» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: New Image Technology Call Center - New Image Technology call center answer service with dishonest and fraudulent business practices stay away consumers beware of New Image Technology NIT. #225162

Complaint / Review
New Image Technology Call Center
New Image Technology call center answer service with dishonest and fraudulent business practices stay away consumers beware of New Image Technology NIT

New Image Technology is a call center with a very shady, and I suspect, illegal business ethics. Please note that we have spent over six months of phone calls, letters, providing documentation and even getting our attorney involved before coming to this point that we are disclosing how New Image Technology has attempted (so far successfully) to rip us off. NIT has stone walled us and basically said that we can't hurt them and we can't sue them unless we travel to NY to do so. I feel that this is a tactic they know works for them because few companies will spend thousands of dollars traveling to NY to recover $1400. So we've chosen to take the new cyber route to warn folks of the dangers of doing business with the call center company called New Image Technology. We are still pursuing actions with several Federal & State organizations and online & offline consumer & business watch dog groups that may/or may not investigate this company and could possibly help us to recover our way overdue deposit money, interest on those funds and legal costs incurred to date. We are also in the process of working with the BBB to make sure that others know about this company.

Though the employees who actually answer the phone can do the job, it is the management team of Alex Fridman (President of New Image Technology) and Peter Miraglia (Vice-President of Operations) that are the shady ones you need to watch out for. If you're sharp and don't mind taking risks then this company is for you. But before considering doing business with them, be aware of a few of their tricks and hopefully what has happened to others won't happen to you. Here's the highlights:

* Don't give them an up-front deposit that is not held in a third party escrow account. If it is in their pocket you won't get it back when you get cheated by them and want to stop using them.
* Don't start mid-month. They will tell you they will pro-rate the month but they actually take it out of your deposit for the full monthly amount. If you want to risk using them, start on the first of the month.
* Don't accept a rate any higher than $0.55 per minute maximum (the rate we had) and don't pay a monthly rate. It's a rip-off tactic. They will try and suck you in for a minimum rate of $450 per month, even if your call volume can't justify it.
*What ever you do don't turn over your toll free number to them (they will pressure you hard to do so) or be prepared to be held hostage by these crooks. If you want to leave and go to a new company you'll have difficulty getting your toll free number reverted back to your control.
*Keep every single document, letters and emails, because you will need them when they begin to try to cheat you. This is the main thing that has helped us.
*Poll your customers randomly that have placed calls to your company that NIT handled. You'll find that more than 30% were not pleased with the level of customer service, even though they did get the job done.

When our contract ended with New Image Technology call center, 3 years after we started with New Image Technology, they first would not return any of our deposit and stated so in writing. After a month of letter writing, and getting nowhere, we finally got our attorney involved. New Image Technology then admitted in writing to our attorney that they did owe us the deposit back but refused to refund the money until we signed an agreement to not disclose what they had done in the way of trying to cheat us out of our deposit monies. They also claimed a much smaller deposit to be refunded then what was able to be proved by New Image Technology. And even though we have provided documented statements from the telephone company as to the actual amount of time used each month New Image Technology has refused to provide documentation (actual call logs) to prove their claims of the smaller deposit and has stated in writing that they do not recognise the phone companies records, only their own records (which they will not provide for the months in question). They also claim that they never agreed to pro-rate the first month of the contract even though we have it in writing that they did.

So to date New Image Technology Call Center owes our company over $1400 (as of May 1st) and is continuing to refuse to return the money they owe us. They said that they would give us about half of that amount if we signed a non-disclosure about their business practices. As you can see by this documentation, we declined that offer. They thought we'd give in, but we thought it was more important to stand up to this dis-honest company and warn others about them. So if you decide to do business with them, be forewarned, and let the "Buyer Beware".

All of the documentation; letters (including the attorneys letters), emails, even NIT's own monthly statements, with most signed by the President or Vice-President of New Image Technology, will be made available online shortly. These documents will show any reasonable person how they systematically steal the deposit money from their clients and how they will try to bully you with threats of lawsuits for disclosing the above information.

If you've been burned by this company contact us and let us know. If your information and documentation is complete, we will include your situation on a consumer website that reports on dishonest companies like New Image Technology Call Center along with other companies who have been burned by New Image Technology.

If you haven't signed a contract with them already then consider yourself lucky. Run very fast away from New Image Technology Call Center. You will be glad you did. There are to many good and honest companies to do business with that no one should have to mess with the dishonesty of the management within New Image Technology or a dishonest company like New Image Technology.

Should New Image Technology decide to refund the full amount of the money they owe us, including legal fees and interest to date, we will update this web page to let you know. However, since honesty and ethics are not something that they are known to posses, I don't expect they will provide our refund unless government agencies are able to force it out of them.

BTW: We've since found a fair and honest call center company that we can recommend if you are interested that is doing a far superior job to the efforts of NIT. And after 8 months of using this new call center our customers ratings of them is over 95% as good to excellent. Their minute rates are even better than NIT's. And since this company is honest, and isn't trying to rip anyone off, they didn't ask for any up-front deposit. They also didn't ask us to transfer our toll free line to them. It's a simple month to month contract. If we like them we stay, if we don't we leave. A good company doesn't need to try and rip off the customers, they just do a good job. It's the bad ones like New Image Technology that has to try to steal from the customers to make a few extra bucks. (PS - The only reason we didn't disclose our new call center on this page is because we don't want them associated to any of the negative stuff related to New Image Technology's call center. If you'd like to know who they are feel free to contact us.)

You've Been Warned!

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Offender: New Image Technology Call Center

Country: USA   State: New York   City: Blauvelt
Address: 600 Bradley Hill Road
Phone: 8885987788

Category: Education & Science


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