» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: CCDN - Robert Lock Jr. - Philip Manger - Tracey Webster - R&G Marketing - CCDN - Robert Lock Jr - Philip Manger - Tracey Webster - R&G Marketing Procede with Caution.ccDN & Tracey Webster bear a strong resemblance to The Wizard Of Oz All a Dream. Caution - Take another road.., Chicago, Florida. #290488

Complaint / Review
CCDN - Robert Lock Jr. - Philip Manger - Tracey Webster - R&G Marketing
CCDN - Robert Lock Jr - Philip Manger - Tracey Webster - R&G Marketing Procede with Caution.ccDN & Tracey Webster bear a strong resemblance to "The Wizard Of Oz" All a Dream. Caution - Take another road.., Chicago, Florida

Procede with caution if you are considering doing business with CCDN, founding attorney Robert Lock Jr (per their website & marketing group). The ccdnlaw website does have a picture, which may or may not be Mr Lock and Mr Manger - but, since they still remain posted as of this date, I will assume it must be them or I would expect that by now they would have been removed.

I spoke to Phil Manger before entering into the program. Later, had a conference call with others considering entering the program, directed by a gentlemen from CAF. He explained the program quite throughly, seemed sincere and knowledgable.

I paid for the program in June/ July.

I discussed my 1st judgment with Tracey over the phone, and have spoken to him on at least 3/4 occasions-Until Now. Tracey Webster appears to be the only point of contact mentioned thus far on this site through CCDN/the support group. May be a heavy load if they sincerley have thousands of clients.

Having just been "in deep debt" entering the program, I now have 3 judgments while in the program, with 1 more possibly on the way.ccDN did inform me to expect at least 3 to 4, standard for the program. That so far has been the absolute truth.

I requested an update 3 on all accounts, my response was an interoffice thread informing me that they have almost nothing - or - have plenty but nothing is complete - or - incomplete files & they are trying to work for me and had requested the information months ago.

"Requested information from me months ago" would be a false statement and a really bad system for communicating with a client/customer. While it's possible, that the request is still out there in cyber space - Yet, if there was something needed, and they were indeed trying to work for me, I would say a follow up email or phone call would have been the remedy/solution. Perhaps even leaving a message, since they did state that "they are trying to work for me".

I had often followed up faxes with emails to confirm the support group had received the documention. Everything was faxed and mailed. Lots and lots of documentation.

Aside from the overwhelming fear - my thoughts were - are they looking at just the stragglers and those accounts without judgments? Or perhaps the wrong client? This certainly can't be happening, must be a mistake.

Assuming it must be an error, my last email sent just last week - addressed only one account. I forwarded a previous email received from the support group on 4 stating the file (me vs debt collector) was sent "To Bob Today" Robert Lock Jr, their lead attorney. As well as an additional email attachment from 8 informing me they were finishing the complaint on the same file. Questioning how these two things could have happened with incomplete files? Sent to their new email address. Not saying they didn't happen, but unable confirm at this time that they ever did.

No response. No phone call, No email, No auto responder. Nothing.

Still, I have had no response. Is CCDN for real or not? Do you want to be where I am today? It's been depressing, scary, expensive & taxing on my health. The choice was mine, I may have been mislead. It would appear at this time I have made a bad decision.

So I am sharing my experience with those who might be considering this process. Procede with caution. It's been quite a journey so far.

I am still a client of CCDN. I'm not a disgruntled ex employee, not a competitor, not a difficult to deal with customer & not disorganized or lacking the ability to follow instruction. I am however disappointed, discouraged and perhaps have been mislead into believing in something that was & may not ever happen in this lifetime.

What do YOU think has happened, will happen, is happening or want to see happen?

Just like The Wizard of Oz... For me, it appears to be all a dream. "Please considered taking another road, the Yellow Brick Road is under construction. It has roadblocks and unattended nasty pot holes at this time. Procede With Caution"... No signs have been posted!!! Until recently, on this site.

Perhaps more signs would prevent and protect people from traveling down this road, so someone can fix it. The road has been extremely hazardous for some and people are getting hurt.

I would like nothing better than to update this report, glorify this business, and do the happy dance. Unfortunately in having no response, the prospect of that happening appears to be grim.

PS. The Yellow Brick Road comment is not my original comment, read it somewhere, sometime, author unknown to me, just seemed like an appropriate fit.


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