was asked if I had any QC experience. I stated; that I felt based on my previous work experience that I did have the qualifications. When I was put into the QC Department I was made Supervisor. I was given 30 hours a week and got a dollar an hour raise. Because QC was only open from 8:00 am 1:00 pm, I was not getting my 30 hours a week. I was able to make up the hours in the Sales Department doing research on old leads that had come through before the QC Department was established. My job entailed making calls to see if the phone numbers were valid, verifying addresses and contact persons. During all of this time I never received any formal training that was discussed with me and my DVR. My job in QC lasted about four months and the QC Department was made null and void, as the company was changing direction. When the QC Department closed, I was made a Project Manager for the Remote Worker Program. I had to make calls to those that were on hold, due to needing equipment or IT access. The people that were able to either work on a computer, at a location other than their home or using an older computer, I would then send emails with the links needed to work. Once this was done my team would then train the people on their new position as an RA. I brought in so many people able to work that we were training on four different addition to the Remote Worker Program being put on hold, I was assisting in cleaning up the database when the furlough was put into place and my hours were cut. They went from 30 to 15 to 0. I was sent an email on March 31th stating due to reconstruction (CORA and projects) there will be no work today. We will advise you later today/tonight for any new updates. The email came in a half an hour before I was to begin my shift. To this day, the email has never come about returning to work. I have had several phone calls in the recent weeks asking if I was coming back to work. Each time I stated that I wanted to speak with Mary Jo or anyone in Upper Management in the HR Department, to find out why things have turned the way they have with no explanation. I did find out that my new position was to be a sales consultant. I went from being head of QC to a Project Manager to a caller, with no explanation, rhyme, or reason. On top of that no one from Upper Management will speak to me about this. Being out of work for a month and a half with no explanation has made feel as though the company does not really care about the disabled workers, as they claimed by CORA Management. No one ever bothered to call and find out if I was doing ok, let alone talk about coming to work. Because of the lack of communication, financial distress, and emotional hardship this has put on me, I am tendering my resignation effective 29 May. Sincerely,

For the one that seem to LOVE CORA SOOOOOOOOOOO much and want to down grade the ones that have complained or think we dont the a mind to know what was done to us I want to know have you gotten your checks are you bills being paid in a timely matter And if you have your bill paid for the work you have done then why is that some are owed 1,000 of dollars from Cora and it should not matter what we spend our money on it is OUR MONEY WE WORKED FOR IT I ALSO KNOW that some of you dont need the money as your have others in the home that help you. So untill you have been told by HR that you have to wait your turn and your turn NEVER comes. YOU still have pay your bill now matter what they are but you cant cause you have a company that cant even get their story straight

YOU all have to understand that we were told one thing then told some thing else i know that they are lieing more then i have ever heard of some one one doing that plus i have learned that when you beleive your lies to be true you are insane and are not in reality. We have never hassled any one at this company they wnat there money and we want others to be ware of the cruel treatment of employees there we are told one thing then to find out that we are only talk about whenwe are not there things being said about how we are not work ing out we only find out that thing have changed we they have chnage your postions in the Chat room that is unfair.

Offender: CORA works LLC

Country: USA   State: New Jersey

Category: Internet & Web


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