» City: DePere - Reviews, Complaints, News

City: DePere
Found 6 reviews / complaints

Wel Companies
Wel, Wel company, wel companys, wisconsin express Lines, Wisconsin Express Logistics Wel Company is out to make thier life better at your expense

This Company is Not A great company to work for, they will have you working up to 65 hrs plus per week with lousy benefits and no overtime per the motor carriers act. There base pay is the absolute minimum with no chance of a raise unless your workiing in a shop. The company is slowly going under ...

Ameriprise Auto and Home Insurance
Deceptive, disregard of truth, unethical, creating fiction, failure to take responsibility, blaming the innocent, victimizing the victim

I was behind a driver in an exit lane at a mall. The driver backed into me, damaging both vehicles. The driver admitted full responsibility. A police report was filed also assigning full responsibility to the other driver. I agreed. The driver is insured by Ameriprise. On the police report, his ...

Poor customer service

I'm a committed stayathome mother with 3 kids and like the majority of hardworking people we store at walmart to conserve money and time. Exactly what a laugh! Maybe you have ceased and really looked over people buying in walmart. No body is cheerful or pleased since buying at walmart is becoming ...