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Found 552 reviews / complaints
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Wells Fargo

Six weeks ago we checked our credit report with all 3 credit agencies. It was perfect, pristine except for an auto loan that Wells Fargo claimed to have given us 8 years ago in which the payments were untimely... Damaging our credit. Neither my husband or myself have ever done business with Wells ...

Wells Fargo
Awful company

Was on and ARM mortgage. Knew is was going to mature in Sept or Oct. Started working early (I thought) to get a fixed 30 yr. Loan. At first in Feb. 08 I was told I was upside down like everyone else in the valley here and could not be helped. I waited. At the end of May a friend and I went to see ...

Wells Fargo
Terrible experience

I was off work for a back surgery for many months, was only getting 80% of my income, but I still made all my payments on time. I then went to work for a company who fired me because I was sick, and they didn't want to have to pay out disability. At this time, I had NO income, so I missed 2 ...

Wells Fargo Home
Loan closing delay

This really is an admonition to anybody searching for a Slow Home Loan (RML) bank to consider twice before utilizing Wells Fargo bank�s mortgage providers. Our present encounter together is getting back uncomfortable thoughts of an early on encounter with Financial Independence, that was the ...

Wells Fargo Bank

We have been customers of Wells Fargo bank for about two years. We are currently in the process of seeking out a more honest bank to switch our accounts to. Wells Fargo has made it a habit of fabricating overdraft charges every month and in all has probably stolen more than $1000 from us by doing ...

Wells Fargo
Fraudulent activity

Because of neglect about the section of Wells Fargo and Washington Shared I've dropped my home and my great credit score. 2 and half decades after my breakup and also the bankruptcy of my company, I reestablished my credit a a house for my home. I refinanced that house following a year to obtain a ...