» Cars & Transport » Complaint / Review: Easy Care - Automotive Protection Corp - APCO, John Sutherland And Steve McRae Are A JOKE! - Easy Care, Automotive Protection - APCO, John Sutherland And Steve McRae Are A JOKE! Did not honor thier warrany and have left me high and dry with an $850 tear down bill and $125 tow bill!. #457880

Complaint / Review
Easy Care - Automotive Protection Corp - APCO, John Sutherland And Steve McRae Are A JOKE!
Easy Care, Automotive Protection - APCO, John Sutherland And Steve McRae Are A JOKE! Did not honor thier warrany and have left me high and dry with an $850 tear down bill and $125 tow bill!

I purchased an extended warranty in 2005 on a new Chevrolet Trailblazer from Easy Care Vehicle Service Contracts. On April 24, while traveling on vacation, the engine of the Trailblazer began making a knocking noise. I immediately pulled over and shut the engine down. A local resident of the area allowed me to leave the vehicle at her house until I could make arrangements to have it towed to a repair shop. Family members that were traveling with us helped us transfer our belongings to their vehicle and towed my boat to our destination. On April 26, a wrecker towed the Trailblazer to the dealership from who I purchased it, Patriot Chevrolet in Hopkinsville, KY, which is what Easy Care recommends. I was contacted a few days later by Patriot Chevrolet who stated that the engine would have to be torn down for an inspector from Easy Care to inspect the engine before the repairs would be authorized and that I need to supply any maintenance records that I had. I explained that I was on vacation and that as soon as I got home I would try and dig up any records that I may have. I was contacted again at end of the week and told that the inspector from the warranty company would be there on May 4. I told them that I would try and have the maintenance records there on that day. I had to borrow a truck from a family member to get my boat home and again to take the maintenance records to Patriot Chevrolet. I was unable to get the records there on the day that the inspector was there but I did get them there the next day. I was advised by the service department that Easy Care was refusing to pay for the repairs and that I would be responsible for paying $850 for the tear down of the engine. The service department at the dealership told me that the engine had spun a rod bearing, the rod then broke and cracked the cylinder wall. I contacted Easy Care at the number provided to me by Patriot Chevrolet and spoke to "Chris" with Customer Service who told me that the repairs were being denied on the basis of lack of maintenance and lubrication. I then asked to speak to his supervisor and was told that John Sutherland would contact me. Awhile later John Sutherland called me back and told me that he received no maintenance records and that the claim was being denied for lack of maintenance and lubrication. I explained that I had kept the vehicle maintained better than the manufacturer's recommendation and had took the records I was able to locate to Patriot Chevrolet. Sutherland told me that he received no records and that they would not likely change the decision, but if I wanted I could fax them in anyway. I contacted Patriot Chevrolet and asked them to fax the records to Easy Care attention John Sutherland. A couple days later I received a call from John Sutherland and was told that the claim was still being denied. On May 11, I again contacted the customer service department of Easy Care and stated that I wanted to talk to a supervisor over John Sutherland and I was put in contact with Steve McRae who I explained the situation to. McRae then told me based on the evidence that he had from the inspector's report that the claim would not be paid because the vehicle had not been maintained no matter what the maintenance records showed and that there was a gap in the records from November to present. He also stated that there was some sludge in the engine along with carbon build up in the oiI pan. I told him that I was asked to bring in the records that I had and that I could not find all of them. I also told him that I would try to go to the shops where I had the oil changed and see if they had copies of the records that I could not find. McRae then told me not to bother because they still would not pay the claim even if I was able to locate the missing records. I told him that I just wanted to give them a chance to make good on the warranty before I contacted the BBB. I feel that Easy Care is not keeping their end of the warranty. I paid $2578.00 for an extended warranty that is not worth the paper it is written on. I have talked with three other mechanics who stated that a vehicle with 74,000 miles on it is going to have some sludge under the valve covers and also have some tarnish from the oil in it. I have never been as disgusted with the service of another company as I am with the service from Easy Care. I now have an $850.00 bill for the tear down of the engine that I have no Idea how I am going to pay, I have to make $557.00 payment on a vehicle that I can't drive and it is going to cost between $3300.00 and $6300.00 to repair it depending on if they use a used engine or a remanufactured engine. When I purchased the warranty at the dealership I was under the impression that it was a GM extended warranty if I had known that it was through a fly by night company I would have never purchased this warranty! I have complied with all of their requests and the only thing that I have done wrong is not reading the warranty paperwork thoroughly when I purchased the vehicle. The paperwork was pushed in front of me and I was rushed into signing it, but you can bet your butt that next time if it takes me 8 hours to read it all, word for word, that is what I will do before signing another document and I recommend others learn from my mistake. To anyone that may be reading this save yourself the headache and stay clear of Easy Care extended warranties. I have filed a complaint through the Better Buisness Bureau but I will be surprised if anything comes of it. If anyone has any suggestions that may help with this nightmare please feel free to let me know. I recently had back surgery and am currently disabled and my wife was laid off in November from her job of 14 years. This Trailblazer is my family's primary vehicle; we have an older GMC Jimmy that only runs half the time. I have doctor appointments in Nashville, TN and I was really counting on the extended warranty to rent us a vehicle until ours was repaired. I had to cancel the appointment that I had for today (05/12). I am at my wits end and have not a clue as how to proceed. I expect Patriot Chevrolet to contact me any day now wanting me to either come get the Trailblazer or authorize the repairs and I don't have the money to do either right now. Easy Care has really put me in a bad spot and they could easily care less!!! Thanks for reading.


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