» Micro Soft X Box 360 - Reviews, Complaints, Contacts

Micro Soft X Box 360
Found 2 reviews / complaints

Micro Soft X Box 360
X-BOX 360 Scam shutting down legit consoles blaming games purchased at EB Games, rip off, called microsoft many itmes and have waited on hold, get recording, they make excuses, blame me for problems

I purchased a brand new x box 360 from Best Buy 3 years ago, bought all games brand new, none used. Console never modified. My online behavior is great, I don't cuss and swear at people, i like to play with friends from school and mute anyone coming in swearing. All the games are purchased brand ...

Micro Soft X Box 360
Microsoft Corp. I have owned my X-box 360 for only 2 years and it has already broke down with the ring of death and nobody from x-box wants to replace it

Microsoft has a lot of money paid by consumers like myself and this company does not find it necisary to train thier customer survice reps. I baught my system two years ago and the help center says I have to pay another $100.00 to repair my system even though i paid $400.00 already for the x box ...