» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Armond Budish - Speaker of the Ohio House is AFRAID? Of opening a 17-year old confidential file - with the statute of limitations expired - from an unproven State Medical Board of Ohio case that ruined the career of a young woman MD in 1992. #460218

Complaint / Review
Armond Budish
Speaker of the Ohio House is AFRAID? Of opening a 17-year old confidential' file - with the statute of limitations expired - from an unproven State Medical Board of Ohio case that ruined the career of a young woman MD in 1992

Armond Budish will leave injustice as he found it - for lack of integrity, for guy stupidity, and for Ohio corruptions to continue bankrupting the State of Ohio -while he formulates a 'budget' that includes more of the same.

The Medical Board of Ohio recycles cases, like cheap paper, for 17 years without a budget limitation; no mistake laws for the Ohio State Medical Board or Ohio physicians - so that medical/surgical care gaffes, or diagnostic mistakes, can be admitted and everyone move forward - as the Ohio Court of Appeals suggested in 1993.

Many other State Medical Boards have provisions for making a 'disciplinary' or medical license suspension mistake - as the Boards don't have to have a proven case, or even a reasonable case in Ohio, before acting - but Ohio, and Speaker Budish, can't admit a mistake. And men, or 'the boys, ' make mistakes.

This woman MD does not have what she was accused of, even after 17 years of paid trying to make her, but she needs a life if the statute of limitations has expired on this 'confidential' document, and the liability of the paid hired-gun signees, if not the case.

Mr. Rick Whitehouse, current Executive Director of the State Medical Board, has admitted that the statute of limitations is over on the 'confidential' - so it's time that the Ohio taxpayers get a look at how their monies were spent from 1992, and how much was spent on this false case for politics. This is money that could have compounded for the State Treasury, and compounding of $1Million is a lot - that money alone would have kept Ohio out of it's present financial crisis.

Wrist fractures were left uncasted for weeks, and not one blood test was ordered in two years, from 1990-2, that had a verifiable result - as USUALLY happens in Ohio when there is a medical mistake. The labs end up in the round-file because there are no medical mistake laws - so everything is trashed before anyone sees it. Meanwhile there's not a black in Ohio who would not have complained, and won their case based on prejudicially inadequate treatment - but women get worse care than blacks in Ohio as guaranteed by the blacks on the Ohio State Medical Board. There are many double-standards at the Ohio State Medical Board, but there's not a black woman MD that would have put up with this care in Ohio, or had to.

Armond D. Budish (D-Beachwood) is the current Speaker of the House for the 128th Ohio General Assembly; he represents the 8th House District, which includes parts of the city of Cleveland and its eastern suburbs adjacent to this woman MDs district he knows the care problems that occurred in the care the egos of the male orthopedics who couldn't be wrong - the medical rivalries that interfere with the correct diagnosis and treatment of patients; a district where The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals physicians can't work together on a difficult diagnosis before they trash the woman MD patient - because they can and the Medical Board wants physicians to trash each other - or the Board doesn't have enough cases to justify new offices, etc.

The Medical Board of Ohio won't do a position paper on how physicians are to care for colleague-physicians; using the same Hippocratic oath principles, that they do for other patients, instead of selling each other out for the money. Carla O'Day MD has a career based on selling every competitor, or would-be competition, out.

The case' involved a falsified Rorschach, a psychiatric diagnosis that didn't exist, an impairment' vote in 2004 (when the Board still couldn't prove' the case) without any legal criteria for this IMPAIRMENT, and constant changing of the procedural rules and confidential' complaint; 5 evaluations and 2 Hearings at taxpayer expense = close to a $1Million in an obsessive paper dogfight.

None of the case involved the patient care of the woman MD; just that she made too much of admittedly bad orthopedic care' care which shouldn't have been going on anywhere - even in 1992 - and certainly not in 2009.

Wrist fractures were left uncasted, unreduced, and casts were placed without adequate padding even at Hillcrest Hospital (she even had to buy the padding for one orthopedic who couldn't order things he was so impaired) where she was treated in a conference room because of the disorganization.

The woman MD had to order her own fracture x-rays or not get them, and she had to refer herself in the end to orthopedic experts, in the tri-state area of Minnesota, New York, and Indiana, that the local MDs wouldn't speak to. Dr. Nice & Dr. Keith only speak at parties and beer rounds otherwise they run away from their orthopedic problems and the Medical Board handles their mistakes and malpractices - by destroying their victims.

The local orthopedics refused to consult with The Cleveland Clinic even, lest they find the diagnosis that the woman had which was causing the fractures; the Cleveland Clinic did finally get the diagnosis. But the current Board Members won't speak to The Cleveland Clinic even Armond Budish won't call the physician at The Cleveland Clinic who knows what is really going on; that none of this is psychiatric' just poor Ohio women's medicine where the women are treated like the boys' and don't do so well.

Ohio physicians can't even do a set of thyroid function tests before taking the medical license of an objecting woman physician who had a family history of a familial thyroid problem; no one took a medical history before drinks at the State Medical Board. The Medical Board in Ohio doesn't believe in blood work, or in physicians getting 'care-to-function, ' before the Board suspends the physician's medical license for being a 'bad patient' - and not agreeing to experimental casts, exploratory surgeries, complications that never happen elsewhere, and to refer to the 'right' physicians.

Even the May 13-14th meetings at the Medical Board didn't involve any resolutions - just dinner and drinks at Ohio taxpayer expense. Where's the 'confidential' file, and does it even exist at this point, or has it gone the way of the blood work and the money? Speaker Budish should have some answers - he's a legal journalist and should know the questions to ask.

The Ohio State Medical Board refused to recognize the opinion of the New York expert psychiatrist who co-wrote the DSM = the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Psychiatry for the whole country; the Ohio Medical Board follows their own version of the DSM. And the author' of the 'confidential' file, a woman MD that this woman knew in Medical School at CWRU, must be 65 - if that = Dr. Carla O'Day MD = who controversially ran the case against a former classmate from Medical School, and who profited with a huge contract from Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights Ohio; everyone knows that she ran with the 'blood' money and no one wants to 'look into it' - even Speaker Budish.

The Medical Board has been unable to prove' the case, and no patients have come forward, while insisting that the woman MD admit the case or never practice medicine again. The Medical Board has no legal rights to take licenses prophylactically for being a bad patient' not agreeing to experimental care, unnecessary surgeries or explorations, ' and Dr. Nice leaving fracture to 'rot' to excrescence while he plays polo and parties - up and down Mayfield Road - that is partly in Mr. Budish's district - so he's guilty of allowing the bad medical care corruptions, parties, and mistakes in his district.

Speaker Budish should be able to do better than hiding his head in the sand' at 17 years should have more self-respect than that when even Mr. Rick Whitehouse admits that the statute of limitations is over.' But the case isn't. Everyone in Columbus has been concerned about the statute of limitations' only because the case is as false as the false' confession that the Board wants.

Where is the Speaker Budish that the legislature elected? - at one of those Mayfield Road or Gates Mills Hunt Club parties? - where the checks just turn up under the napkins for 'services rendered'? Some disclosure, and some accountability, are in order after 17 years - regardless of the food and drinks.

Offender: Armond Budish

Country: USA   State: Ohio   City: Columbus
Address: 77 S. High St, 14th Floor
Phone: 6144665441

Category: Miscellaneous


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