» 8007367500 » 8007367500 | Page 32

Phone: 8007367500
Found 301 reviews / complaints
Page 32

900 # fraud! Faq900ZZ - Computer Trojan/worm/virus - Dialer fraud. It's not the local phone company's fault, they're required by law to accept these low-life outfits. Rip-off!

Like others here, Integretel slapped a $40 charge on my SBC phone bill for an outfit called FAQ900. ComZZ. Even though my computer has the Windows Firewall activated, and I have Norton Antivirus running, somehow in late November a Trojan Horse installed a virus 'Dialer' program. A Google search ...

Fraudulent billing claim

My computer received a Trojan Horse containing a program that hijacked my browser, set up a dialer and dialed 900-444-0290. I have called both Verizon and AT&T to attempt to cancel all billing for this fraudulent use of both my computer and my phone by Integretel. I discovered that this has ...