» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: PMG, Robert Allen, Shawn Casey, Trump University - Former Employee Ripoff. #195087

Complaint / Review
PMG, Robert Allen, Shawn Casey, Trump University
Former Employee Ripoff

As a former employee of Rosper, Inc. I thought I'd stop by and reaffirm everything that has been said on this site. Thought that some of you would be interested in hearing about what goes on inside.

I stumbled upon Rosper while going to college. Needed to make some extra money (as most college students do) and being familiar with sales looked into some part time work with the company you have all come to hate.

The hiring "pitch" is quite similar to the sales "pitch" most of you have been fed. Through a series of interviews and "takeaways" they sought to qualify me for their elite team of professionals. When I emphasized part time (because school came first) the "executive" proceeded to question my commitment and threaten that I wouldn't be a good fit. That didn't hold much water considering I only needed some money, not a lifetime career and knew that there were countless restaurants in town willing to hire. When I said that was okay I'd look somewhere else, he obviously began back peddling himself into a mountain of contradictions and said that if I were extra focused and successful and could juggle a career and school that he could find a place for me (comical I know). So I accepted.

Boy if you could only see that team of "experts", "gurus", "consultants", "sales professionals", "investors", "exececutive directors", "senior consultants" and everyone else they have crammed into a cubicle with a headset on. For some reason I just can't imagine Donald Trump in a cubicle and a stack of leads on his desk with a phone up to his ear and a chalkboard with all of his sales tallied up behind him... But oddly enough these guys put themselves in the same "success" class as the Donald. Anyway, as I was saying...

Just so you know, a VERY small percentage of Rosper's sales floor is successful. I came to find out how hungry they are for warm and willing bodies because the turnover is so high. Most of their sales team ends up quitting because they get fed up with the dream Propser feeds them every week in their weekly raw raw meeting and decide they need to go make money somewhere else. (Side note: notice the parellel. They need salesman as desperately as they need you to sign up. Even with my indifference they found a special place for me. Likewise they will always find a place for you on their "elite success team").

The owners of Rosper are EXTREMELY wealthy. Most of their upper management are uneducated good 'ol boys from the owners' past. They ride the coat tails of young salesmen with good intentions and dollar signs in their eyes to get rich. It's worth it to them to hire anyone and everyone because whether they hang in there for 2 weeks or 20 years the profit margin these guys hit is astronomical. So even if some salesman only "qualifies" one "student" for an "investment" of a mere $3000 of "education", they've made a killing and had nothing to lose.

As I commenced coming and going in and out of my school schedule I found it quite humerous that virtually every one of the "sales professionals" at Prosper touting their own success and financial independence over the phone with the sole intent of spreading wealth and providing the world with educational secrets were not successful at all. With the exception of a very small few, most of these guys are only making a couple hundred bucks a the defense of some of their self proclaimed success there are a handful of them that clear up and around $200k - $300k per year (sick, isn't it). All I can say about them is they make that money because they are extremely good at what they do. So if you get on the phone with one of these you will know it because they will make perfect sense and convince you that you need the program, of course, only if you get accepted. I REPEAT these guys are just plain good so beware. They could send you to hell and have you excited about it.

Salesmen at Rosper drop like flies and justifiably so. It's difficult to contact a complete stranger, pitch them a dream, and get $10,000 off their credit card in under an hour. When I was there, I think there were around 120 salesman, I mean, executive consultants, sorry. Each week a new batch of rookie salesman would come in and get pitched the dream of getting rich while helping others become rich. As much as you'll come to hate the individuals who contact you and doop you into the program, I must defend them by saying that they don't know any the training process they do a fantastic job of getting you to believe that prosper really does have legitimate real estate and internet "gurus" saving the world. They cram "success stories" of widows and single fathers and cancer victims and other every day Americans who have been rescued by the programs they provide down your throat and do a pretty darn good job of making you believe in the product you are selling. So once again, in the defense of Prosper's new additions, when you get that enthusiastic phone call I'd venture to say it's legitamite enthusiasm, but only because they haven't been there long enough to realize it. The real dirt bags are the "closers", I mean "senior executives" who pry, pitch, promise and sweeten the deal. I say that because they have been there long enough to know better.

There are two types of people at Rosper, Inc:

The first is the naive employee who only wants what you all want and that is the opportunity to provide security for himself and his family and ultimately ends up quitting because he realizes he's been sold an empty dream. These individuals probably constitutes 95% of Prosper and have cubicles decorated with pictures of fancy cars and huge houses.

The second individual is the predator who has realized what he does is a scam but has gotten so good at it that the compensation off sets any sort of moral dilemma and continues to persist in this fraudulent industry. These individuals probably constitute 5% or Prosper and their cubicles don't have pictures of nice cars and homes beacuse they own them.

Anyway, I've babbled long enough. I just felt like in the spirit of Karma I should come clean and pile a little more dirt on top of this filthy industry. I was only at Rosper for about 5 weeks and then walked away because the money sucked, being a con artist wasn't quite the resume builder I was after, and in all honesty the degenerates who work there started to get on my nerves.

My best advice to any of you hurting financially is first and foremost stay away from COACHES and MENTORS of any kind. Simplify what you want - boats and cars and beachfront property do not constitute real happiness. Do your best to get out of debt. Work hard at what you do best. When you have disposable income take it to a REAL financial advisor and invest in something sound - not cheap manuals and phony mentoring.

Until then, be smart and don't give telemarketers your credit card number. You'll regret it.

JonnyNew York, New York

Offender: PMG, Robert Allen, Shawn Casey, Trump University

Country: USA   State: Utah   City: Provo

Category: Internet & Web


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