» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: Hudson Martin - Will scam you in the name of Christ. #5208

Complaint / Review
Hudson Martin
Will scam you in the name of Christ

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fred Buckner and I am the president of Spectra of Arkansas Inc. My business is customized programming, computer sales, internet websites, and many other computer related fields.

Around the first of the year, in 1999 I first met a man by the name of Hudson Martin in my home town of Ash Flat, Arkansas. He said he was the CEO of a company called Universal Spectrum Inc., and that they did research and development in the spray plastics industry. The fact that I had earlier won an award from Ford, for the Statistical Process Control of the manufacturing of raw plastics, it seems that the two of us had all the ingredients to make a first class spray plastics company. Mr. Martin said he was a member of a Christen organization called The Message aka (Branhamnites).in my mind I figured that a Christen would be trust worthy and that everything would be okay.

In the spring of 1999 I made a trip to Provo Utah on the word of Hudson Martin, that big rewards await us in a product that removes curse words from TV movies. We took the product to a company called Big Planet, a division of New Skin in Provost Utah, but the effort failed. Hudson travel on with me to New Orleans to talk to Jonas Robertson, the head of the abundance life church. Failure again. We then parted ways and I went home and got back to the business of making a September of that year (1999), Hudson contacted me with a plan to make lots of money. I decided to give his plan a chance. So it was off to Idaho to Hudson Martin's home at:

6839 Hove rd.
Melba, ID 83641

November 1st. 1999 - When I got there, it wasn't what I expected. Hudson lived in a old run downed trailer in what I guess one would call a it lived his three sons with their wives and kids. Each one had their own small trailer and the conditions were like camping out. No running water or any of the things I always took for granted. Hudson had misrepresented himself to me as a well to do investor. His family were very nice to me and in my mind I though maybe I could change their life style. So I lived in a small Winnebago and endured sub standards of living.

I created a website for him using the documents and pictures he gave me. He assured me that they were his property and that no copyrights would be violated. During my stay there, Hudson voiced his fears of the up coming Y2K event. He had fears that F.E.M.A. Would take over the U.S. And he had a plan to ensure our right to free travel. He said he was a Citified Hazardous Material Supervisor and that he wanted me to be one too. Through a contact, Hudson obtained certifications for himself, his sons and I, stating that we were supervisors or the like with an EPA approved company. The mans name was John Hoadley. His phone number and address is:
P.O. Box 952
Emmett, Idaho 83617

I destroyed the documents given to me by Hudson that concerned me as I knew them to be non-valid. I never asked Mr. Martin for the document but he still obtained the License on my behalf. My Martin and his three son's still have documents that states that they are certified to handle Hazardous Materials. My concerns about this is that I wrote a program for the D.O.T. And Chrysler Corp. Called Hazardous Materials Awareness doing such I know that these untrained men are dangerous if put in a Hazmat situation.

After two months of being there in Idaho I realized that his plan was going nowhere. I decided to go back home to Arkansas and hopefully rebuild my business. Beside, I was very uneasy being there because of all the weapons and ammunition that was in the compound. He then told me of a machine that produces 18,000 times more ozone then the worlds largest ozone machine. He said that this was only the small one and that they had a machine that could produce a million times more than the worlds largest. He offered half of all the emergency application in the United States, and all the applications outside of the U.S. I decided to wait, see what he was up to and give it a chance. I met with Hudson Martin, his brother; Daniel Martin the (director of World Wide Outreach) and their associate Ivan the meeting they showed me documents about the ozone the following three months I made many fliers and a website about Ozone for them. Finally I saw that the ozone machine was possibly another failure and I could no longer wait to see what would happen and I returned home March 2.

When I returned to Arkansas, I found that my cost of keeping things running in my absence was about $30,000.00 dollars. So I worked hard to repair the damage but had little success.

October 31
Hudson Martin later contacted me with a story that he had a contract in Belize and that we would be there lest then two weeks and we would have operating funds. He said that there would be at least five guys going with us and that it was a sure thing. After looking at my position in Arkansas I gave it one more chance. He said to meet him and the others in Phoenix AZ.

When I arrived in Phoenix, I found out that it would only be Ivan Garcia, Hudson Martin, and myself. I also found out that they had no money for the trip. Due to trusting Hudson, I was in a situation were my business in Arkansas could not be repaired and I had no choice but to sale my truck and borrow money from my family so we could make the trip. It was my money that purchased everything from medical supplies, building materials, batteries for the trucks, fuel for the trip, and the list goes on and on.

Our mission was to help the Belizeans with the damage from Hurricane Mitch, then we would start the project for the client. But first we had to get through Mexico. As we prepared the equipment and vehicles, Hudson approached me to do some things for him.
He said we needed false identifications that looked military. He asked me to make false military documents from both the U.S. And Mexican government. When I was in Idaho he had asked me to make false Pass Ports and drivers licenses and as I told him then, I told him I would not do any such thing. That's when he changed towards me.

At the Mexican boarder I prayed that Hudson hadn't brought anything illegal with him as I had insisted in Phoenix. The trip went smoothly, Hudson acted as if he was some kind of General while Ivan spoke to the guards at each of the check points. For the whole trip, I rode in the bunkhouse we had made for the flat bed trailer we were towing behind us. Hudson was always mad at me because I wouldn't dress like a soldier as they where. Hudson's plan almost came to an end at one of the last check points. A Mexican army guard bust into the bunk house, cocked his machinegun and pointed it at me. Outside his commander saw what was happening and barked orders to the guard to get out, but the guard didn't listen to his commander. I could see his finger on the trigger and in my heart I knew that he was going to shoot me. Finally his commander boarded the trailer and pulled him out. Down the road on the two way radio system, I heard Hudson laugh about how we got away from that one. The only words that can describe my feeling was What the hell am I doing here

Soon after arriving in Belize, I found out that Hudson had lied to me about having a contract there and as far as Hurricane Mitch was concerned, no help was needed. This did not set well with me and Hudson began to lie to everyone we met. He told people we had lots of money and lots of supporters. He made promises that he never intended to keep. He was acting like he was some sort of general and went so far as to represent himself as one to many people. His lies became a daily thing and he was misrepresenting my company as a division of his company. My anger with him reached a apex just before he made his first trip back to the U.S. We had words and I told him I would have nothing to do with his plans or the lies he had told people. We then came up with a compromise where anything they wanted from me would be done contractually. Behind my back he continued to represent himself as my boss and set prices for computer systems that were totally impossible to met. He took off to the U.S. And purchased a computer from my supplier under my company name. On his return, the system he got wasn't what I had told him to get and it was due to the fact that he had spent monies for the equipment on something else. We had words again and as usual his words were full of lies. I made do with what he had gotten and I made plans to get their job done and remove myself from any of their actions. During all the time that we had been in Belize, Hudson show total disrespect towards me and many people approached me about it. They saw that I was fulfilling all the promises that Hudson was making while he just drove around looking for more people to suck into his service. During this time I had little food and even lest money. While at the same time he was eating the best meals from those he had defrauded. I became aware of most all of this after he made his last trip to the U.S.

While he was in the U.S., people began to complain about the promises he had made and the bad checks he had cashed. I informed Hudson of these thing but he only said that I should lay low because someone was going to try and kill me. He shared nothing about it with me and I now know it was all a lie to shut me up and keep my eyes closed. After seeing that he had no intensions of honoring our agreement, I did some research myself and found that all the things people were saying were true. I had to make a trip to Hopkins, Belize to undo what I could and tell little kids that he had lied to them and that they would most likely never get the new bikes he had promised them for doing jobs for him.

One very old lady in Hopkins asked me why Hudson had cheated her. He got a apartment from her and made lots of promises to her that he couldn't keep. For three months he tied up the apartment and she got nothing from him. Oh, he will say that he painted the fence around the building and fixed it up a little. But the facts are, that it was myself and another guy that did all the work and all the material were provided by the old another case Hudson and I lived for a few weeks in a house with the promise to do finishing work on the inside of it. The work was done, but it was I that did the work while Hudson was in Dangriga doing who knows what. I later found out he was being the guest of the Ritchie Brothers, eating their food and living a pretty good life at their cost. I have also learned that should he cheat them, that they will in the end do him great harm. Saying I'm sorry or I did my best will not work with these people and Hudson will soon find that out. These are the nice guys compared to the Zebaneys, whom he is also dealing with. They are known drug lords and to cross Them would be suicidal.

After learning about Hudson's activities I tried to communicate with him over the internet and his replies where horrific. All I did was to listen to everyone's complaints and for doing that he was going to take care of me on his return. I then examined the contents of the backpacks and suitcases he brought on the trip to Belize. To my disbelief, I found things that were very incriminating. Had we of been searched by the Mexicans, Hudson, Ivan, and myself would be in a Mexican prison for life or waiting execution as spies.

Then I remembered the things I had been told by Hudson and Ivan during the trip about the ozone machine. It seem that a Doctor Dorothy retired from service at area 51. The doctors son was a leader of one of the Branhamnites churches in Washington State. After his fathers retirement he asked the leaders of the church in Idaho to help his father by sponsoring his continuation of the projects he had going at area 51. For the first time I though that just maybe the ozone machine was a reality. If so then someone might be guilty of espionage of U.S. Secrets. If this machine is real, then the impact of it would have world wide repercussions. On Hudson's final contact he stated that he had the ozone machine and was bringing it with him. Everything started to make sense now and I did what I had to do.

I made a full report to the FBI and to the American embassy and waited for Hudson return.

I also looked into the rightful owner of the asset I used to build a website for Universal Spectrum Incorporated. After discovering the rightful owners; S.P.I., I removed the website and inform them of what had happened. The stated they knew of Mr. Martin and thanked me for my actions.

When Mr. Martin returned to Belize, he broke into the house I was staying in and I had him arrested but did not press any charges against him. I then packed my belongings and went to a friends home where I prepared to return to the US. On the night before I was to start my trip home I was asked to go to the police department to answer some questions. When I got there, I was detained by them and put in a cell with a child molester and a prison escapee. The charge against me were that I had stolen computer components that belonged to Hudson. The fact is that all the equipment belonged to my company and all the serial numbers on them were registered to my company. The value of the items he took illegally are over $8,000.00 and that don't include my other loses. A friend came to my rescue and it was discovered that Hudson's plan was to have me transported from to the jail where he was and then put in prison. It would of be proved that the stuff was legally mine and Hudson would of said; sorry I though it was my own property. But by
that time I would of been killed by someone on the inside of the prison. His plan was spoiled and I did manage to get away and return to the United States.

Using the word of God he gained my trust and alliance, thus I did my best to bring about the things he said he needed to succeed in the plastics areas. There are some that refer to Hudson Martin as Jim Jones and the word is spreading like wild fires throughout Belize. I made him websites, presentations, fliers, documents, forms, as well I purchased equipment through my company to be used on his projects.

Already I have endured too much. I almost died of starvation at the hands of Hudson (losing 47 pounds in 45 days *Mr. Martin saw to it that I had no funds, thus no food), falsely accursed of thefts, berated, suffered attempts on my freedom and my life and have lost all my possessions.

The following is all the information I can come up with now of those involved with the above matter:

Hudson Martin
6839 hove rd
Melba, ID 83641

Universal Spectrum Incorporated - CEO Hudson Martin
Helping Hands Enterprises Ltd. - CEO Hudson Martin
Mustang Trading - CEO Hudson Martin
Phoenix Import Export - CEO Hudson Martin

I accuse Mr. Martin with the following:
1. Attempting to get me to create false U.S. Pass Ports, U.S. Military Documents and Ids
2. Defrauding my company Spectra Of Arkansas exceeding $90,000.00 dollars.
4. Illegally having me detained by false accusations of thief
5. Misrepresenting himself as the rightful owner of Documentations and graphics used in creating a website for him.
6. Slander
7. Illegally representing himself as an officer of my company and continuing to do so after being told to stop.
8. Attempting to deceive the foreign Minister of works, of the country of Belize (Henry Canton)
9. Thief of Computer components and personal belongings
10. Knowingly transporting illegal contraband through Mexico and into Belize.
11. Attempted murder twice.

Ivan Garcia:
Photo attached
Mr. Garcia is an associate of Mr. Martin, a member of the Branhamnites and it was he that showed me the data on the ozone machine.

Rev. Daniel Martin, Chief Executive Officer
Worldwide Missionary Outreach, Inc.
P.O. Box 8, Murphy, ID 83650
40604 S. Finley Rd., Kennewick, WA 99337
P.O. Box 154, Genoa, IL 60135
For more information and photos see:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Mr. Daniel Martin, brother to Hudson Martin is apparently the one who controls the marketing of their Ozone machine.

The following are people that help me while in Belize. They can Verify many of the things that happened there.

U.S. ARMY Major (ret.) Debbie Dean
P.O. Box 206
Dangriga, Stann Creek District
Belize, Central America
email: [email protected]

Pastor Richard Wolley - King Jesus Ministries
P.O. BOX 26
Phone: 501-92-2791
FAX: 501-92-4128
email: [email protected]

Offender: Hudson Martin

Country: USA   State: Idaho   City: Melba
Address: 6839 hove rd

Category: Education & Science


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