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Revivagenix The internet saw the adveritisement for free trial of $4.99 and I did not authorize any other transaction to buy the product from my checking account, I want my money back and cancel the account of ($92.95) with Revivagenix now
Found 1 review / complaint

Revivagenix The internet saw the adveritisement for free trial of $4.99 and I did not authorize any other transaction to buy the product from my checking account, I want my money back and cancel the account of ($92.95) with Revivagenix now
Consumer Report

1 free bottle of revivagenix for $4.99 my ID # 640177 I didn't order this product just wanted try it, I see no difference yet before trying more of your product. Please send my money back ASAP. Thank you for your time in this matter. ...