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Found 4 reviews / complaints

Dapartment of Legal Affairs and Investigations
Got 3 phone calls from 213-261-5794 Dept of Legal Affairs and Investigation on 2/9 from a heavy accented woman telling me to call them back and if I didnt have an attorney then "GOOD LUCK" Internet

I got 3 phone calls from 213-264-5794 Dept of Legal Affairs and Investigation on 2/9. This women with a thick accent left 2 messages on my cell phone telling me to call them back immediately or to have my attorney call them and if I didnt have an attorney then all she can say is "GOOD ...

"Department of legal affairs and investigation"
Department of legal affairs and investigation Robert Smith Threaten to sue me and have "the cops put me in jail tomorrow if i dont give them my attorney and or fees today" N/A

Called me a couple times throuought the day, on my cell phone and work phone. Threatening to sue me with an open case, that i should have already been aware of because of a "loan i never payed off"... I never received any loan. If i didnt give them my attorneys number and the fees, they ...

Department of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Micheal Gato I'm sitting down watching tv and i recieve a call saying i did pay back a payday loan i recieved and I never received one. No deposit made to my account. I tried calling the number and asking for the Internet

I watching tv. And I recieved a call asking whether or not i had an attorney and i said no and i asked why would i need one. And they said because you are being sued for non-payment of a payday loan. I probably applied for one, but never went through with it. I never received any paperwork about it ...