» Lake Forest » Lake Forest | Page 24

City: Lake Forest
Found 310 reviews / complaints
Page 24

Money Stolen $1.95 $57.61

Grants360 can be a scam. Anticipated just $1.95 to become taken, that they did, then your following evening they deducted $57.61. They guaranteed a "package" and/or online edition. Neither one occurred. They've two telephone numbers 866 978 9373 and 866 955 1669. I'm beginning to contact ...

Fleastuff Or Vaccination Services Or Vaccination Services membership is a scam, calling order instead of ordering online will result in being charged higher price

If you order from them, please be aware their membership and coupons are total scams. Their website post a price for their products but if you call to place your order, you will be charged a higher price. The only way to become a member, you have to call. When you order with one of their coupons or ...