» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: - Site claims 430% portfolio increase for the year, despite losing 60% after claiming that. #358815

Complaint / Review
Site claims 430% portfolio increase for the year, despite losing 60% after claiming that

I subscribed to for $250 for one year. As a member I watched as the trader who runs the site within one month:

1) Lose 60% on the two trades, then not report it. Losses happen in the market, all part of the game, but the site continued to claim 430% portfolio growth for one month after this trade, despite the true number being 180% or close to it for many weeks.

2) Made one trade on sister site (which I joined for one year, also $250) and decided the site was a bad idea and shut down the service without offering a refund. This happened three days after my payment.

3) Stopped joining the chat room almost completely after starting a NEW, $1000 chat room, despite the promise on the site And with our real-time instant chat feature our members have full access to the wisdom and guidance of our top professional trader from market open to market close.

4) Ceased posting nightly trade signals for 3 consecutive days, after which, when I complained in conjunction with asking for a refund for #2, I was SUSPENDED FROM THE SITE with no refund.

Email chain follows:

Dear Member,

Since you are not aware with what our alert service provides and when it is required to provide it, and you wish a refund of a clearly marked non-refundable membership fee, and refuse to listen to reason, and further insult and threaten to take recourse against us; we have no choice but to block your membership to our site and service and request that you take your dispute up with Paypal.

With utmost respect,

Member Management Team

From: T, Todd [mailto: Todd]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07 10:51 AM
Subject: RE:—second demand

Are you aware that I am a customer?
Are you familiar with this concept? It seems that you think I'm something like a disgruntled worker in your firm, not someone who contracted your services for a price. Okay, since you do not want to work with me on very reasonable issues, I do have recourse. There are several agencies on the internet that deal with monitoring and cataloguing complaints against fraudulent websites doing business on the internet.

If you continue to maintain that you can simply not deliver on what I paid for, I will pursue reporting of my situation, including all honest, actual details.

As a Christian, I'm truly saddened and disappointed with the hypocritical and downright dishonest ways of your operation. You really should reconsider posting Bible verses on your site. It's a bad witness.

Todd T
Principal Engineer

From: [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07 8:37 AM
To: T, Todd
Subject: RE:—second demand
Importance: High

Dear Member,
It appears you are not aware of certain issues. First, as stated in our EOD Analysis the time you've lost on the small-cap service will be added to your membership so you lose nothing, we are simply waiting for the new site to be opened to fix the problems... This fix is to help our members have a better site and tools to work with. Second, the Nightly trade signals at PSA are issued when there are opportunities, right now we see none, and we are not under any obligation to create false buy signals just to make one member feel better about a down market.

As for performance posted on our website, again, we are building a new site and all data will be updated at that time, as there is no need to update a site that is going to be scrapped soon.

Finally, we recommend your read our disclaimer and be more careful in your tone when sending us e-mails if you expect a positive or helpful response.

With utmost respect,
Member Management Team

From: T, Todd [mailto: Todd]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07 10:31 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject:—second demand


This is my second request.

I was an early customer of PowerStockTrades, and paid $250 for ONE YEAR's service. However, a mere DAYS later, the service was suspended after just ONE TRADE.

I am aware that there is talk of restarting the service in another form, but it has now been over ONE MONTH. I demand a refund. Is this clear? One twelfth of the time period I purchased has elapsed with NO SERVICE.

Frankly, I would not be so worried if it wasn't demonstrated that the Power Stock Alerts site is CLEARLY DISHONEST. What a slap in the face it is to all of those who lost 60% of their bankroll on EXM/WFC when you still LIE and say that your portfolio is up 430%. Enough is enough. Recalculating on a regular schedule is one thing, but CROWING THAT YOU HAVE GAINED 430% for a month after the true figure was 180% is not a delay in posting. Let's be honestit's a flat lie. It is a lie every day that it is up there. And if this firm will lie about something as fundamental as that, I cannot take it on faith that my PST payment is anything but a breach of contract, kept for the convenience of the operators.

Furthermore, it has been, now, THREE DAYS since nightly trade signals were posted on the PSA site. It is bad enough that the PSA Trade Chat for which I also paid $250 for one year has become and empty shell of its former self, with 99% of time spent by the owner outside the chat room originally subscribed to. (And with our real-time instant chat feature our members have full access to the wisdom and guidance of our top professional trader from market open to market close.) This is bad enough, however, the nightly trade signals going away is, as far as I'm concerned, a breach.

Listen, it's not about the money. This is about principle and honesty. You cannot offer people a ONE YEAR service and eliminate it after a day or a month, and expect happy customers. You cannot simply do whatever you like after you've charged people money for an actual service. You cannot simply lie about your performance.

I demand a full refund for my payment on PST, and I strongly request PSA begin behaving as promised, and return to honesty in its operations.

I do not care what PST will become. I will evaluate joining the new service SEPARATELY, at that time. I would like a refund for the service I paid for which no longer exists.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Todd T

Principal Enginee


Country: USA

Category: Business & Finance


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